18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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$GSUM Broke Out; $KODK Warrants +3,000% — Another Day at the Office

I’ve been waiting for GSUM to break out for weeks. Lo and behold, Ragin Cajun came back to trading for the first day of 2018 and got in, which coincided with an explosion of the shares. Some people just have that touch.

Earlier today I first heard about Kodak getting involved with the blockchain in Exodus, and then someone told me about warrants that were attached to the common. They expire in September and were trading at ~6 cents.

I posted this message inside the hallowed halls at 12:30ish.

A good friend of mine and friend of the site, the venerable Chuck’d Bennett, saw said message and stepped in with some size, buying warrants from 7 cents all the way up to 20 cents. They closed +3,000% at 59 cents. With the stock up another 40% in the after hours, good old Chuck Bennett stands to make a King’s Ransom tomorrow.

This is just another day on the blockchain — making inordinate sums of money off little to no work. Everything is free and everything is grande. All you need to do change your name to reflect blockchain or announce some sort of crypto interest and your equity will double and triple in value — allowing for a segue back into the capital markets to raise money for future burn rates.

Heading into tomorrow, I’m very boolish on oil — long BBG, SN and FTK.

As for the blockchain, I have several positions slumming it. But I consider them to be sleeping, not really trading down in earnest. Immediately, I expect to make great sums of money in NETE, GSUM and maybe INPX. If none of my present ideas work out, I’ll sell them and wait for the press release gods to bestow new gifts upon me. It’s that simple and easy, and also simple.

Off to the gym to lift 3,000 pounds.

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  1. bearraid

    Also, there’s 17% short interest. Poor devils.

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  2. frog2


    told myself not to touch the fuking sell button and couldn’t even stick to the plan for 2 hrs. holding onto 2500. they’re at 1.20 AH. earliest buy was at 0.05 and they stayed at 0.07 before taking off

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    • frog2

      PS. If it wasn’t for you tweeting about it I wouldn’t of found them. so thanks. might buy a year of PPT if I don’t give it all back

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    As soon as the chicken jumps up on the hen house and starts crowing a fox comes by and eats it.

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  4. chuck bennett

    It was better than Etherium or any other cryptocoin.

    Amazing day.

    Lovely turn of events.

    Thanks again Mr. The Fly


    Chuck Bennett

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  5. tradingmantis

    Chuck’d Bennett. Would’ve lol’d if it wasn’t for the pneumonia tearing into me.

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  6. sierra water

    Moviepass to be cash flow break even in 90 days.. up .90 afterhours..

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