18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,473 Blog Posts

A Day for the Horror Books

Remember when you were young and would stay up real late at night to read one of your favorite horror themed books? Neither do I. But if I did, I am sure it would resemble today.

My top two positions were up, but just about everything else down. Chinese burrito stocks bore the brunt of a mean spirited attack upon its greedy shareholders. Men, clad in nothing but burlap undergarments, sold short anything not nailed to the floor and punished the world for breathing air into their lungs. Santa Claus deniers and Turkey God slayers ran rampant throughout the streets of Wall today. Our only respite was the cessation of violence through the closing of trade.

I lost 0.4% today, in what should’ve been a victory. Everyone is going to tell you to sell now. Prepare to climb another wall of worry, in order to achieve paradise.

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And the #1 Rated Stock in The PPT Is…

Out of 4,252 stocks, my GPRO is rated number 1. Yes, this is the very same stock you mocked me over, deriding it for reasons kindergarden children could dispel. Your great fear of lock-up period expirations and ‘high valuations’ has led you to the back of a jam-box now, expeditiously being led to bankruptcy.

After your portfolio hits $00.00, your wife and children will leave and your car will be repossessed by the dealership. Your new life as a vagabond, a wastrel, is about to begin–all because you bet against the man in the time machine.

Today is a very dull market and most of my stocks are lower. As a point in fact, I am down ever so slightly for the day, even though my top two positions (GPRO, TRN) are higher. But that’s okay, as I have the time and the money to see this through.

The Turkey Gods are coming, and they are magnificently glorious. I put together a large basket of some of my favorite retail stocks, which still needs to be trimmed a bit. For the sake of charity, he is my entire list.


Now that’s a very long list and you cannot buy them all. I suggest breaking off your top 5 and allocating X amount of dollars to them. Truth be told, I haven’t done this myself. Over the next few days, I will shorten this list and act upon my opinions.

Until then, please, keep selling GPRO.

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They’ve tried everything in the book to reflate the global economy, why not try cheap oil?

Last year it snowed a lot during the X-mas season, which led to one of the worst retail environments in over a decade. People laughed and mocked the numbers, citing snow fall as inadequate reasons to stay home–away from the stores. But I couldn’t leave my block, tho.

Well, here go again, oil 30% lower from last year, barreling into the easiest year over year sales comparisons since 2008. Do you really want to bet against this lay up, during America’s feast?

If your total premise to sell here, or remove yourselves from the front lines, via cash heavy cowardice, is because we’ve already moved higher, you’re a rank amateur and should not be in the business of managing money.

We’re going higher son. I’ll put that on my eyes, ears and testes.

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Futures Are Lower: Time to Panic

S&P futures are down about 10, leaving anyone who suggested that you should be careful heading into monday’s trade a winner. Such a person now enjoys the winners circle and is adorned by fresh flowers and is waving a trophy to an adoring crowd. Very soon, however, an errant race car will crash through the stupid crowd and mow him down. His corpse will be strewn across the track, for all to see. His audience, who once praised him, will forget him because he’s dead, something of the past–remembered in vague terms by the betting public.

I’ve always prided myself to be a deep thinker. But my best trait is my ability to act in the moment, on instinct, fast and without hesitation. Some might call my tactics to be Draconian, like the occasion when I purchased the book of my former boss, who had fired me one day after my grandfather died, and proceeded to woo all of his costumers away from him until a court ordered me to stop.

Let me be clear to all parties reading this: “The Fly” is extremely resourceful and is without emotion when it comes to forging ahead with the business of business.

Having said that, this sell off in the futures is something to laugh at, a late night joke of sorts for the people driving race cars heading towards fellows waving fresh flowers from the winners circle.

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The New Weekly Strategy Session is Here

I’ve tapped RAUL to head up this service for iBC. After meeting him in Vegas, I felt comfortable with giving him a much larger role at the site. Lo and behold, his opportunity would come much faster than any had imagined.

All PPT and After Hours with Option Addict will be receiving a free WSS report this week. For now, this report is still free insider of 12631. Please check your email boxes for the report.

If you are not a member of our services and wish to view the entire report, just buy it and stop being such a miser. It’s only 10 bucks.

Here is a sneak peek.


Since I’m being all promotional and sale man like, the iBankCoin dividend report has been mailed out to all attendees of the Vegas conference. We will issue a dividend report, for those interested in long term capital appreciation/dividend income plays, on a quarterly basis. The first one will be unveiled to the public within the next week.

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If any of you are the literate type, you will know exactly whence that phrase came from and who wrote it. However, I have little faith in any of you, reality teevee watchers, perverts of the first order. Let me remind you that you are roaming the halls of a space alien magician, a person who is building Orbital Space Cannons (OSC) in his spare time, to the detriment of mankind. There is nothing you can teach me about stocks. Your lessons fall on the deafest of ears.

I invite you to bet against me with large sell orders of GPRO. Please, I am begging for you to sell it short, ahead of the lock up expiration.

I moved ahead by 1.1% today and breadth stood at a paltry 52%. Pffff.

We’re just getting started gents. The turkey rally is coming.

