18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,441 Blog Posts

It’s All Coming to a Head Soon

I am very sorry to interrupt the birthday celebrations of living legend, genius, Philip Glass. As you know, he is 75 today. What you don’t know, aside from his soon to be released 9th symphony, the market is overheated and will collapse soon.

Gay people walk through the streets of Manhattan and Richmond, buying toys for kids and for themselves. Gucci stores are sold out because we’re all fashionistas now, even the once tough gangster rapper genre are gentrified beyond words.

“The Fly” spits on this under-class, but represents himself in the finest cloth because appearance means a great deal in this life.

I am sure some of you walk around town in pajamas or oversized Lee jeans, pretending it doesn’t matter. Get your shit together, you disgrace!

Today was meaningless for me. I sold all of my GMCR for a 5-7% gain and bought more SODA. I am waiting for a pop. In my personal, I bought a little TZA and trimmed some of my SFLY.

Bottom line: I now hold a 75% cash position and find myself to be bored, by the market, by you, and most certainly the monotony of guessing.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjQA6rMwDlE 603 500] [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EILxM-e3nVU 603 500] [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR9tvIuzF4Y 603 500]

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Can You Keep Your Focus?

Indeud, I am fixed on this market and will not let up for a second. Similar to hungry mountain lions trapped inside of a ballroom filled with metrosexuals, I am possessed by the meal ahead. I will avoid the mediocrity of consolidation and forge ahead with spectacular wins, designed to dumbfound the vast majority of you into a catatonic state of amazement.

Having sold the principal part of my holdings yesterday, I find myself a spectator, watching you. I find it to be therapeutic– seeing the graffiti strewn across this site, as you scurry about in a fervor to get rich through some slipshod, bedraggled, myopic scheme. After a good beating or two, many of you flood the comments section with cries of anger and misanthropic rage, blaming yours truly for the problems at hand.

Woe upon your person for entertaining that train of thought! You’d be better off eating a few dozen chicken mcnuggets, washed down with an iced cold glass of arsenic than fucking with me.

Nevertheless, I endeavor to tow you to the next level of development, despite your low class ingratitude. It is common for the mezzo cito to demonstrate carless thanklessness, as it is in their nature to be base and without regard for charity. To be upset with people of that cloth is equal to slapping a child for liking cartoons. One must laugh at the baseness of the mezzo cito and endeavor to tow them along, as it is the philanthropic thing to do.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqihZwPkkGo 603 500]

UPDATE: I sold out of GMCR.

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This just in…

Southern gentleman and scholar, Woodshedder, just faxed me his unconditional surrender with regards to the wholesomeness of McDonald’s mcnuggets. As you remember, Mr. Woodshedder violently defended MCD, comparing its Big Mac sandwiches to Michelin 3 star eateries.

Similar to the confederate surrender at Vicksburg, Woodshedder admits that butane aka “lighter fluid” in his food is not preferable and thereby cedes all rights to independent victory in this argument to the master living in the north, SENOR TROPICANA, where the air is crisp and the people intelligent.

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Moment of Transition

The market hardly went down today and yet Europe needs to raise $29 bill this week.  Taking into account the mathematical certainty that this market is OVERBOUGHT to extreme levels, I am officially neutral and will consider for the first time in a long time going 100% cash, providing the stars align for me, which they most certainly will.

Do not begrudge my caprices with regards to liking a stock one day, then spitting on it the next. My mood shifts with the winds of time. Dark shadows speak to me near urinals and make strong recommendations. Magis visit my domain and cast spells upon my trading terminals, forcing stocks to bend to my will. When I decide to sell a stock, like GSVC, there is uncontrollable momentum that cannot be reversed. Once upon a time, I owned 2 million shares of FTK, from $1-2. I sold it anywhere from $4-5.5. The stock more than doubled after my sales. I am confident GSVC will trade higher without me.

