18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,443 Blog Posts

Saturday Cinema with Le Fly: Rear Window

The father of all peeping toms, lurker extraordinaire, is James Stewart in Rear Window.

His character was ‘wheel chaired up’, camping out in his apartment with some hot women coming about his quarters to feed him and pleasure him whenever he wanted. But he was much more interested in the ongoings of the plebs across the street. He took to his binoculars and began a campaign of being the biggest creep who had ever lived.

This is an absolute classic, a genre maker, game changer for the cinema industry.

Also, it’s worth noting the lead actress in this, Grace Kelly, was the hottest female commodity in Hollywood at the time. She retired, at her peak, when she married the Prince of Monaco. Yes, she literally became the Princess of Monaco, like in a fairy tale, and served for decades in that capacity until death. Her children continue to live and serve there, as royalty of course.

I am going to wrap up Hitch next week and then begin to throw out random films at you, all of distinguishable worthiness for your liking.

Mixing two themes together with this post, here is a ‘roast’, more like tribute, given by Orsen Welles for James Stewart.

Opening clip from Rear Window

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Rick Boss Ross is coming public soon, via Wingstop–ticker WING. The world’s best rapper, the sophisticated driver of the Box Chevy (no Maybach), owns 9 franchises and views himself as a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to chicken’d wings.

Let me tell you something: Americans love to eat chicken wings, laden with extra fatty ranch sauce. Or, sometimes they like to eat wings with a capricious amounts of blue’d cheese. Either way, America runs on chopped meat and beakless chicken.

I missed out on SHAK, scared of its absurd overvaluation. But I will not miss out on WING. It’s not in my DNA to miss out on an opportunity to invest alongside The Boss (no Springstein).

It’s worth noting, I am hedging this fatness shit with a long position in anti-obesity frankenstein drug company, ZFGN.

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To think we were just finding our groove there. For the month of May, unfortunately, 280,000 jobs were added to the economy, much higher than the anticipated 226,000. Wall Street doesn’t like these numbers because it means the Fed might do something stupid, like find an excuse to raise interest rates and help lift the elderly CD crowd out from abject squalor, something fretted by all true capitalist men of substantive industry. Bonds are getting slaughterhoused again and the Wall St. 2.0 crowd have resigned their positions as “money managers” and instead have opted for roles as catamites for Wall St. 1.0 lads.

Before I went to bed last night, I prayed to the Gods, both the old and the new, that vast amounts of Americans would become unemployed. I was hoping the robot programs at the WMT/MCD/TGT hegemony would’ve placed a strangle hold on the jobs market, enabling stocks to go higher, paving the way for robust share buyback programs. Instead we’ve learned that McDonald’s have been hiring aggressively for their drive in, Chicken Macnugget, windows and WMT/TGT have really taken on a lot more “mop boys”, which should be a welcomed bonus for the shares of CLX.

In an ideal world, jobs would become a thing of the past. The Cheesed Doodle class could stay at home, boosting television ratings, and the subscriber bases of NFLX and AMZN, buttressed by government stimulus packages– which would be funded by a roaring stock market and subsequent taxes paid by the elite rich. Until that utopia could become a sweet relishable reality, we are stuck with the indelible facts that stocks are subject to the whims and words of a certain Grandma Janet Yellen. Let us be contemplative about the good times we’ve had in these stock exchanges, and prepare for a worsening– a fucking train truck smashing into an oil refinery with 3 million passengers onboard.

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I’m gonna make a fuckload of money tomorrow.

VNDA for the win.

I shed just 0.6% for the day, winning while losing.

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Are You Prepared to Get Hammered?

If the market should drop by 10%, will you go bankrupt? If, by chance, your largest positions started to drop, where is your line in the sand: 5%, 7%, 10%, 20%?

Learn from my lessons of 2014, a time in our Lord’s history when “The Fly” showed the world how even an immortal Space Alien Magician (SAM) could lose money by exhibiting gross amounts of hubris, coupled with neglect, and egregious stupidity. A great man once said “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

Do not permit yourselves to get hammered and punched into the face. At the first sign of danger, flee lads and save your skins–live to fight another day. Don’t worry about me, for I was born to bathe in the fires of hell and toil amidst savagery to cleanse my soul from all of the sins I’ve committed.

Markets look dastardly.

I am down 1.1% for the day and N is your #1 tell for risk. She’s been trading down for more than a week now. I’m afraid the summer doldrums have arrived.

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Markets are plunging lower, based off a rout in bonds(lolz). You stupid shits. Yields were negative and have moved away from profoundly absurd to somewhat less absurd yields and everyone is getting all worked up about liquidity. What this is about, frankly, is June swoon. Executive, C-level persons of distinguishable honor, are sleeping in, unfettered by any move in the broader indices. Understand something, these men of industry only concern themselves in the now and do not care about planning past this evening’s cocaine encrusted chicken breast.

For a -100+ day, Le Fly is wading through the mud quite well. I am certain you were hoping to bear witness to me venting in despair; but you’re wrong, yet again.

This is the year of “The Fly”, nothing can go wrong, as I am destined to live a charmed life, unaffected by all of the turmoil and angst around me.

HERETO: markets will fluctuate between distinguishable ranges for the duration of 2015. Know your craft and study it well, for the summer month’s are upon you and if you’re not careful, you will most certainly blow yourselves to smithereens.

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What’s This Exodus Business All About Anyway?

Most of you have no idea what this is about. You simply don’t believe in the impenetrable armies of Exodus and feel that Le Fly is simply being a salesman, “trying to sell subscriptions.” Listen to me: I have my own money and don’t need yours. I do this for the people and priced it to scale. I can confidently say that there is nothing better than Exodus available to you at a retail level, priced like a month’s worth of cereal boxes.

This is what I want you to do (you know me awhile now and know that I rarely demand things from you): sign up for a monthly membership and email me at [email protected] and I will dispatch one of my partners to do a live one on one demo for you. Who else does that? No one.

Here are ALL systemwide OVERSOLD signals dating back to October. Inception to date (2008-), the system is running at an 80% accuracy rate, to the fucking day.



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The Bond Collapse Takes Center Stage

None of this makes much sense, since a Greek exit from the Euro should mean greater demand for US bonds. Nevertheless, bonds, worldwide, are getting the meat cleaver taken to their fucking faces. This dislocation is causing stocks to get “Simple Jack’d”. No one really knows what the fuck is going on. Late day sell offs should always be viewed as a harbinger of doom.

Get your affairs in order.

This shit will sort itself out. But the Lords of Finance are about to summer, exercising their EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE over decadently plated panko encrusted salmon.

You’d think “The Fly” would give a shit, being that he likes money and all. But he doesn’t. As a matter of fact, being +28% for the year has him feeling uneasy. I perform best when dangling off the bottom of a roller coaster seat, as it whips through loops and kills everyone else riding it.

For the day, I kicked out most of my largest position (FEYE) and added to HDP, while starting a new position in VNDA.

Off to the gym.

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