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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Everyone Has COVID-19 Now

It’s the perfect assassination weapon. Sneak in a fucking super spreader with a viscous strain of COVID and decapitate the whole govt. If I were a schizo, I’d believe it. But as it stands now, it appears the DC folks around Trump fell into the trap of CORONAHOAX that so many on the right seem to believe in.

I don’t fucking get it.

So now the President has it, 3 WH reporters, Hope Hicks, Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager and now Chris Christie, a man who has trouble breathing while sitting down.

What to make of all this?

Grim times are ahead if any of these high profile people succumb to COVID. While I’m not paranoid to get sick, I always wear my mask when outside around people (shopping, gym) and would prefer to look stupid than get sick and pass that onto my family. In an era where up is down and rioting is peaceful, it’s easy to believe or not believe in anything.

Take it from Le Fly, he is a Dr after all, wear your fucking muzzles and wash your god damned hands frequently and quit being so skeptical of everything.

However, I’m still not taking that fucking vaccine.

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So the President and everyone else has COVID-19 and we’re not in the process of pricing it in. I walked into today, hoping my cock would drag to the floor — because I had a 4x TZA position. I ended up selling it for a monstrous 220bps loss on my portfolio. The sequence of events today baffled me from morning until close.

For example:

Oil lower by 4.5%, yet oil stocks were up.

Copper +nearly 4%. Why?

The Nasdaq lower by 250, yet the IWM was +0.66% and small caps up more than 1.5% for the session.

A wide swath of industries boomed, all tethered to the REOPENING trade. I am talking about business furniture like SCS and commercial and retail real estate like MAG and MTG — all thru the roof. Look at AGO. Banks in general, very strong.

Then we had pockets of strength in a sundry of places, particularly lithium. I played WWR today and was happy to make 5% in a day trade. But then it proceeded to sun shot higher by 45% within minutes of my sale. The same thing with NNOX. I sold it just before the close yesterday, due to a Muddy Waters bearish note, and that ripped higher by 57% today. Not to mention, I traded CBAT today and sold it for a fast 11% gain, and that ran another 10% within seconds of my sale.

Industrials were also VERY VERY strong and for the life of me I cannot understand what the market is trying to communicate. This much I do know — I ended up the week 100% long, fully positioned for an extreme lashing about the face next week. I shed 2.4% for the week and although I made 8% during September, my mood is grim and cantankerous.

On the other hand, my Quant made 2.8% for the week, meaning I had net gains. Fly wins all the time, yada, yada, yada.

Finally, all day inside of the very dark and evil Exodus, I was entreated to rude and belligerent behavior. A full uprising is underway and I am without a Quartermaster. I am pleased to announce ZOMBIE came thru late in the day, like a warrior on a white stallion, to set some fuckers straight. But it is pandemonium and I might have to kill some of my members in order to get th rest of them in line again.

Cheers and have a nice BOOZE FREE weekend.

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The Ultimate COVID-19 Confidence Test

Last night markets priced in Trump’s death, upon being diagnosed with COVID-19. He is, on paper at least, elderly an overweight, which places him in the high risk quintile. However, he also seems to be strong — at least that’s the persona he likes to give off.

Barreling into what can be considered the most contentious election in US history, nothing is more important than to see Trump recover successfully from COVID-19. It’s way more important than him even winning — because, god forbid anything should happen to him, this fucking country will be vapor locked sealed and the economy will spiral into the greatest calamity you’ve ever known.

It’s one thing a celebrity getting the virus, totally different when someone like Trump gets it.

On the other hand, should he recover from this with no problem — there’s zero chance I am taking the vaccine. I know what you’ll say: ‘but Fly, fly, the vaccine isn’t for you — but the people you could potentially infect.”

Fuck you snowflake — I’m not taking the vaccine. Plus anyway, I don’t like needles. As a matter of fact, I might even have an aversion to them.

Markets were supposed to CRASH, but now it’s more nothing — totally disappointing and I didn’t even want to trade today — because I knew I’d be down. I hadn’t even looked at my portfolio until now and VOILA — down 2%. This is my life now — carrying water, missing out on winners, trading into and thru losers, repeating the process amidst the chop until dispirited.

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The Losses Continue

Son of a whore.

I will plainly and positively keep this short and to the point.

My trading slump continues.

I had NNOX but an enemy induced me to sell because MUDDY WATERS MUHHHHHH and now it’s up 30% in the AHs. I had it and sold it. I instead SHED 0.75% in my trading and ended up buying a bunch of stocks to limit my losses in TZA.

I cannot stress this enough — I am bogged.

The saga continues.

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cRaSh cOmInG sOON

I’ve become one of those people I’ve always wanted to kill. I see WTI -6% and copper down 5% and ponder about the possibilities of this all finally ending — putting the market and its whorish ways, finally, out of its misery. There has never been a more deserving piece of shit than this one.

And for all of you FUCKHEADS talking shit to me on Twitter — I see you in real life — I break your jaws for you.

Life would be better if stocks went down 90% from here. This of course would bode positively for my robust TZA position, which I have since engaged into a “Martingale Stratagem”, using my seemingly limitless pool of cash to further increase the position as it dives, inexorably, much much lower.

