18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,499 Blog Posts

The Crown is Taking Back iBankCoin

Several months ago, I had an unnamed member of the iBC board monitor many of you, especially those participating in the Blogger Network (@ibc_bn). Since the redesign of iBC, I’ve ceded control of the content of this site to you, the people, to do as you like. Between news (@ibc_fn) and blogger network posts, myself and the think tank/legendary tabbed blogger apparatus has been relegated to a very minor role in this blogging experiment.

During the annual iBC dinner, this topic, AND MORE, was broached. Unanimously, the board of directors of iBankCoin despises all of you, begging me to “take action quickly” and send you to the “cellars”, cordoned off from the rest of society. However, as ally and dear friend, I defended you, suggesting “give them another chance because things will get better.”

The gentlemen of iBC left the annual dinner with half smoked pipes and heads filled with anger, steaming from the state of affairs at iBankCoin.

This afternoon, news arrived at my desk, a full report, detailed and comprehensive, from that unnamed board member who was tasked with monitoring you. It is a very bleak read, indeed.

sporadic posting, skimpy, no attempt to build readership, very mediocre overall

no charisma, lets his blog go stale, mediocre drivel

lets his blog go stale and even when active simple portfolio updates every few days with some media

simple portfolio updates, no kind of analysis

all politics, terrible

“mediocre content, very high maintenance personality not worth the trouble even if consistent poster”

“lacking charisma, no consistent reader following built up, very plain vanilla overall”

“mediocre content, tries too hard for style that comes off as very unnatural, dilutes the major iBC blogs by attempting to mimic”

“simple portfolio updates with very little, if any, actual analysis of market & positions, not up to iBC standards or anywhere close”

“tries way too hard to mimic “The Fly” style–dilutive to iBC brand in that regard, insufficiently focused blog posts”

“nice guy but just cannot get any kind of readership, tries too hard for style points”

“ALL politics, No market. Outside the scope of iBC, terrible”

terrible, makes a mockery of financial blogging

funny commenter on main iBC blogs but not much of a blogger in his own right, insufficiently focused writing, scatterbrained, cannot even capitalize a title

lets his blog go stale, decent if he could be consistent but looks to have thrown in the towel

Mind you, this is just a small portion of the report. When I said “we are watching you,” I was not jesting.

Effective rather immediately (or tomorrow), the iBC cognoscenti, equity partners of the site, will take back what is rightfully theirs, by law. The front page of the site will be reserved for the gentlemen of iBC (crowd filled with plebs bursts into uproar, angry over new law). The news and blogger network will be relegated to their own respective pages and not the cellars, like the board recommended. I fight for you even to this day!

It’s important to remember, more than anything else: I am the Blog Father, ordained in the fires of the market, raised and bled in the vagrancy of Brooklyn, NY. The message is clear: mediocrity will no longer be tolerated at iBankCoin (angry board members stand up and applaud, shouting “here, here” while stomping canes into the ground). I am taking this site old school, real old, when the primary focus was about making money, not giving a fuck about traffic stats or keeping up with the IT homosexuals from San Fransicko.

With this stick, I offer you a singular carrot. As the blogger network gets superannuated to its own page, away from the iBC board, I am going to pluck one of you out, to become a staff writer, given “tabbed blogger” status, and possibly invited to an annual dinner one day. There are several of you who exhibit rare talent and should be given a bigger stage. My advice to you all is to deport yourself with a dignified air and bring your A game when pen goes to pad on iBC, with respect to grammar, punctuation and most certainly accuracy of market calls.

I bid you good evening.


[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqG77_Gi5oE&feature=plcp 603 500]


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  1. Marc David

    Friday will be the inflection point, PPT OS.

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  2. The Eye-Talian Stallion
    The Eye-Talian Stallion

    EXK is about to launch. I topped up the tank today, let the games begin.

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  3. Half Blood Pope

    I do not get the whole blogger network thing but perhaps that is because I am a pleb. For ‘tabbed’ status I believe such qualities should be required; Quality/intriguing writing style as well as quality market calls (recorded via public winship). Anyone can write and anyone can call a winner but to do both and time-stamp it requires true skill.
    Without both qualities I might as well go to seeking alpha.

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  4. charlie

    A wise move, Senor. Quietly, I have suggested something of this nature in a few of the superb, yet nearly invisible, posts by “board members”. Not quantity, but quality.

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  5. Anton

    To meritocracy! Plutocracy! Aristocracy!

    Long live the tabbed bloggers!

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  6. thrashman

    Good play sir, good play. You can’t just let anybody blog here. These bloggers were not gentlemen by any means, not gentlemen by the appropriate gentlemen rating standards. With that I will tell you a joke. A democrat, a muslim and a communist walked into a bar and the bartender said “What can I get you Mr. President”. With that I am done for the night.

