I turn dials and fiddle with knobs to hone in on harmonic rotations
Joined Oct 26, 2011
4,121 Blog Posts

There’s Order To These Markets

One of the reasons I write morning trading plans is to lay out a few ways the day could progress that wouldn’t surprise me.  Today was a primary expectation day, my favorite kind a day, the kind day I clean up on—killing unsuspecting and unprepared enemies.  When markets behave as I expect I start pushing on more risk.  Today I put on more risk.

Tier one tech has been my preferred theme of late.  When all the dust clears we will remember that technological innovation is the only virtuous capital endeavor left to man.

Nothing else interests me, which is why I outsource most of my stock picking to the GARP portfolio.  I added some funds to my GARP motif as well.

From order comes chaos, chaos for the enemy, chaos for the bear.

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