I did take the opportune to REBALANCE my Quant today, which shed just 2.5% for September. This morning’s bump provided an additional 1.2%. I have since re-aquired shares and filled it up with 50% of my account. The sole purpose there, as I now see it, is to hedge against my own stupidity, as my trading account has now become a denizen for high stakes gambits and shorts.

I’ll revert back to normal, at some point. If you’re following me into the pits of hell and losing coin, just know this is the downside of brilliance, the occasional spates of stubborn ineptitude that can only be corrected with time and comfortability. Presently, I am not comfortable trading at these elevated levels and would prefer and complete and total wipeout — subjugation of the population towards and into the mask — a muzzle of sorts which could then be placed onto Twitter accounts — whereby certain individuals EXPEDITIOUSLY picked up by Black Hawk — lined up against a wall and shot.

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I did everything wrong today. I could not punch myself out from a wet paper bag, literally bogged from the beginning until the end. I entered today a black man long BLM stocks and left a white bear-shitter — DOOMCASTING end of times because misery loves company.

The last two weeks have been a forlorn occasion for me in the markets. I had a 12.5% MTD gain in my trading and that’s been SHAVED to 8%. Why? Because I’m a fucking moron.

Let this be a reminder to all: no matter how good you are, at times, you will be a fucking moron. Therefore, always keep a portion of your money in a longer term oriented account. In the beginning of the month I was sucking my own dick, as I CRUSHED my own Quantitative system by 20%. Now with the Quant swatting me down the last two weeks, I am most appreciate of my calculator like brain, since of course I developed this quant too.

I don’t know what the fuck to say, other than “you just wait there for the market to crash on your fucking face” sonny boy. I rage and shake my fists in the air and no one listens.

One day soon, amidst the fires and turmoil, you will all come crawling back, begging for a morsel of information. For now, enjoy your cocksucking bull market and be sure to fuck yourselves on the way out.

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Big Takeaways From Last Night’s Debate

JFC — I am blogging late. I had a Stocklabs development meeting and got sidetracked thanks to my fucking losses. I managed to sell FAZ in the morning for a minor loss — but I am still, nevertheless, ransacked by more than 2%, presently — because, apparently, Black Lives DO NOT MATTER — according to both candidates in last night’s event.

I had expected both to pander like a motherfucker and do what’s right and offer 100s of billions in PLATINUM packages to the black community. Instead, all I got was a fucking tax hike from Biden and major shit talking from Trump. In a sense, they failed me and I am now saddled with two BLM centric stocks and a 3 sized TZA position which is down nearly 200bps from basis.

I also just fucked myself a little more in WATT — down 12% in a bad, really bad, day trade. I just closed it out. Normally on a day like today, I’m all tits and balls, making so much money my face turns numb. Instead, I am merely hedged by my own quant, which is up 1.1%. I am a loser today, most terribly and terrifically.

The day is not thru, true. But my gambits have failed thus far and I fear the more I try to dig myself out — the worse I will make it.

In spite of all that, I’ll try some more digging.

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Trump is going to unveil his 20x platinum black power package worth a gazillion dollars, which will only be topped by Biden’s 40x platinum package. Biden will then delve into EV and talk shit about the environment, which will be viewed indifferently by Trump — who will then shill for more tax cuts.

Tonight’s debates will be one giant fucking handout for all people of all colors. Free shit up and down the aisle. I am long lithium because they propel the EV sector and I am long two BLM stocks — because black power.

I see very few circumstances where this doesn’t happen. I am almost assured to make grandiose coin tomorrow, so stay tuned.

For the day, I closed +0.4%, a little disappointing since I had been up 1.3% earlier. I fucked my own face with several trades gone awry. My quant, however, which houses 50% of my account was +0.9%.

Bottom line: Extremest view here is for a TOTAL fucking collapse, in which case I am positioned for that eventuality as well. I quite literally cannot lose.

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En route to this wondrous place of black smoke and shards of metal will be sublime trading opportunities and of courser the typical Federal Reserve circle jerk. But as we enter the cooler climes and COVID-19 GAS MASKS are doled out to the public — rest assured collapse will come.

Even for you ANTI-MASKERS out there, the CORONAHOAX gentry, as yourselves — do you feel in charge?

If the end game of the “deep state” and the pan-global conspiracy to crash the economy and leave nothing left — how do you surmise you can stop it? Even if CORONAVIRUS was a 100% fraud — the outcome will still be the same.

Barreling into the month of October, I have sense irony around me, especially in front of the elections.

Presently 70%+ cash, 20% short via leveraged instruments — higher by 1% for the day.

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It’s going to knock the wind out of your sails and crash your boat into the rocks. Most of you aren’t built for discomfort — grotesquely accustomed to SHIT-POSITING on Twitter funny images and cavorting with morons for the purposes of laughter. Those smiles will soon be turned upside down — as Mother Markets punches you square in the jaw with her iron fists.

We’re living in an era of extreme entitlement. Even during a complete economic lockdown — you fucking faggots enjoyed the grandeur of a bull market. These circumstances cannot last forever and I have never seen a more deserving group of people earn a market calamity.

It will be grim and force you out of stocks — cash calls and margin liquidations will be the new norm.

I cannot wait.

In the interim, I booked gains this morning in JMIA (+4.7%), BLNK (7.2%), and SRNE (+7.4%). I am 70% cash, 15% short — eagerly awaiting collapse.

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