18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,500 Blog Posts

A Final Word on the Hurricane

I just got an email from one of you little dicksuckers, decrying my pervious post regarding the hurricane. This woman/man/transexual lamented over my seemingly insensitive approach with regards to Hurricane Irene. What this 7th grade child didn’t comprehend is my post was dripping with sarcasm and was aimed at the idiots who minimized the storm as something worth laughing at.

In an attempt to stoop down to your 7th grade reading level, I will address you directly.

Friends of mine have lost their homes. That’s bad. Several friends of mine live up in the Catskills, where people are being evacuated from the rooftops, as small streams transform into raging rivers, totally wiping out towns. That’s also bad. My sister was trapped in a mandatory evacuation zone and my house is perched on Staten Island, a place hardest hit by the hurricane, and I have no idea if my house has a tree through it or not. Once again, I am against these occurrences.

Moreover, while most of you deviants drank yourselves to sleep, “The Fly” was up until 4am, posting relevant news and information for those who needed it.

If you fail to comprehend my wit, I strongly suggest leaving this site and never coming back again. Sir, you are a fucktard, on a very high level. I spit on people of you ilk and pray to the Gods for your instant liquidation from the matrix.

In other news, the markets are unaffected by the storm and look to trade higher, at least for now. Once again, with my money, I like refiners. I’d avoid tech stocks, since they are in the process of blowing up investors via horrendous eps cuts. If you want to buy dips, make sure your company or industry peer isn’t set  to post earnings. They’ve been arm, head, leg, arm, leg rippers.

UPDATE: For those interested in the events occurring in the Catskills. check out Watershed live blogging. She is doing a bang up job.

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  1. Hawaiifive0

    I had a friend like the person who e-mailed you. I hadbto explain every joke I made. Some people just have no sense of humor.

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  2. Hartwell

    If anyone read your posts prior to and during the hurricane they would understand you left NYC and took no chances with this storm. Fuck them…

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  3. Frog Playing a Colorful Accordion Song for Bernanke
    Frog Playing a Colorful Accordion Song for Bernanke

    Human communication is so complex that it we are all frequently misunderstood. It is not surprising. What is surprising is that we ever DO understand one another.

    What we express, and what we receive when someone else expresses something, are very colored by our own unique individual experiences and by our emotions, values and sensitivities.

    In fact, often a person doesn’t hear what was said at all. All they hear is a misinterpretation of: “Yes” or “No”– to their own emotions, values or sensitivities.

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  4. Hartwell

    I followed your posts this weekend and know how concerned you were and still are…

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  5. Juice

    yep .. I gotta get my armageddon game plan together .. this storm was no joke .. let’s call it a wake-up call … nature is rebelling against man, primeval style, and she ain’t done yet … in fact, she is just getting started .. pay attention

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    • go2mars

      New York area has seen worse hurricanes in the past Juice. Yes Irene sucked/sucks, as does every hurricane that will hit New York in the future, but it isn’t like this is the first or the worst. Do you really believe in the personification of nature? Or are you just being fun?

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      • JakeGint

        He thinks it was sent by the Raelians mebbe?

        Donna was worse in 1960, and Hugo, Ike, etc. Nowhere near the 1938 disaster, of course.


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      • Juice

        because of the 8 billion humans on the planet, the pillage of resources, carbon emissions, mining, damming, pollution … is changing the balance of the planet & atmosphere and to get and so nature reacts in a certain way to what we are doing .. sure storms, earthquakes, seaquakes, etc will always occur to a certain degree and have always occurred but man has pushed nature over the edge, so to speak, and the mega storms, tornados, typhoons, earthquakes, snows, droughts, are greatly enhanced by our activities. This will only get worse with an evergrowing world population. seriously .. those who are only interested in corporate profits will disagree to the end

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    • Largebill

      “nature is rebelling against man”

      Nope. Nature is doing whatever the heck it wants like it always has and always will. Every generation gets it in their head that things have never been as bad as what they are experiencing and every generation is wrong.

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  6. Belly of the Beast
    Belly of the Beast

    Here’s an example of human comminication:


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  7. The Fly

    You can fault me for many things, but not communication. I am a master communicator.

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    • Frog Playing a Colorful Accordion Song for Bernanke
      Frog Playing a Colorful Accordion Song for Bernanke

      Yes, you are. But even a master communicator can not control completely how other people receive his communications.

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      you may be a cunning linguist but I am a master debater

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  8. Frog Playing a Colorful Accordion Song for Bernanke
    Frog Playing a Colorful Accordion Song for Bernanke

    Hey, that was great. And it illustrations that each picture is worth a thousand words. I actually understood what he was saying a lot of the time, as I watched the video. But try to understand it with your eyes closed…

    In communicating with each other on a message board, most of the time we have no pictures, only words. Thus communication is often unclear.

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  9. Frog Playing a Colorful Accordion Song for Bernanke
    Frog Playing a Colorful Accordion Song for Bernanke

    That was a Reply to Belly of the Beast

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  10. Anton

    “Pervious,” indeud.

