18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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After 9:55am, I Proceeded to Trade Over 100 Times *

It was my second most active trading session since I’ve made my portfolio public back in 2021.

This is what the market did today, way up and then all the way back down.

I had an especially vicious open due to an earnings miss with MTZ down 15% and a 20% weighted UVIX down 10%. I closed both positions out near session lows — not because I enjoy to sell at session lows — but because I lacked the eternal fortitude to hold. Part of my super-presence in the market stems from my malleability, neither hot or cold about anyone thing for too long. My caprices shift with the tide, in spite of my deep desires to see it burn. When things move against me, I tend to avoid conflict and move out of the way. You could argue this is a form of cowardice, not being able to hold firm. On the other hand, financial markets isn’t a battlefield — but instead a parlor where men of industry cavort and set prices for associates businesses. Ego, in my experience, will rack you with losses. At times, ego can and will make you extraordinary rich. I’ve tried almost every method since trading back in the early 90s and found that this method of chaotic shifting works best for me.

I conducted 139 trades today — not out of boredom or desperation — but an attempt to catch lightening in a bottle. There have been times I have done this and turned big down days around. Today was not that day.

Early on I kept hedges on and traded long. And then I towards the end of the day when markets were diving, I took a shot and went 50% short. The portfolio was jumping 10bps per minute and it wasn’t long before I realized I had missed the big move — so I closed most of the shorts out.

But because the market has truly reversed from what analysts said was a ‘Goldilocks’ jobs number, I reapplied some shorts at 30% of my portfolio and then built some longs around it.

I kept 25% cash and consider today a non-event in as far as expectations. When I wrote “done at 9:55” today — I didn’t mean I was done trading per se — but that my chances of reversing my doom was extremely limited to nil. I closed almost exactly where I opened, -3%. I tried my best to make it happen — but for every pop there was a drop and due to my lack of grit in keeping that UVIX position, which not only recovered the losses but went higher by 7% — I stand before you a profound and pathetic loser. Had I fucked off and went to exercise my knees — I’d been up today talking shit about how the American economic experiment since 1776 had ended and there was nothing that you or your stupid friends can do about it. Instead, I am 4% in the hole for August and now forced to trade my way out of a market that is apparently and inexorably unstable in both directions.

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I’m finished for the session, more or less. I had taken some “highly correlated” positions into today and got blown the fuck out clean. My hedge was the devil itself via UVIX at 20% and I ordered an appetizer of LABD with it too.

I had an “earnings play” with a great stock MTZ which was Oppenheimer’d for -15% and then I had of course the UVIX down 10% and that’s all she wrote. I blew them all out, grabbed my nuts and took some SOXS and two other piece of shit stocks to pair wonderfully with this shit steak I’m eating and I’m fin.

I’m down 3% for the sesh and that’s pretty much my redline. If I invest heavily now I risk turning 3% into 5% — a blowout too great to be endured.

I’ve had plenty of days, such as this. They’re never enjoyable or nice and they always inhibit the way I see the market, for whatever reason. I go from seeing it perfect to not at all in a day.

Of course everything I’ve done today was wrong. Of course I sold UVIX at the session lows. That’s how it goes when you’re a fucking moron for the day and can’t do anything right.

The diagnosis for me, at least for today, is grim. I’ll need to concoct some real low beta portfolio by end of day for Monday, as now my task is to recover these losses in manner that doesn’t exascerbate them.

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Extremely Cautious With Rates Up Here

I’d like to be a brainless FOOL just like you — long and having fun — stuffing my fat fucking face with bars of chocolates. But with rates up here and talk of Bill Ackman crashing the US Treasury leaving no survivors, I closed with a NET SHORT BOOK filled with LABD and UVIX.

My deepest hope is for COLLAPSE — maybe 1-2,000 NASDAQ points lower; but I will settle for 300.

We have been in a very magnanimous tape and we’ve quite enjoyed the Grandeur of Pre- World War 3 heroism — but all things turn to dust and with the ashes of that dust you will choke and die.

Earnings in the AHs might delay my position of doom and if so I will be quick to give up on it.


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I lost 4 pounds in the past week and this fact has seemed to greatly annoy Mrs. Fly. I didn’t know I was fat — until I got on the scale and saw I had gained 10lbs. I want you to also understand that fat to me is very thin for you oreo cake eaters out there. There are few things in life you can control — this is one of them. If, by chance, you find yourselves addicted to food — quit being a pussy and stop eating.

By September I will have reached my goals and then maintain my weight to conform with proper decorum. It’s important to abstain from things and to suffer. You can’t go throughout life being an insufferable hedonistic son of a bitch. Work hard and impose your will onto others, and then die.

I am very heavily long UVIX alongside many stocks neat 52 week highs. The goal here is to be long — but also at the same time hope for a full blown blowout of US equities, sending Bidenomics to the fucking trash bin. With the US 10yr at 4.2%, it seems we are on the verge of something extraordinary

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I Refuse to be Fooled

My UVIX hedge helped me this morning to FEND OFF THOSE FUCKING LOSSES. I closed everything out and just own BTC and I am happy to be flat for the session. I see the market is attempting to move from left to right up — but I am not impressed, nor will I be fooled.

The US 10yr has completely busted loose +12bps to 4.19%, which means it’s really over this time. WTI is up 2% as the fucking catamites in DC bungle about attempting to defeat Russia inside Russia. The NYT reported that Ukraine has dropped NATO war tactics after losing 25,000 men in their recent offensive — basically taking human beings and tossing them into fortified positions without air cover and without enough ammunition.

It seems, the US is fighting both Ukraine and Russia and winning! But to be honest, it’s cowardly to inflict this sort of misery onto a people. I am sure the Ukrainians might prefer to actually live rather than die in a ditch.

