18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,500 Blog Posts


It’s all coming together now. We have come full circle and we’re all gold and silver bugs again — HARD CURRENCY MEN who prefer the feel of metal in our hands than filthy fiat. The GME saga will soon be concluding, as mom and pops get fucking fleeced, as the stock cascades lower en route to $10. Meanwhile, silver is up 10% because Reddit likes it.

Remind me when I’m supposed to listen to these people.

In the morning I had to sell my inverse ETFs. I was wrong on the trade, so I move on. I did several things thus far.

Made my monthly allocation into ETH
Liquidated by Quant for Jan to be replaced by Feb. I made +6.1% for the month.
And I made my monthly allocations into my dollar cost average account, equal weighted amongst 10 stocks.

As for my trading, 60% cash, trying a little of this and a little of that. I’m down a little so far, but I haven’t even warmed up.

Markets look fine, nothing really notable aside from silver and biotech breaking higher. I might buy into some silver, but later on today.

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  1. txchick57

    Uh …… natgas. Up way more than silver.

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  2. trumpmeister

    I’m a SPAC bro, longing a lot in IPOE

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  3. indie

    To the tune of I’m losing my edge…

    People sold BTC to buy ETH.
    Sold ETH to buy GME
    Sold GME to buy SLV
    Selling SLV to buy BTC

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