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  11. Frog playing a colorful accordion with emotional fortitude
    Frog playing a colorful accordion with emotional fortitude

    If we could see the person who wrote the email to you, Fly, would we see an 8-year-old? An Alzheimerish 87-year-old? A paranoid schizophrenic who has wrapped himself in tin foil for protection?

    Would we see someone who was attempting suicide while writing it? Someone who was jerking off while writing it? None of the above, but something more strange than any of us could imagine? Who knows?

    Sometimes pictures might really help a lot. It’s amazing how normal most folks on the board are, as far as one can tell. But the Internets are open to anyone who can type.

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    • JakeGint

      What are you trying for the Alf Awards tonight?


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    • funny paranoid retard
      funny paranoid retard

      It wasn’t me, I swear! I only write about how the aliens are after our brains via psychic vampirism and how living in a padded cell I had no competition, so I turned schizophrenic so someone could compete with my intellect as it has not been harvested due to my foil hat wearing!

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  12. futures

    People emailing from their basement in riverside, ca is never a good thing.

    Keep on keeping you bastage Fly!

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  13. flyaway18

    Seems to me some folks posting have forgotten the main rule required: Bring your A game or please refrain from posting inane comments that bring little value to the stream.

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  14. Belly of the Beast
    Belly of the Beast

    * Except for Sunday Night Jiggles !


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  15. bluehubbard

    fuck. dont you serial posters get anything. the fly is explainin the inexplicable. just conduct yourself like a gentleman while you are not dead. make it count. its not about the fuckin politics of anything. goatshit like your feelings doesnt matter.

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  16. Bullish

    I had a feeling the other day that putting your email address in your bio on each post was an invitation for insane people to start filling your inbox.

    All I know is that it’s one of those times that being a Bernanke Believer shall pay dividends. While many have already ran for cover or gotten “short” I predict a very nice wall of worry to climb.

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  17. Fabian

    We’re all with you on this one.
    Even those who don’t get you…if they actually understood.
    Not relevant to Irene and troubles caused by her, but IBankCoin is the best site of “it’s kind” around.
    [Loosley defined as “it’s kind” because IBank and you are one of a kind.
    The highest respect and thanks go out to you and your team.
    Hoping for the best for you and others affected.

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  18. pitbull

    Alcohol BANNED :
    Rivers roared in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In the Hudson Valley town of New Paltz, N.Y., so many people were gathering to watch a rising river that authorities banned alcohol sales and ordered people inside. And in Rhode Island, which has a geography thick with bays, inlets and shoreline, authorities were worried about coastal flooding at evening high tide.

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    • go2mars

      Banning alchohol at an event like that is antagonizing natural selection…

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  19. Inebriated

    A world full of pansy’s. Mad dog media has it’s way with mortals.

    Good night Irene….. thanks for the best epic waves to surf. Cheers!!!!!!

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  20. JakeGint

    In order to ameliorate all of your various hurricano whingings (great word, thanks Britains), I have posted a great pick for tomorrow, and what’s more… a fairly incredible (if non hurricano-related) story.

    God bless.


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  21. Trading_Nymph

    OK, Hurricane talk to the side…My little US Dollar is getting sold off hard and is coming back to the level of support we saw in June and July with it around 73.56ish…only May was lower. Come On little Dollar we can do it, hold that support.

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  22. 401ker

    Staying up all night to pump out a flooded basement sucks. Bite me Irene. Maybe I should in invest in home depot. They sold more pumps/generators then they had.

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  23. pitbull

    Add the bad news is that the bears will have history on their side.
    September is the worst month for stocks, with the Standard & Poor’s 500 down 1.3 percent since 1928. And October is often, as describes it, “between a hurricane and a root canal.”

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  24. isaretard

    FWIW…If you have an insurance claim…Open an email account just to track your claim. With every phone call to report or follow up your claim, send an email and to who you spoke and cc your “claim account” summarizing your conversation. Include all photos, scan all docs, keep contact info on every fucker you talked to. Prepare for litigation and hope it don’t go there.
    Every adjuster will have a case load that would reach a T-Rex’s asshole. You want your file right on top where it’s nice and stinky.
    Call constantly, follow up with emails and faxes. You will probably be assigned a rookie independent adjuster named Billy from Nebraska who is there to fuck with you for three months until a real adjuster can get around to you. Get past Billy. Get the examiner’s name from the insurance company and bug the fuck out of him/her. Embrace the stink. Good luck.

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  25. go2mars


    Al Qaeda terrorists in Libya protecting Lockerbie terrorist. The world is shocked. Simply shocked!

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  26. funny paranoid retard
    funny paranoid retard

    I am an enigma in a conundrum surrounded by mystery wrapped in tin foil and stuffed in a straight jacket

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  27. Yabollox

    Not everyone gets satire. That’s part of the deal with satire.

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