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Ackman: Charlie Munger and Coke Are Trying to Turn America into an Idiocracy

Bill Ackman fired back at Charlie Munger for his connection to Coca-Cola, who, incidentally, looks like he has two coke bottles for eyeglasses, for ‘causing a health crisis’ and replacing water in Nicaragua with coca-cola–subsequently rotting the teeth of children.

Understand something, this is an issue that is very near and dear to Bill, as he has obese family members and is sensitive to the topic of children’s health. But don’t get it twisted. While he owns MDLZ, who markets their sugar-filled oreo cookies into the mouths of newborns, he doesn’t view ‘a snack’ as being the same as a ‘liquid.’

Okay, but Mondelez makes Tang son, the super satan of sugary filled soft drinks.

Tang RecyClass KV

This whole demonization of Munger and Buffett because coke destroying kids is fucking outrageously funny. It reminds me of the cult classic movie Idiocracy, when the morons in the future were watering their crops with “Brondo” and then wondered why they faced extinction when the crops weren’t growing.

My children have never had coca-cola. It’s an idiots beverage. Americans are increasingly rejecting non-healthy choices in favor of healthy. It’s only a matter of time for Mr. Munger, and his sugar peddling goblins, to give up their plans to profit off the demise of children with soda-pop–in favor of a better, more efficient, delivery system–like a Burger King or a Tim Horton’s restaurant.

Pershing Square owns 38 million shares of QSR, holding company to both Burger King and Tim Horton’s.

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  1. braveflaps


    But TANG – astronauts drink that shit, son, so you know it’s good.

    My six year old pallet was appalled by the taste, but when they tell you IT’S ON THE FUCKING MOON, SON, you drink that shit down.

    Remember, the commies killed dogs in space, but our good people sipped TANG while in fucking orbit.

    I think that’s the real driver behind the Chi-com space programme (sic).


    Either that or they want to retrieve some freeze dried space dog.

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  2. zheeeem

    I drink San Pelligrino, so I own Nestle. My spousal unit drinks Pepsi. So I also own health care stocks.

    This is what Peter Lynch was talking about, right?

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  3. frog

    Everyone should stop investing in sugary foods. They are addictive, and as you point out, Fly, they are very much a health hazard. Good for you for keeping health destroying soft drinks away from your kids.

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  4. resumark

    Coke’s new style: designer milk. Look it up.

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  5. ironbird

    America is a slob Mexican with diabetes. One word. Tampico. You East Coast people really need to come out West.

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