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Obama Flip Flops on Atlantic Drilling Decision, Caves to Environmentalists

I love how these psychopaths are so anti-fossil fuel, yet use said fossils when flying in airplanes, cars, heating of homes etc. I’d love to be able to forgo my addiction to dirty fossil fuels. But the windmill and hideously ugly solar panels just aren’t doing it for me.

Obama, in an effort to secure his super liberal bonafides, reversed an earlier decision which gave the states of Georgia, Virginia, S. Carolina and N. Carolina permission to tar their beaches with light sweet crude. They are no longer permitted to do suchness.

“Any new offshore drilling will be a stain on President Obama’s climate legacy,” May Boeve, executive director of the group 350.org, said in a statement Monday. “If the president is going to meet the targets he agreed to at the climate talks in Paris, he needs to keep fossil fuels in the ground or in this case, under the sea. We can’t afford any more oil spilling into the oceans and carbon pouring into the atmosphere.”

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  1. boyaj

    This has Putin strong-arming Obama all over it; Putin deals a major blow to Syria and in return, Obama makes a small concession to potentially reduce oil supply and thus raise crude prices.

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  2. frog

    Interesting theories, both of the “Democrats are always weak and caving to someone, when they should be riding on bears with their shirts off” type of theories. Fly has Obama caving to environmentalists. Boyaj has him caving to Putin.

    Personally, I think Obama is an environmentalist, just acting according to his own principles. It’s not such a stretch for me to imagine that he really would rather not have U.S. beaches tarred with light sweet crude. If we can’t get more of the energy we need from cleaner energy sources, then scientists need to work on developing alternative energy further.

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  3. bottom_feeder

    Calling a halt to new drilling seems brilliant. How much new drilling did we expect to see in the Atlantic over the next 9 months? Or anywhere else in the country for that matter. Seems like an easy way to look environmentally friendly for the remainder of his term where it doesn’t matter anyway. Next I expect he’ll call a ban on grenade production for the consumer market to appease the anti-gun crowd.

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  4. freebie

    Suburbanization is killing us. Return to cities, ride bikes and trains, sell the monstrous house with the huge fertilized yard before it’s too late!.

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