18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,500 Blog Posts

Come $GROW With Me

I’ve always been an ardent fan of the bitcoin — every step of the way. While the lot of you scoundrels out there have been casting a miasma about this new and fresh asset class — the dollar killer, in all of its indecorous trimmings, I’ve been a supporter.

With the recovery of the Bitcoin today, I stepped in and bought a proxy stock — ticker symbol is GROW. In the hopes that I could fetch enormous gains with this little piece of shit stock, I have removed stops and have decided to simply let it run in the winds — naked and free — cock out and about — living the life it was born to live.

In the event it trades down for more than 3 minutes flat, I will execute sell orders and be done with it.

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  1. sarcrilege

    Great purchase! SEC thinks $GROW is a fine company too. To da moon:

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  2. jerkchicken

    “I’ve always been an ardent fan of the bitcoin — every step of the way.”

    It wouldn’t take much to look through the archives of this site to find all your posts denouncing bitcoin as a scam. I rarely come to the comment sections just to disagree, but this claim is utter bullshit. You were late to the crypto party and became a fan within the past 6 months-year.

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  3. edge

    Personally, I like to read Fly’s bullshit, entertaining and lately worth trading.

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    • numbersgame

      ” worth trading.”

      Fly has good insights, but it seems like every week he bashes on cryptos and then invest in crypto plays. Also, while he claims to read the white papers, he doesn’t seem to share his interpretation of them…

      For example, while alpha males may believe that buying GROW because Fly bought it is a good enough reason, I’d need more than that before even putting a penny in for a trade. Now of course, Fly’s blog is good for giving *ideas*, but almost 100% of the research on whether you should buy it you have to do on your own.

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      • Dr. Fly


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        • metalleg

          Edited for your reading pleasure, at your leisure:

          Fly good insight but he bashes crypto and invest crypto. He claim to read white papers (no racism) but he no share his view.

          While alpha boyz may think buying GROW because Fly buy is good, I need more before I put even a penny in. Fly blog give good *ideas*, but all research on buy/no buy is on me.

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      • rigged game

        “Research” and earnings and sales and all that other bullshit
        have NOTHING to do with whether a stock goes up or down.

        Stocks go up because the insiders, banks and brokers KNOW
        and agree which stocks they will push (and they get in early),
        and often keep them going up for months and years.

        That’s because it’s a RIGGED GAME.

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        • edge

          Right now it’s rigged for MOAR HIGHER.

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        • numbersgame

          I understand that this is primarily a trading blog and the calls trend towards short term. In that case, the “research” may be identifying a chart pattern.

          For example, this is useful: “With the recovery of the Bitcoin today, I stepped in and bought a proxy stock.” However, out of the available proxy stocks, the reader is given no reason on why Fly chose GROW, especailly since he has been such a fanboy of OSTK (another crypto proxy).

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  4. aflow90

    GCAP and NXTD at interesting spots as well. I may actually nibble on some of this trash finally.

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  5. Marc David

    “The price of Bitcoins and Ethereum are totally dependent upon the ICO market”

    Makes perfect sense as long at exchanges offer BTC/ETH pairs. You buy one of those.. mostly ETH for lower fees and speed.. to go buy some ICO of choice. I bought plenty of ETH to buy XRP. I drove ETH up by doing exactly what Fly posted in the blog linked below.

    I’d say as long as coins keep popping up and people keeping buying anything that doesn’t have a USD/EU pair.. the main coins (ETH, BTC) keep going up just because it’s an entry to everything else.

    I’d still like some PepeCash!

    “Companies are raising money in Bitcoins and Ethereum, which is the reason why those two currencies, especially the latter, are so strong. Each offering provides fresh demand for them. It is, without question, the biggest bubble since the housing collapse of 2008.

    Presently, there are over 800 currencies valued at over $82 billion.”

    This from a July 19, 2017 post and now those ICOs have doubled! (1476)



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  6. whaler31

    Reminder: The Fly has “always been an ardent fan of the bitcoin” for a grand total of TWO months.

    He is the god of bitcoin now, though.

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