The basic principals of Darwinism is at play here. You, as a smaller nation, do not fuck with a bigger one next to you. If you do, there will be kinetic ramifications. If you are unable to deal with those ramification YOURSELF and without the assistance of a pimp — you place your entire people in danger. They have placed all of Ukraine into mortal danger by attempting to suck American dicks in DC.

Back to markets, I might trade a little this afternoon to make some money — but I do not trust this tape — not with yields soaring like this.

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Harrowing losses for the plebeian class of investor today — hammered into the ground and forced to attempt to dig out from their folly amidst noxious fumes. I will tell you this — at the open of trade I too had losses of greater than 1.2%. But unlike you, I had a large position in SQQQ and I sold all of my longs and kept my SQQQ and then proceeded to rip out trades all day to close FLAT for the session.

You have to understand, I am not trading to lose. I will win at all times, especially on down days. I am very happy we have real time portfolio management inside Stocklabs so I can show people how to comport oneself in a market, such as this. Sadly, like in all facets of life, people think they know more — can do better. You can only drag a horse to water. It has to be thirsty to drink.

I closed my SQQQ short and have a long book into tomorrow — but with a 10% UVIX hedge. I figure the market won’t go down for a second day in a row. Such blasphemy cannot be tolerated. BUT in the event it does, it’s very likely we’ll knife the fuck lower — providing an outsized move in the VIX.

I am in tightly correlated stocks to the general market, in order to avoid divergence.

Off to go exercise my fucking knees.

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The Market Response to US Credit Rating Downgrade is Worse Than Last Time

Last time markets tanked — but bond rallied and yields collapsed because of the perceived safety of treasuries. This time, even with crude down, the US 10yr is now +7bps to 4.12%. Understand the different between than and now and draw your own conclusions.

In my opinion, last time people chalked it up to a one time event and sold stocks down — but rallied around treasuries. This time, everything is being sold except old man stocks.

With VIX at only $15.92, it would seem markets are in for a bit of a tumble, if I don’t say so myself — perhaps a bit more.

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I remember the last time this happened like it was yesterday, back in 2011. How dare they remove the US AAA credit rating, when in fact all we do is exhibit irresponsible finance.

Take for example now. We’ve deficit spent to our heart’s delight for decades upon decades, but really ramping it up with vigor since 9/11 and then the grande finale, mother of all grift, COVID-19.

We now have $32T in debt and because we caused inflation and had to raise rates like lunatics to prevent societal collapse, we now pay close to $1T per annum in interest.

Look here Jack, the civilization that was made here by migrant Europeans for the past 200 years is fast coming to an end. We are actually heading into reverse, led by people who couldn’t manage a village during pre historic times. Do you understand the ramifications of this sort of collapse?

Nothing is what is was and it can never get back to the way it should be — because America has been destroyed from the inside out — hollowed out like a tree to ride as a nice canoe and will never again grow leaves or new branches.

What we have here now was created by previous generations and although we of course still have brilliant minds to sustain balance — those people will soon be overwhelmed by the leftist plague that is intent on disintegrating the country, just like all of the major cities they’ve imploded over the past 50 years.

In regards to the credit downgrade specifically, it means little since all western nations are traveling at the same speed. The much larger issue is the actual debt, tax burdens, and eventual banking system failure that will come in our lifetime.

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A New Era of Winship Beckons

I can feel the shift in my disposition — the sense of market awareness is becoming acute. This morning I entered the foray -160bps and closed my laptop and fucked off out of spite. Upon returning I made it a stated goal to trade back to flat and did exactly that — just before becoming a bit overzealous and drawing down to close -40bps.

I am reading well, adhering to the strictest of cutting diets, NO FUCKING BOOZE other than some club soda and bitters — and I generally have a keen understanding of certain areas in the market which is attracting traders.

I am into superconductors, AI, LIDAR, BTC miners, Flying fucking taxis — and so on and so forth.

I did close with a gargantuan short via SQQQ because fuck you — that’s why.

See pal or JACK, whichever you prefer, this is my market and you’re just a spectator. I can go out there tomorrow with the tools that you have and make $15,000. Can you — can you?

I didn’t think so.

I finished a book last night Garden of Eden by Hemingway. It was his final book, published 25 years after his death. It started off great and then dragged so much in the middle with hedonistic plots that I nearly gave up on it. Boy was I wrong because it finished on par with any of his other masterpieces. The tell was in the title and his relationship with his wife was and still is analogous to many a failed marriage. I don’t think Hem even meant for this story to be real. It certainly did have flashes of his life and one of his wives who liked to cut her hair short and it definitely echoed the relationship between F Scott and Zelda. If you understand all of those dynamics and don’t look at the book superficially — I think you’ll like it.

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At this point I can’t even keep up with the TIK TOK. The bond market is throwing misdirection on a daily basis — but today we have real doom casting upon us with the US 10yr +10bps to 4.05%. This is not a drill — Jack. This is the real deal.

Listen to me, mortgage rates will encroach upon 8% soon and the FOMC will hike again because the CPI will be 2.10%. Since they’re autistic, they need it to be exactly 2% or below. Once below, the FOMC will cut rates — but by then it’ll be too late.

Just like in 2006 when Greenfuck hiked until the economy broke, the Fed is attempting to do that now. But you slobs have been resilient and your stubbornness to break is causing them grief — because assets are still expensive and there aren’t any deals to be had, lest you want to by Bed Bath and Beyond’s inventory.

The NASDAQ is down 70 — but panic is low. But you should panic and the faster you do panic the quicker the Fed can have their COLLAPSE and be able to text their friends to buy up the asset forfeitures on the cheap.

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