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  7. Trading_Nymph

    You know I haven’t written for the Blogger Network because everytime I am ready to do so, I forget my password. I click on the “forgot password” and I get the same email, “Someone requested that the password be reset for the following account: http://ibankcoin.com/ Username: tradingnymph If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. To reset your password, visit the following address: “….its blank after that, no following address…I think its a Illumanari plan to keep me quiet, lol, ouch..

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    • Half Blood Pope

      That is the ‘weed out’ test and you failed.

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      • fake amish

        Not neccesarily HBP. The sign up to reply in ibc_fn straight up does not work.

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        • Half Blood Pope

          Email Vincenzo ASAP.

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          • Trading_Nymph

            HBP…And I was a former Peanut Princess, they are soooo cruel, lol.

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          • Half Blood Pope

            I am confused Nymph. They do not want you to post here but you do in spite of that? I kinda like that.

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          • Trading_Nymph

            HBP, I need to be around other street junkies…its hard to find true junkies like the Fly.

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          • Trading_Nymph

            Oh and if I would have been able to write a piece, it would be how Oil is going to collapse fast and hard Tomorrow and Friday (unless Isreal declares war, which they won’t). End of August the Iran +6 talks will be starting up, just read it in the Tehran Times…bye bye risk premium.

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  8. fake amish

    Agreed. The tabbed blogs of these hallowed halls deserve the showcase. Woodshedder has been spot fucking on for weeks all the while almost invisible. Nice to have the senator back as well.

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    • fake amish

      For the blogger network trial by fire. The past few months have been the trickiest in years to bank much coin in. Fucking trapdoors everywhere. Maybe a minor league tabbed blogger set up for just one or two could work.

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  9. moolahheaven

    A well needed speech ‘Fly’, hail Caesar! Despite my requested status as the ‘People’s Tribune’ Moolahheaven


    I am forced, in begrudging manner, to agree. There has clearly been a lack of decorum where gentlemen, in some cases even of esteemed status, do NOT comport themselves as such. I do not post blogs because I haven’t had sufficient time to do the job properly and will not post just for the sake of doing so in a shoddy manner. There are those who simply excurse from the task and chief topic at hand, namely how to make MOOLAH and those who defile the hallowed halls of IBC.

    I wish to speak for the masses as ‘People’s Tribune’ Moolahheaven and I do so via my tweets (@moolahheaven), but I will not do a disservice to the plebs by writing weak blogs off topic nor defend those of lower class who do so. No one wants to hear or read the roaming, rundown, random ramblings of a subjacent poster – be they pleb or even, dare I say equestrian. The only blog I never miss is that of the Caesar of IBC, the ‘Fly’. Entertaining, informative and always unrivalled. Good day sir.

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  10. Sur Platonic Plateau Du Tecnocrats, B.R.A., D.J.D. upon Rookness.

    Good call.

    My vote goes to the V.King for “tabbed blogger.”

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    • 'merica

      Be sure to kiss him goodnight when you tuck him in for bed.

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      • vking

        Hey merica how about i snap kick you in the snatch so you bleed the other 3 weeks of the month…

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  11. mad_scientist

    too much white noise from the plebs. I sometimes take market cues from the tabbed bloggers cause they know what the fuck they’re talking about. The plebs are mostly about ego and telling me their portfolio but why would i care about their portfolio before they have proven they are a winner who can dominate the market? For example, I am always interested to hear what Rajin cajun is currently buying or holding because I admire him as a trader and respect the ideas he has shared. These other dudes need to realize nobody cares that your Walmart position went up 1% today and down 0.65% yesterday (and so on, ad nauseam) because how do I even know you have a clue about trading? Prove yourself first, plebs, then we will care about your chinese burrito trade, or whatever.

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  12. StocksRider

    Greetings. I take a long hiatus to perfect my art and this is what happens! Please don’t throw a challenge because it is tempting.

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  13. Rhino

    I’ll fight someone to the death for it, seriously, fuck it.

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  14. Steve The Neighbor
    Steve The Neighbor

    Oy Vey!! And I was about to write my first blogger post about my new premium service in makinggeltwith steve,com. It had to do with a five bagel rating system for my picks. I am farklempt.

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  15. dominator

    I paid the price for a full IBC subscription to make money, not to discuss political ideology and bullshit about jo mama nothingness. Help me bank some coin please.

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  16. 88888s Account

    Sage thinking – wash this joint out with a high pressure hose – we need clarity and focus.

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  17. elizamae

    Like I have always maintained, it has been an honor and privilege to have my ramblings intertwined amongst some of the best financial blogs in the world. We don’t (and didn’t) deserve the exposure we received, and now shall accept our fate as the second-class (or third, in some cases) citizens that we are.

    Again, I thoroughly appreciate the opportunity.

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  18. ckalt

    Finally the keg party is over. Good to hear.

