18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,500 Blog Posts

Flushing Action

Poof! And just like that the rally is gone. Early gains have been given up, exchanged for the utter decimation of the markets, likely fueled by forced liquidations.

Everything is so dramatic. This is a business for fucking morons, cold calling, trading like fools, making jackasses out of yourselves morons.

Ordinary people playing in the sandbox, losing all of their money on expiration day.

There is so much to hate about this business, especially after dealing with the soap opera storyline for a few decades. It grinds on you, makes you want to kick dogs and throw people off bridges. But don’t get mad, bro. You’re just succumbing to base instincts, devolving into an animal because your fucking stocks went down.

I have no idea what the market is going to do over the next 6 months. But I do know this: the rubberband is being stretched to the point of maximum pain. Since crashes are low probability trades, my money is for the sharpest motherfucking rally you’ve ever seen, followed immediately by a retest of the lows.

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  1. lplongo

    Rally begins mid Oct, ends mid Dec, continues into late Jan/early Feb but fizzles and then we begin the real decline.


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  2. zuullosespws

    Too much uncertainty out there. Not sure what short balances are like overall, but in SPY they are the lowest since January. That means ES is probably similar. I am short oil and long intermediate bonds. Those are my only two positions. Keeping it very simple.

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  3. chartolator

    I need punching bag.

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  4. prometheus

    “… my money is for the sharpest motherfucking rally you’ve ever seen”

    Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to build a time machine of their own. China holds the key here, since the Fed is impotent, indefinitely, all the Fed can do is pull the market further down now.

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  5. darkpain

    My $ is the turn upward is at hand and the spear is about to be thrust into the chest cavity of the Bear.

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  6. juice

    no worries .. money will soon be useless … our so-called leaders have completely lost it & caved in to their advisors of doom, death & destruction


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    • razorsedge

      We are asleep a the wheel, so why pundants fill us with quips of cleaver bulshit selling useless info and services . Some will take heed and stand up for what’s right even if it means destruction.

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