18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,500 Blog Posts

Reminder (Totally Off Topic): Always Buy Dips of Well Run SAAS

If there is one thing I have pounded into your thick skulls for the past 6+ years is to embrace the science of SAAS. Data analytics in a manner to control consumer trends will only get better. That being said, I am seeing some fine software stocks down in the AHs and many glib fucked for faces on Twitter are declaring them to be dead. Let me tell you something now — you see dips in stocks like EVBG, ZEN, HUBS or CRM — you buy. You do not time them or worry about the conference calls. You rely upon the management to figure it out — because it is their job. Your job is to position your money wisely to grow in a manner that conforms with data analytics.

We are probably in the 5th inning of moving IT departments out of corporations and into the hands of various SAAS companies. Their revenues are, by design, predictable. Valuations are high because they’ve proven to be able to deliver. So when you see dips and fathom yourselves to be gurus for avoiding the ongoing death knell in XYZ trading at 25x sales — just know you’re an idiot and instead of eschewing XYZ you should be buying.

I closed the day +1.05%, fully long again with an LABD hedge.

NOTE: We are doing a Stocklabs live demo on Friday 12pm-1pm to showcase the pro features. This is open to non subs and subs alike. To be invited, email [email protected].


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  1. purdy

    “fully long again” …oooh, that’s gonna hurt

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  2. purdy

    Who’s more wired-in? Me, Fly …or a billionaire who is permitted to launch spaceships?

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  3. tha pirate

    Anyone old enough to remember a sucessful ceo (was it H. Ham?) coming on a certain far left biz channel predicting $6 dollar a gallon in Biden won and then being laughed at for it? Yeah – some of us do remember.

    Remember folks, they DONT want you free and INDEPENDENT to drive, work and travel where YOU want, they want you DEPENDANT on the government for EVERYTHING.

    THATS Communism. Thats tyranny.

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    • traderconfessions

      They don’t want you free and independent to drive, work and travel?? LOL. Could be the funniest thing I’ve read here. Certainly Gibberish Hall of Fame material. Keep it coming!!

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  4. emersonlakepalmer

    Good day wall street lemmings
    I just named the number
    of times a month
    I wipe my a$$
    with my bare manly hands
    no toilet paper involved
    Just to get a taste of what’s coming

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