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  19. flyaway18

    There’s nothing wrong with trying new things out and retooling after a period of time. The main page should be reserved for the best commentary. What’s nice about your featured bloggers is they all have a different style, and that gives readers diverse opinions. I think what bothers me most though, is when people “follow” a trade, perhaps not really having a gameplan and defined entry and exits strategies. Then, if the trade goes awry, I am reading comments about how much pain they are experiencing. That’s not good.

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  20. razorsedge

    ive been busy this month, tending to a blown engine in one of my boats. (put a damper on my bimini trip). a friend of mine came down in a group of disabled americans. i decided to put all my efforts into working with the wounded wariors project. i will donate time and ship to recognize the efforts of those who gave to our great land. as for trading , i trade the news. politics is the market lately. look at europe. currency is what makes the world go round. obama/romney have made a mockery of the citizens they wish to represent. logic has left the room. there is too much hate in the world, divide and concour seems to be the path…

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    • TraderCaddy

      I would do just about anything right now for a bowl of conch chowder (with some sherry) and some Bimini bread

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  21. tm

    Thank you! I could never understand why you wanted to turn your site into a content farm, with this endless churning of news-bits clogging up your main page; getting everyone to throw something up, anything up, as frequently as possible. I honestly stopped scrolling down whatsoever, as I find your commentary to be “with gorilla-sized top-hat.” Good move. It’s not worth getting the extra views or whatever.

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  22. Heaterman

    Not a blogger type and most definitely not a stock picker. I come to learn and soak up, not disseminate knowledge.
    That being said here is my meager contribution to spreading the world’s collective knowledge for the day.

    http://www.refdesk.com is a reference (surprise) type site that has links to many of the major periodicals and publications as well as reference and data links to vast quantities of data ranging from meaningful to arcane. One of my favorite sites.

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  23. Berniecornfeld

    How does one “stand up and applaud, shouting “here, here” while stomping canes into the ground” ….do they graps the cane with the penis?…are do all board members have 3 arms?

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  24. jesco_t_cole

    Totally agree much of what i began reading your site for is now diluted down with mediocrity. A post here ant there about politics is okay but I do not care about workout routines or who was arrested for porn charges there are a multitude of lesser sites I could get such garbage from if i wished it. Standing golf clap to you…. Not that you need it

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  25. Henry Fool

    Awesome! My reign of mediocracy continues.
    The glory in sharing has never been so sweet!

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  26. Yogi and Boo Boo
    Yogi and Boo Boo

    Good call. The brand was being diluted. Good blogging requires hard work and commitment. There is no use in doing it if you are going to be overwhelmed by dreck and blathering, or pushed to the bottom with 75 news blasts and never get a chance to be red. At least in the days of the PG, the ladies and gentlemen would hold posts and so their fellow bloggers could have some exposure.

    Sometimes too much competition, just leaves things a bunch of barking dogs.

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  27. Bullish

    Take the crown!

    I have not read much Woodshedder since this new format change, he unfortunately gets hidden amongst the rubble of horrific blog posts.

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  28. lol

    what does this mean for all the “monies” by people’s names?

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  29. Paying Customer


    I don’t need to see chicks in bikinis, I don’t need a blog from Mr. Cain Thaler telling me he will vote for Obama or anyone else telling me they will vote for Romney.

    There are other places for that.

    How about some blogs on how to use the PPT with screens that identify profitable setups.
    Especially with historical recaps, such as looking back a month to see how the PPT screen actually played out.

    Some of us are paying money to be here!!!
    Real money, gives us value!!!
    Without PPT and Fly (and Chess, maybe Cajun) this place ain’t jack.

    Fly’s videos are enough, I don’t need someone else simpleton idea of entertainment.

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    • vking


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    • republicat

      I agree with everything this guy said.
      Also that running total of cash along the right side “iBC the game” is cute = meaningless, really it’s homo, get rid of it.

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    • Subcomandante ChinchillLLLA!!!
      Subcomandante ChinchillLLLA!!!

      If you’re paying money to be HERE, you’re doing it wrong.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      Lol, you’re right, I’m sorry for being up 17% YTD.

      It won’t happen again…

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  30. ruggyup

    In the midst of turmoil I have renewed confidence in GTAT and PSTI. While you laugh, my SDRL grinds inexorably higher with mega divs making Dryships eat me.

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  31. vking

    If a blogger post and no one reads it did he really post?

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  32. flyaway18

    Wowza, this market is something else. Gold wants higher, too, give it time! And, of course, RIG! Kicking myself on not re-entering FFIV on that drop to $97, look at it now!

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  33. The Eye-Talian Stallion
    The Eye-Talian Stallion

    As long as evreyone is making suggestions how about a simpler ZeroHedge – Drudge format. Like an old fashioned newspaper.

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  34. ruggyup

    If read by a low IQ nebbish is that within the no one parameters?

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  35. Hawaiifive0

    I agree with this move and the focus should be about making money.

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