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Saturday Cinema with Le Fly: A Beautiful Mind

Last year, Nobel prize winning mathematician and the man whom this movie was based upon was killed in a taxi coming home from the airport. The moron driving him, most likely some Turk, was new to the business of livery. Previous to killing John Nash and his wife, the livery cab driver was a fucking iced cream truck driver.


This movie was about Nash cracking Russian code for the lug wrenches in the US military, circa 1950s. It was also about Nash’s schizophrenia, something that haunted him for his entire life. It was a supreme cinematic accomplishment for director Ron Howard and lead actor Russel Crowe.

Personally, I rather enjoyed Ed Harris menacing Nash throughout the film, fucking with his big, crazy, brain.

If it were my tombstone, it’d read: ‘Genius. Helped win Cold War. Won Nobel Prize for Game Theory. Professor at MIT, Princeton. Killed by fucking iced cream truck driver. Fuck this shit.’

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  1. t.c.

    I believe the driver’s iced cream truck had 12631 written on the side of it. Not a coincidence.

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  2. el rey de cucamonga
    el rey de cucamonga

    Ron Howard – highly underrated.

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  3. frog

    A fascinating movie about a brilliant person who constructively changed the world. That’s horrible about the car accident killing him.

    On another subject, below is an Interesting article about Syria. Probably not totally correct, but at least they are trying to discover facts. I think they are right about the neocons’ intentional lies. However, the implication that Assad is some blameless victim is ridiculous. He slaughtered lots of his people, causing the refugee crisis. And Putin propped him up while he did it.

    It’s not up to the U.S. to cause Syrian regime change if the locals don’t want that. Or perhaps they want it, but realize that Russia is militarily powerful enough to keep Assad in power, despite the will of the people. But Syrians don’t want to stay there and get killed by Assad or Putin either. They want to live in places like Belgium.

    I prefer to read good journalists’ reports, rather than to tell everyone who disagrees with me that they are stupid and gullible– and young and poor– the ultimate four letter word insult in the U.S. today– as is the custom in the U.S. today.


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    • t.c.

      Young and poor is not much of an insult. We’ve all been to both of those places.

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  4. frog

    BTW, Chuck, when I talked on this board with him about Syria, did not choose to reveal his news sources or the particular ideological viewpoint he comes from. He honestly doesn’t think he has one. But this guy Parry who runs this consortiumnews.com seems to share Chuck’s Syria views.

    Parry is sort of a mirror image of a neocon. Neocons never saw a war or conflict that they didn’t believe the U.S. should get involved in. Parry holds a sort of isolationist Libertarian belief system, believing the U.S. should not intervene in other nations’ affairs except strictly in self defense. And Parry also believes that every word the neocons say is a lie.

    My impressions are somewhere in between. I think that only about 80% of statements the neocons make are lies. They do occasionally tell the truth, but only if that truth could be used to justify military intervention in a country. Truth is not so easy to discern that all you have to do is find a habitual liar and then believe the opposite.

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  5. frog

    If I read consortiumnews.com on some issue, and then read Vox.com on the same issue, then I can get ideas from 2 sets of fact oriented journalists with 3 different perspectives. Each of them makes some important points to consider, as well as numerous disagreements with one another. To me, this is more likely to work for finding the truth than reading a single source and being a true believer of that ideology.

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  6. frog

    2 or 3.

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  7. frog

    Vox on Syria. I am really impressed with their fact finding in their articles. And their not being very ideological. E.g. they do not do the usual U.S. “journalism” of assuming that Obama or Hillary is always right– or is always wrong, and then try to prove their case. They simply look for the facts.

    14 hard truths on Syria no one wants to admit


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    • doubleplus

      Jesus man – take this bullshit to Reddit or ZH. Nobody cares.

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  8. Dr. Fly

    Close to gettiNg banned, frog. This is egregious

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  9. braveflaps

    Since this Nash accident I have taken to wearing seat belts in cabs and other mode of Braveflappian livery. Advise you do the same lest you be attaturked and/or iced creamed at high speed.

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  10. dragun

    Great Movie

    and somehow Denzel won for Training Day …. the academy had it in for Crow that year .. he should have won back to back Gladiator and then Beautiful Mind

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    • vampyr

      Denzel deserved winning. He is a brilliant actor. “American Gangster” was brilliant and…… he starred, along with many other brill actors in the film, Russell Crowe.

      I have mixed feelings about Training Day but I’m inclined to think it is high on my list.

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  11. Dr. Fly


    Quit hijacking non political posts with your horseshit

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  12. get swole

    John Nash was a genius but not smart enough to wear a seat belt…

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  13. vampyr

    What a weird coincidence; just watched this movie in while in a Detox program. I probably never would have watched it again in my life but a rather large group of fellow detoxers wanted to watch it and I guess it was deemed safe from “triggers”.

    I think John Nash was even more difficult and more of an ass-hole in real life but you can’t deny brilliance in mathematics, music, chess, literature, art, finance, and dare I say economics, etc. etc.; we make adjustments. He seemed to accomplish employing mind over matter (his mind matter no less) which is admirable in and of itself.

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    • moosh

      Welcome back vampyr. Hope your doing well. The self ban post was some of the funniest shit I ever read.

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      • vampyr

        Thank You. I’m doing OK. Nothing a little less Zolpidem and a little more [Beautiful Mindfulness] and putting Cognitive Therapy Techniques into action can’t help.

        Yes, Monsieur Le Duc de Fly has a wonderful way with words. And I really enjoy the ppl who reply on ibankcoin.com

        And it was a real “checkmate” adding Jeff Macke as one of his principle writers.

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  14. wisprjet

    Good movie. A lot of respect for Ron Howard.

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