I turn dials and fiddle with knobs to hone in on harmonic rotations
Joined Oct 26, 2011
4,121 Blog Posts

The Normal Show

This is day two of market profile “normal” day types. In trader language, that means “Why are you even here?” It also means, “I hope you were fading the extremes.”

Because there is little else a feller can do to scoop a few nuts from the barrel in these conditions. I talked through a setup I’ve been working inside 12631. It had me engaging the futures right up to the closing minutes. There were simply too many sell orders for my stats to play out.

That’s why they’re 94.3% and not 100% you dig?

Nothing in this game called life is guaranteed. If it were we would all be hanging out on street corners shooting dice. No, instead we must labor away industriously, adding value to society, mankind, and nature in a constant state of interconnectedness.

Per the norm, I highlighted one of my positions and it was knocked to lows. Therefore, I am going back into my cave to recite scripture to dogs and cats.

Get your blessed ass to church you heartless internet robots.

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