18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,499 Blog Posts

Bonanza Creek Taps $209 Million Credit Facility

Aside from secondaries, expect to see a lot of this. These oil companies set up rich and cheap credit facilities with banks when times were good. Now that they’re all out of money and bleeding out, banks are ruing the day when they decide to tap them.

That day was just thrusted upon BNP Paribas today, by Bonanza Creek.

Co elected to draw down $209 million on its credit facility, and currently has an aggregate of $300 million of borrowings, including a $12 million letter of credit, under the facility. As of March 9, 2016, the Company had $235 million of cash on its balance sheet after taking the recent draw into account.
‘Our recent election to draw down $209 million on our revolver was a risk management decision structured to mitigate exposure to capital market externalities in 2016.’

This is the part of the story when the risk to the balance sheets of the banks expands, exponentially.

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THAT WAS NOT A REVERSAL: 72% of Stocks Closed Lower Today

It was smoke and mirrors and you know it. Stocks staged a miraculous index rally, fooling all of the regular Joe’s into thinking their fortunes were about to change. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Market breadth closed at 28%, meaning 72% of the stocks in your portfolio closed with losses.

Today was the biggest, broad based, trick placed upon the Third Estate in a long time. Distribution was rampant and the only sectors that thrived were utilities, precious metals and steel.

You’ve been dispatched, without regard for decorum.

Healthcare stocks led the way lower, as Karl Marx and Dr. Hillary Clinton hone in on profitable American medicine as a conduit to fund their politically charged pet projects.

The barbarians are at the gates.

Trade accordingly.

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GTFO: $WTW Rises After People Magazine Publishes Oprah Weight Loss Article

Get the fuck out of here with this shit.

“Every other time I’ve ever gone on a diet, I’ve gone on a diet and then gone off the diet, because I had gotten to the weight I’d wanted to be,” Winfrey said in a private call with Weight Watchers members in January. “The difference is, I’ve made the shift and this is the way I’m going to live for the rest of my life.”

Weight management is simply a case of input vs output. The morons who subscribe to Weight Watchers are weak creatures, unable to stop stuffing their greedy fat faces with bread. Nevertheless, the power of Oprah persists.

WTW is higher by 3% on this idiotic news.

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Today’s Intra-day Reversal is Weak

I know you’re all jumping into the pool headlong now. Just know, the water that you see, it’s an illusion.

Breadth stands at an abysmal 26%. According to the laws of mathematics, a reversal cannot happen today. It’s like pushing a fucking grand piano uphill with sponge bob arms.

All sectors, save gold and steel, are being ravaged today.

The market might rally tomorrow. But I’d bet both my nuts, this fucker isn’t rallying today.

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In the Land of the Blackberry, An Insatiable Appetite for America Persists

For the first time since American revolutionary war traitors fled to Canada to escape the wrath of General Knox, Washington and others, they’ve become a dignified creditor to the United States.


Canada’s net asset position with the U.S. was C$82.2 billion ($61.6 billion) in the fourth quarter, the first ever positive figure for the country. Canada had a net liability position of C$39.9 billion in the third quarter. The average since 1990 has been a net liability of C$248 billion.

There’s a sundry of reasons why this is the case, mostly to do with a lot of petrol dollars not having investable options at home. Ever since the Blackberry collapse and subsequent melt down of a once promising tech industry in Canada, investors have had very few places to invest, domestically. So, like all smart people around the world, they come here to invest in the future.

This just about sums it up.

On the other hand, the data also suggest a reluctance to acquire Canadian assets, even with a weaker Canadian dollar. Direct investments from the U.S. into Canada have fallen over the past year, while portfolio investments have been little changed.


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Gold Stocks Are Now Higher by 50% for 2016

Gold is up 1.3% today, sending the sector up by another 4%. Aside from markets trading lower, the dollar is getting crushed by a staggering 1.8% v the euro, reversing an early 1.5% rise. This deleterious reversal is reverberating around wall street, sending stocks into full retreat mode, now sharply lower by 50 NASDAQS.

Without question, the store of 2016 is one that could be found in the gold sector. Astonishing gains are being doled out in an industry that was derided and laughed at for the better part of the past 5 years.

HMY is up 260% for the year.

DRD is up 150% for the year.

