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Fed Ex Beats Estimates, Shares Fall Nonetheless

America hates shopping malls and have declared them to be dead, via numerous mall based earnings shortfalls. The great satan is Amazon. Until Satan builds its own fleet of trucks and planes to deliver their satanic goods, companies like FDX and UPS will profit.

After the close, shares of FDX are lower after beating estimates, as evil Amazon weighs on the minds of those long.

Earnings for the quarter came in at $3.30 v $3.28, on revenues of $13 billion.

It’s worth noting, however, once Lucifer Bezos builds his fleet, FDX will die a very slow and painful death.

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  1. UncleBuccs

    I don’t know what ol’ FedEx is delivering (besides bchu’s Fleshlights) , but it sure isn’t my Amazon. Amazon arrives to the ham & egger class via the good olde US Postal Service (even on Sunday!), and on rare occasion via the brown trucks.

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  2. roundwego

    I am starting to see alot of amazon trucks in southern california.

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  3. kdogg1787

    Amazon stuff in chicago gets delivered by rental vans with amazon logo magnets slapped over the enterprise logo. This trend has already begun

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