18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,500 Blog Posts


Tonight’s crypto end game has resulted in even MOAR gains. They will never trade lower…ever. So, you might as well get used to making all of these gains. More than that, you best get used to a fuckload of Zimbabwe styled inflation, as a new wealth creation causes prices of luxury items to break the fuck out — snapping skinny faggot necks like pretzels.

If you’re amused by my sudden red streak of violence, it is because I am making fuckloads of money. Whenever this happens, I become a very violent, almost savage, animal beast of a man. Just today I punched someone’s jaw loose for looking at me sideways.

Here are some winners in the crypto space tonight.

I know of some absurd tales in the advisory industry, all to do with managers holding some of these crypto proxies on their books. Assets are rising to extreme levels and those levels are readying to get even MOAR extreme. Just when you thought the rally had ended, BAM, a giant fucking shovel of cocaine gets smashed into your face — causing you to run around the street a few times, naked and somewhat crazy, but enjoying life to the fullest.

This Xmas, House Fly will be replete with superfluities and I will be in a constant state of inebriation. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very fine drunk, happy and generous. Pipe smoke will imbue my wife’s expensive Persian rugs, whether she likes it or not.

Almond egg-free egg nog will be enjoyed with massive amounts of Pappy 23 — because that’s how I roll.

Heading into tomorrow, I own just a few crypto plays: GCAP, NXTD and PYDS. I expect fuckloads.

Back to Exodus. SOXL flagged oversold on the 13th of December and now it’s much higher.

And the overall system is now overbought, which is bullish for stocks. 87% of the time stocks traded up after 10 days on this reading, over the past 36 months.

Show your gratitude. Join the league of gentlemen and earn your topped hat.

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  1. J Adabese (your pen pal)
    J Adabese (your pen pal)


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  2. heaterman

    May I humbly submit that at least a small part of this and the overall rally seen today is due to Nikki Halley effectively and forcefully saying, FUCK YOU! to the godless troglodytes at the UN. ?

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    • Dr. Fly

      Sorry, my obsession with politics passed. I’m sure most of you are grateful. I am now fixed on proxies.

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      • heaterman

        This is not politics as usual, or even politics in general.
        This is the USA telling the rest of the world we will do as we damn well please. Something not seen since the days of Ronnie RayGun.
        The spine of the collective citizenry is being stiffened by a leader who is 100% not politically correct and cares not what the rest of the world thinks.
        Right or wrong, he will do what he considers best for his country. So different than 0bama. Refreshing, even given the orange haired ones natural proclivity to ostentatious and occasionally retarded Twitter pronouncements.

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  3. DMXtremelyOnPoint

    I just gotta say that it’s so damn nice to have your savage commentary back in play.

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  4. whaler31

    My observations:

    As a individual trader who has been watching The Fly throw around huge coin & acidic insults for over a decade, may I suggest EXODUS?

    EXODUS is special. It has been refined in an anal-retentive fashion continuously–day after day, week after week, year after year–to reach its current state.

    EXODUS has truly been designed for today’s refined investing gentleman.

    Unlike it’s ungainly predecessor (The PPT) which was designed only for the erudite among us, it’s progeny “EXODUS”, it is everything I wish the PPT was many years ago.

    After monitoring EXODUS very closely for many months, I have observed that it has never been so right, so consistent, nor provided such a distinct edge for trading the markets.

    If you have the means, I suggest trying it out for a few months?

    If you don’t, fuck off.

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  5. acehood

    *egged nog

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  6. tonka

    How about accounting software for the long term?

    If cryptos are classified as securities and I have to file a deemed disposition every time I buy groceries, copies of TurboTax are going to fly off the shelves.

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  7. lapens

    Fucking awesome having you back Fly. Just brilliant. Can’t wait until you buy your first real crypto!

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  8. sarcrilege

    Everybody caught the gambling fever. Those that missed dotcom – this is your 2nd chance to participate. Those that got crushed during dotcom bubble – this is your 2nd chance to get crushed again.

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  9. reversion

    This is the shit! Some much better than red and blue crap.

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