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Prominent Neocon Admits Firing Bannon Would Be a Mistake

It is widely believed, Steve Bannon, a man who keeps a board in his office, filled with a checklist of pledges made by Trump to the American people, is on his way out of the White House.

Ardent Trump supporters view Bannon as the last hope for this rapidly shilling presidency, a symbol of the populism and nationalism that attracted so many to the President.

Joe Scarborough, rumored to be the recipient of anti Bannon text messages from Jared Kushner, is thrilled with Trump’s new approach to governing (war) and is saying he heard Bannon ‘snapped’ on Trump’s family (Kushner).

I wonder where he got that intel?

Lastly, one of the most reprehensible human beings on the planet, Bill Kristol, arch neocon, hates Bannon. But, in a brief moment of lucidity offered a truth on Twitter that the President should heed.

When Bannon goes, so will Trump’s base.

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  1. metalleg

    Agreed. Bannon 2020!

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  2. rigged game

    Trump’s base are blithering idiots who believed
    Agent Orange’s lies during the campaign.

    And the dumfuks STILL believed him when he
    appointed banksters, billionaires, and warmongers
    to his cabinet. Then Neocons.

    They finally see the error of their ways when Trump
    publicly succumbs to those Neocons.

    “Who is gonna pay for the wall?” “MEXICO!!!”

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  3. Dr. Fly


    Feel free to get past the ‘I told you so’ part of your narrative. Yout comments are only for you, since no one else can learn or gain anything from them.

    I can insult you back if you like.

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    • one-eighty

      Feel free to man up and accept your share of responsibility.

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      • ironturd

        There’s no responsibility, just “I am not a shill” and “I think better than u fags” – defected Trump supporter my ass. Just riding the political shitwave like everyone else and now this blog is a political garbage trough.

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    • TJWP

      His comments are only for him because no one bothers to read them.

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      • derp

        I did read it. Then went looking for bleach to pour into my eyes.

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  4. frog

    If Bill Kristol thinks it would be a mistake for Trump to dump Bannon, then Trump had better dump Bannon quickly. Check out Kristol’s record of things he’s said. I’ve heard a lot of them, and as far as I can tell, Kristol has a record of being wrong 100% of the time. Seriously.

    Kristol is the Dennis Gartman of political statements.

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  5. dmfracer

    It’s becoming clear that Bannon should have ran for Prez, because we elected his ideas

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