I turn dials and fiddle with knobs to hone in on harmonic rotations
Joined Oct 26, 2011
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Stocks Will Head South This Week

Last week was an impressive showing from the bulls. The strength in the energy patch trumped any softness seen elsewhere. Biotech even managed to spit out a concentration of 41 big winners (+10% or more on the week). And despite being wrong last week with my bear call, I am back on it heading into option expiration week.

There are these models I build. They are part of my weekend research. Lots of index data is put onto a spreadsheet and graded. Then I add a layer of Exodus which factors in fundamentals. It’s all pretty simple but at the same time comprehensive and that’s why I like it. Right or wrong, I know I did my homework, utilized the resources I’m fortunate to have, and used them to form an objective bias—no one’s master, no one’s slave.

Option expiration week sees a rally lately. The past several months have seen a rally up into OPEX Thursday then a dump shit month-end. Something feels different about this month. Change is afoot. And what better way to end the month with a catapult-style rally then to suck in a fresh batch of shorts during option expiration week?

That was a ferocious 8-day rally. It likely served to flush out the weak shorts. The market cannot sell off with weak shorts in place.

So while I am bullish on the month of October, and positioned to benefit from more strength, I have a short bias this week. I will look to lean harder into my NASDAQ shorts this week and potentially add to my BIS position.

Exodus members, the Weekly Strategy Session has been published.

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