I turn dials and fiddle with knobs to hone in on harmonic rotations
Joined Oct 26, 2011
4,121 Blog Posts


Today is really messed up. I have people sending me crazy videos of European refugees herding through towns like zombies. The NASDAQ is in the toilet, swirling around the drain. American retail is losing out to fabricated Chinese spending holidays. Oil, my goodness oil, is talking the bullet train lower. We have ourselves a real shit show on our hands.

Let us recall that today is Friday the 13th. The northern hemisphere is now in short days and long nights. The demons kept at bay all summer long are now wandering the streets with longer working hours.

The general feel is dour. Everyone I talk to is paranoid and seeking solace. I only offer old philosophic ideals of objective judgment, unselfish action, and willing acceptance of external events.

The news cycle is full on negative. All the headlines read like an obituary to the American economy. All whilst the teenagers lash out against higher education—effectively calling our entire society into question.

All this, and the god forsaken doctors in the biotech group are keeping their index together. I do say, if we see bios roll, all hell will break loose this afternoon. In the meantime I bought a starter long in TQQQ because I am being objective. GOD WILLING, it gets blown to bits. Then I can book my biotech short and add to this index long.


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