18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,528 Blog Posts

Saturday Cinema with Le Fly: Scarface

This is the preferred movie for Trump protesters, everywhere. Before heading out to throw beer bottles at police officers, they watch Al Pacino in Scarface, masterfully playing a Cuban drug lord (no Rubio) whilst consuming inhuman levels of cocaine through his nose.

This movie will forever be endeared by criminals, for it paints a vivid and vibrant picture of how one could go from rags to riches, in the cocaine business, without being sawed in half by a chinasaw inside some seedy hotel room.

This movie has it all: ambition, success, absurd violence, corruption, revenge: The American Dream!

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Trump Responds to Savage Democrats in Chicago Who Shut Down His Rally

This is a spectacle. The people from Chicago are a reprehensible lot. Thousands of B. Sanders/ H. Clinton supporters and every day beer guzzling morons, took to the streets in a most violent manner to shut down Trump’s rally.

Trump canceled the event, which was to be attended by 25,000 people due to security concerns.

The vast majority of these people are a barbarous sort, marijuana smoking vagabonds in search of strong alcoholic beverage. As you can see by the video below, a good number of these booze hounds have found said beverages and have subsequently cast aside decorum in favor of wanton depravity.

A revolution is coming. It’s time for America to become great again. Moreover and most importantly, it’s time for a 1,000 mile wall to be constructed at the Mexican border, paid for by the tax payers of Mexico.


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The peace loving Obama-ites in Chicago have taken to the streets, outraged that Donald J. Trump decided to hold a rally in their wretched city. The reason? I am sure the black people of Chicago are terribly concerned for the Mexicans down south attempting to enter the country. With the specter of the wall being built, there is a good chance that they will not be able to enter, unfettered, anymore.

Naturally, the liberal minded folks in Chicago are very concerned for the human rights of others, whilst punching Trump supporters in the face and then shooting their guns into the torsos of their neighbors.


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Eighty Six NASDAQS Were Added to the National Treasury Today

Depravity is back. With the ECB in the market for all of the corporate debt in the world, investors are panicking for yield, scouring their local newspapers for common stock opportunities that might offer a better return than zero.

The NASDAQ raced higher by 86, spearheaded by oil stocks, which are now higher by 28% over the past two weeks.

Everything lifted, sans gold and bonds, as 81% of stocks traded higher, converging from the wretched breadth endured during yesterday’s session.

Optimism, for lack of a more appropriate word, is back. Even money hemorrhaging biotechs are in vogue.

The winter has passed and warmer climes are just over the horizon. Let’s just hope the sun isn’t too hot and your car isn’t made from dynamite sticks, else you might blow up and mushroom cloud into the after-life.



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Banks are to be Loved, Oil Faded

Over the past two days Exodus has been flagging the financials oversold. I discussed it briefly, due to the very accurate history of the signals. Today the banks are running like freed slaves. I do not claim victory in this endeavor, as I didn’t have a horse in the race. Perhaps if I wasn’t so stubborn, I would’ve done something about it. But that’s another matter to be worked out with my inner demons.



Today, there is another interesting call being made and I am going to tell you what it is, in spite of a certain fuckhead who’s been menacing me with his childish complaints.

This should come as no surprise to you, so I feel at liberty to discuss it. We all know that oil and gas stocks are overbought. The only question you should have  is how does one quantify it and what are the past results of selling short into overbought levels, such as now?


This signal is flawless by the 5th trading day; which means if you shorted it on Monday, you should expect profits by the first day of the following week. Some of the levered ETFs, like ERX, are overbought too and the potential profits of leveraging this trade is tempting. But short squeezes are brutal affairs and it’s best not to get too aggressive while these little speedboats are racing across the waters.

Wait for them to hit a rock, then pounce on them with medieval intentions. Moor their little ships and then crush them into the octopi infested waters.

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Iraqi Prime Minister: ISIS Used Mustard Gas in Recent Attack

Who wants to get American boots on the ground? The junior varsity ‘B-team’ as Obama like to call them, ISIS, reportedly used the chemical agent known as ‘mustard gas’ in a recent attack near Kirkuk.

“The random gas attack against the town of Taza is a big crime and the response will be tough,” Abadi said in a statement posted on his website on Friday. He said he sent a team of medics to Taza, south of Kirkuk.

Rudaw news agency reported that mustard gas was used in the assault, which took place on Wednesday and killed a 3-year-old girl, citing local health department official Burhan Abdullah. Dozens of people were wounded and some are in a serious condition, Rudaw said.

Fuckheads like Rubio and Cruz want to send troops to that hell hole, in order to secure, well, hell.

No thanks. Indiscriminate bombing from low altitudes works for me.

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Oil Stocks Turn Positive for the Year; Massive Bull Rally Underway

With today’s 4% move in oil stocks, the median return is now positive for this once derided sector. Now that the crisis has passed and the bull market is back, we can all go back to our jobs in the Bakken Shale and start drilling for USELESS FUCKING OIL AGAIN.

Also, the biggest gainers in oil today are in the exploration names, due to America’s renewed interest in fossil fuels. Fire up that deep sea driller; we’re gonna drill, baby, drill.

The unhedged morons at CLR are higher by 8%. The once thought to be bankrupt WLL is higher by 9%, as well as BBG.

There is a party taking place in the oil patch now, lads. Are you man enough to buy them?

Since oil is now up for the year and everyone is making money again, what sectors are lagging?

Biotech -27%
Nuclear -21%
Tankers -17%
Solar -16%
Staffing -15%
Foreign Banks -14%

Have at it.

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Trump: Hillary Doesn’t Have the Energy or Strength to Get Deals Done

In a press conference this morning, Donald Trump promised to make America rich again. He is going to save social security and slay the Chinese dragon beast from eating all of our jobs.

Also, he discussed the low energy/strength status of Hillary Clinton. He cast her aside like a piece of parsley garnish on a rib eye steak, saying she had no business instincts and was terrible on trade.

It’s worth noting, Trump has many, many friends in China and isn’t mad at them. He’s only going to park the USS Reagan in the port of Beijing until we get better deals out of them.

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