NOTE: This weekend Raul will be issuing his inaugural WSS report. This, of course, will be free or charge to all 12631 members, who, might I add, had a pretty exciting week with RC, OA and Fly leading it.

[youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxBvUqLs_eU 603 400]

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Are You Ready For the Rally?

It is coming. On the life of all of your loved ones, the rally is coming. If you listen very quietly, put your ears to the tracks, you can hear it steaming ahead. All of the hideous and unfashionable people are selling now, whilst eating franks and beans and listening to rock music from the 1970’s.

Those people, the Led Zepplin (sp?) crowd, are going to be dispatched and their heads turned into ornaments for my fucking X-mas tree.

Imagine yourselves on an island with beautiful women, drink, and platters filled with shrimps. You, just laying there, all sloth-like, being tended to by the woman of your dreams. That’s exactly what the market is going to feel like next week. All of your hedonistic, trollopy, dreams will come true, and more.

I’ve taken it upon myself to go ‘all in’ to this tape, without any regard for personal injury, both in the physical and mental form. “The Fly” is above the every day menial tasks and doesn’t worry about micro-managing his affairs. I’ve told this to you before and I will tell it to you again: everything works out in the end.

I have two positions that are more than 10% of my holdings: GPRO and TRN. I have one position that is between 5% and 8% of my holdings: ANET.

Those three stocks comprise almost 30% of my holdings. “Meaningful” comes to mind.

The lot of you can continue hiding under your blankets, urinating on yourselves at the first sign of danger. I invite it and welcome adversity.


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You have to be straight up stupid to short stocks ahead of a grande feast. If you know anything about America, you should know not to sell short stocks ahead of Thanksgiving. Not only will we stuff our fat heads with inordinate amounts of turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberries sauce, but we also will wake up retarded early the next day to trample over the weak to go X-mas shopping.

Black Friday beckons and gasoline is cheap. Are you really hell bent on selling short the shares of GPRO? Are you at all familiar with “The Fly’s” track record once he becomes obsessed with a stock?

You don’t stand a chance.

Sure, you can play parlour games and feign intelligence by heeding caution and spreading stupid rumors at your homosexual cocked tail parties. But, rest assured, my feathered friends are coming and they are going to peck away at your brains–once they get a hold (extra Stop n Shop) of you.

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The Jim Rogers Funeral

Jim ‘Bowtie’ Rogers is famous for suggesting we leave the United Steaks for a farm in Indonesia. Not only is he a regular Benedict Arnold, but a prospective war profiteer on the inflationary panic that is to come. The only problem with Mr. I think it’s a good idea to get teeth braces at the age of 70 is that the exact opposite has occurred.

Everyone is watching oil now, as it stuns people with downside pin action. The acquisition of BHI by HAL might stem the wave of margin calling selling in the interim. However, let it be known, oil is in an impenetrable ‘fag box‘ and Jim Rogers is stuck inside of it.

Here are some returns for raw commodities over the past 3 years.

Silver -55%
Coal -53%
Sugar -52%
Uranium -51%
Wheat -46%
Coffee -40%
Natty -36%
Corn -36%
Gold -35%
Cotton -33%
Oil -26%
Lithium -23%
Copper -20%

You get the picture?

At the same time, the equity markets have been hitting new highs and the dollar is up 8%.

Quite a conundrum isn’t it?

This is the question that keeps me up at night:

Is the current trend suggestive of chicanery or does it represent the normalization of commodity prices, deflating prices to realistic post war levels?

Let’s be honest with one another, oil doesn’t belong anywhere near $75 based upon supply vs demand. Hell, it was trading under $30 before the Iraq war. Would it be so terrible if the dollar continued to rally versus the euro and commodities fell? Aside from the Bakken being screwed and oil stocks going lower, wouldn’t everyone else benefit from this sort of deflation?

I can only recall the beginning of the dot com era, when oil prices collapsed and stocks roared. Back then, people thought energy was going to be made on the internet and viewed the collapse of oil as a major tax cut, rightfully so. What’s horrendous for Texas is stupendous for New York.

Everyone is so scared of the deflationary boogieman, they are failing to see the potential upside in such a terrific tax cut.

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The Gift that Keeps Giving

Oil is now in the process of killing General Vladimir Putin. If you think your portfolio is under pressure today, you should take a looksy at the Venezuelan budget, one that requires $200 crude to break even (lolz).

I made a bonehead move, buying BTU yesterday. That’s okay. I’ve made bonehead moves before and will continue to make bonehead moves in the future. ‘Tis is the life of a speculator.

My largest positions, GPRO, TRN and ANET, have resulted in marginal losses today. One of my recent decent sized purchases, LITB, is thrusting onward.

So the market is up 40 (extra Jeff), while the price of crude is down nearly $3. All of the economic data points to decent growth, nothing too alarming or exciting. My takeaway is this: crude is being dismantled for some nefarious political reasons. Because of this, oil stocks cannot be bought. However, the US consumer is a giant winner. Actually, globally, consumers win.

Restructure your portfolios to reflect this new reality and wait for the fruits of your labor to ripen, as we enter the domain of The Turkey Gods.

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