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Nigel Farage Drops Truth Bomb: The Younger Generation Screaming ‘Fascist’ Have Become the Thing They Loathe the Most

Always eloquent, Britain’s Nigel Farage offers his views on the current state of leftist delirium — pointing out how the younger generation have been hijacked by an agenda rich education system, indoctrinating them to not only espouse a certain ideology, but to become intolerant to opposing viewpoints. By definition, they’ve become the very thing they’re working so terribly hard to defeat: god damned fascists.

A mindset of intolerance has been normalized amongst the left, promoted by the media, even accepting violence in order to ‘stomp out’ nazis and white supremacists.

The bullshit has to end. They can’t keep getting away with it.

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  1. longview

    He has a point, but so do they. The parallels between Trump and the true Fascists of yesteryear are, or ought to be, truly concerning.

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  2. heaterman

    Off you original topic here but WTH is going on with CMCSA. Looks like they are circling the drain.

    PS: Farage speaks the truth. These people have lost all semblance of logic and the ability to think for themselves.
    I keep going back to something said in the Podesta e-mails where the head of NEA told the head pedo their goal of creating a “compliant citizenry” was nearly complete.

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  3. Dr. Fly

    I have to be honest, I’m not concerned about any of it. This is all theatre to me.

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    • ferd

      Nothing really new here, just more evidence of how easily people are manipulated and divorced from logical consistency. The media lead us into the Iraq War, into Obama’s liberal wars in Libya and Yemen, etc with liberals oblivious to the slaughter due, I would suggest, to a weirdly racist assumption that a black liberal president can do no wrong. But now …OMG …the rich white president said something that might hurt someone’s feelings.

      But yeah, I’m concerned about how easily the mob is manipulated …even though it’s nothing new.

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  4. stockslueth

    “Nazis,I hate these guys.” – Indiana Jones

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