Large cap miner, ABX, is higher by 90% for 2016, in a year where the raw commodity is up merely 19%.

Things to look at: only DB.

With all of the chatter of Europe losing control of the narrative and how the world has lost faith in the ECB, it would be supremely important for these rumors to be proven false by supporting the share price of Deutsche Bank. Make no mistake, nothing is more important than the European banks now. Within the banks, when it comes to risk and how it needs to be managed, no big bank is more frowned upon than Deutsche Bank.

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A Seismic Intra-day Move in the Euro is Rattling Markets

My suspicions of this rally being tenuous have turned out to be fortuitous. Idiots are crumbling before the surge in the euro. This surge is pressuring bonds, as the dollar descends into anarchy.

The main beneficiary is gold, which is higher by 0.8%.

Look at the euro run, fucking millions of traders who thought otherwise.


The NASDAQ has been weakening for an hour. I waited to post this until I was sure the reversal was real.


Crude oil, well deservedly, is trading lower.


Now go watch the Obama press conference discussing the dangers and plights of melting icebergs and global warming. Meanwhile, markets are undergoing classic blow off top reversals.

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Twitter is Tanking Again, Likely Due to Negative Comments by RBC

My own experiences with advertising through the Twitter network was a miserable one. I’ve outlined my dramatic battle with the Twitter corporation back on December the 15th. The magnitude of Twitter’s incompetence with my small, yet eager budget, was startling and it seems I am not the only one who thinks so.

In a CNBC interview, an RBC analyst said there is significant momentum by advertisers away from Twitter. It is very likely, large buyers of internet ads had a similar experience to the one that I endured. As such, the stock is plunging again.


I think it’s clear: Jack Dorsey should be forthwith removed from the C level suites at Twitter. The monetization of such a valuable asset should be something easy to do. News organizations should be forced to subscribe to a premium account for a nominal fee. There should be a greater outreach effort to users, using surveys, to assist users extract maximum value from the platform, customized to their interests. Quite frankly, the Twitter juggernaught has never been and never will be as big as Facebook. But there should be a path by which management could effect redeemable change and to forge a path towards profitability.

This much is clear: the current management team are wholly incompetent and should be replaced. Even monkies could do better.

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The Dollar Declines After Draghi Bazooka Attack; Stocks Rally

Markets have shaved half of its pre-market gains after Draghi said there would be no more drugs offered to the market for some time. What the fuck else does the market want, his limbs? And, Iran told Moscow to fuck itself and they’re not interested in a March 20th meeting to discuss ways to support oil prices. Iran is much more interested in stealing their market share.

If you’re buying today, you have faith in the idea that the momentum can continue, which is something the market has been unable to do for almost two years. While the market is certainly making inroads into the psyche of short sellers, flanking them with a most violent demeanor. There is a distinct possibility that our Federal Reserve will reign predominately over the markets soon, ruining an otherwise effervescent rally.

When the rally comes to an end, commodity related stocks will fall into a miserable peril. Those who are long will undergo a hideous transformation, almost overnight, from sanguine to cataclysmic.

As Karl Marx strengthens in his campaign against Hillary Clinton, Wall Street can do nothing but worry and pretend it isn’t happening. On the republican side, Donald Trump is wholly intent upon trade wars with all major U.S. partners. Surely, this will have an immediate effect on equity valuations. God forbid our traitorous corporations might see their margins reduced by stifling their sweat-shop operations in Shanghai.

The euro has reversed and is now stronger against the dollar, reversing a 1.5% decline. As such, U.S. markets are buoyed and rallying again. Most notably, bonds are moving higher too.

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He probably said “fuck, we’re all gonna die anyway”, just before lowering rates to a retarded -0.4% and increasing the size and scope of QE to include the purchase of corporate debt.

Source: BBG

The 25-member Governing Council, meeting in Frankfurt on Thursday, cut the rate on cash parked overnight by banks by 10 basis points to minus 0.4 percent, and its benchmark rate to zero. Bond purchases were raised to 80 billion euros ($87 billion) a month, starting in April, and corporate bonds will now be eligible. Draghi will hold a press conference at 2:30 p.m. local time.

U.S. futs are soaring.

European markets are soaring.

The euro is not soaring and is marching towards parity.

The currency wars continue.

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