My concern today is to freeze time. I am up 17%, more than 3 times last year’s returns. I needed to slow down my beta and have done exactly just that.


NOTE: Another publicly traded fund who owns a small piece of Facebook and Yelp ripped tits today: SVVC.

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Even though the market is driving rail spikes through the skulls of the bearish/communist crowd, I am half out. Thanks to liquidity and an appreciably higher share price, I sold out of all my GSVC. If you would have asked me “do you think you can sell GSVC at $18 before 2/1?” I would have punched you in the face for mocking me. But, the stock Gods are blessing me and you should take it as a good omen, something to be fortunate about.

It is the year of “The Fly” and there is nothing you or your stupid friends can do about it.

In addition to GSVC, I sold all of my DMND position, roasting nuts, merrily, along the way. As you read this, all I have left is SODA, GMCR and SFLY. But, might I add, everything is for sale.

If I can time the market correctly this year, according to my calculations, you will be shocked, then awed and finally dispatched by my hand.

In summary, I am half out, but also half in. I am bullish on stocks, yet cautious. I am the fucking Fly and you are just a reader.

NOTE: Another publicly traded fund who owns a small piece of Facebook and Yelp ripped tits today: SVVC.

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I’ve been raising cash through a variety of methods this morning, as it is my right to do so.

Let’s review my train of thought, if you have a moment to spare, kind sir.

I am up 17% for the year and it’s still January.

I am up 17% for the year and it’s still January.

I am up 17% for the year and it’s still January.

I am up 17% for the year and it’s still January.

I am up 17% for the year and it’s still January.

That just about sums it up.

In other news, both SODA and GMCR are climbing. For now, those stocks are off limits. EVERYTHING else is for sale, including this fucking blog.

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Smell the Plastic Spoon

My wife, Mrs. Fly, accidentally melted a plastic spoon in our oven the other day. Through mishap, while taking pizza from the oven, she dropped a plastic spoon onto the oven’s ass. Frantically, in an effort to recover from such a heinous error, she raced for the drawer to find BBQ thongs to remove the smoldering fork. I watched with heightened curiosity as this event transpired. As pale as a ghost, she took the half melted fork out of the oven, then began lamenting over her error. When the oven cooled off, she scrubbed away, trying to remove the hardened plastic fork from the oven’s ass. However, it was too late.

The fork just sort of spread out on the oven, like creamed cheese. This of course, amongst other things, humored me to no end.

When it was time for dinner to be prepared, naturally, she had forgotten about le fork de plastic. Happily, she placed her roast into the oven, then galloped away, cheerfully, to go read about some new lipstick. Watching the clock, in between sips of Earl Grey Tea, I knew it was only a matter of time.

“WHAT IS THAT SMELL?” she exclaimed. I replied, “oh, it’s nothing but the plastic fork you so readily melted in the oven.” It’s worth noting that I responded with grace, whilst casually reading my book (Bleak House).

“But, we cannot have this smell. What will we do?” Again, in a calm and casual manner, I replied “we shall have the plastic fork for dinner.”

“It’s not funny” she shot back, angered by my relaxed tone.

“As a matter of fact, it is quite. We shall have plastic fork with breakfast and lunch and with dinner” I added.


As a sit here, blogging like the wind and the sun, shining gifts of knowledge and joy onto your peasantry heads, I am heating up an english muffin, with a side order of plastic fork. It has a certain aroma to it, part industrial, part cosmic. You can smell the muffin, but also the fork. That’s the beauty of it.

Mrs. Fly has all but had enough of le fork de plastic and harbors secretive designs of tossing the entire oven, curbside, in order to perfume her home with the smells of delicacy. I know this to be true.

Howsoever, I beg to differ.

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Pipe Smoke In Your Eyes

I sold out of FSLR (my largest position) and dropped a mill into SODA, into the bell–because I can. I kept everything else intact because it will appreciate in value, immediately, upon trading on Monday.

Have a great weekend.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBR3GyzurNw 603 500]

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