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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Where Are the Loud Mouths Now?


You little trollops were talking so much shit yesterday, as I graciously legged into silver stocks trapped inside cars filled with mustard gas. I braved the fumes and rode into work— long and worried— with egregious amounts of PSLV and AG. What did you do, pal?

See, that’s who I am and you’re nothing? Good Father? Fuck you, go home and play with your kids. If you want to be able to read here, you better pay attention to what I am telling you, else you fuckers are out.

I’ve been in this business for over 15 years now, banking coin without regard for limitations or the feelings of my enemies. In full candor, I show you my hand. In return, the very second my hand takes a hit, you little piss ants come here to revel in my frustration. Let me be clear (no Obama), I will murder you. Don’t fuck with me if you value your liver, for I will eat it with my ritz crackers.

A quick little update for you: This is the PERFECT environment for the refiners, following a sharp drop in crude. Hey, do you know what the crack spreads did this week, as crude plunged? They went up you fucking faggots. So, we have a scenario where gasoline is cheaper, profit margins are greater, and fears of demand destruction through $4.30 gasoline are abating—as prices come down. Needless to say, I am loaded up with WNR, ALJ and CVI.

Onto silver: there are a lot of silly fuckers leaning short. I expect to see silver trade up to $40, spitting in the faces of people like Jim “dumbass Asian pole smoking bow tie having” Rogers, Carlos Slim and Dennis Gartman. My favorites are PSLV, AG and EXK.

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Fly Buys: ALJ, EXK

I bought more ALJ and started a new position in EXK.

Disclaimer: If you buy the above stocks because of this post, your only son will become a Met fan. And, you may lose money.

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ATTENTION BEARS: Your Balls are Toast (NO HOMO)

Well, well, well, look what we have here, a regular melt up of sorts. You little raccoon fuckers will feel the sharp end of my blade today, especially those who are short silver. I take personal offense to anyone who is shorting silver, following a 1 week 30% decline. If you are such a person, mind you, your balls are toast (no idea what that really means).

The job numbers were better than expected, mainly because THE ECONOMY IS ON FUCKING FIRE. Fuck you very much.

As a result, I am expecting a 125-200 point rally today, lifting everything, AND MORE. There is no need for me to give you stock picks. If you are a PPT subscriber, go check out the recent OVERSOLD list and have at it. As you know, it is a sublime harmony of mathematical precision (SHOMP).

Into the open, “The Fly” will be hedonistically eating beluga caviar over ghetto fabulous ritz crackers, whilst sipping on some Ace champagne (gold bottle).

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxDdN-puo3g 616 500]

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Ha, Ha, Ha: Land Mine Hopping

Fuck this shit. I dodge nuclear detonation this morning with a WNR reversal, only to fall victim of a heinous margin liquidation fueled run on silver. I am down 5-7% on my BRAND FUCKING NEW silver positions, AG and PSYS. This shit, mind you, cannot be made up.

You have no right to follow me into the depth of hades. I’m fucking stark raving mad and crave danger. This market is shitting itself. Did you hear me: shitting itself.

Punks are being sold the fuck out without notice, by lesbian margin clerks.

It’s 1929 all over again. It’s 2008 credit crisis, only this time we get to fuck the farmer. Fuck him and his seeds. May he drown in his fertilizer amongst pigs.

The dollar is rallying like it’s the cold war again. Keep in mind, we did kill Bin Laden. Don’t fuck with America, else we’ll murder you with our space weapons.

Into the bell, I am long the same shit I was this morning. I lost a few fingers and one arm; but I still have my penis, so all is good.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=er8ouaMCuv8 616 500]

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Asshole dip buyers are out and about. The raw commodity sector has been ravaged, coinciding with a spike in the dollar. Silver, natty, oil, cotton, alongside others, have been smashed. We saw this happen back in March and that led to an optimal buying opportunity. Will history repeat itself or is this the start of the ending?

Well, there is only one way to find out: buy the dip, else take your ball home and hide under the covers.

With my money, bravely, I am buying silver via PSLV and AG. For my personal, I’ve been buying PSLV every hour and will add to AG on 5% dips. Essentially, I have full faith in Bernanke, with regards to raping the dollar. Buying precious metals on any and all dips, over the past 5 years, has been a terrific trade. I’d be an idiot to not take a shot down here. For those of you who respect money, you can put stop losses.

I was never going to sell WNR. That fucker could’ve went to zero and I’d still be long. It’s one of those trades that is do or die. That’s me and I don’t expect you to act so irresponsible. After all, you fuckers have groceries to buy. “The Fly” is simply burning $100 bills to light his candles. Money, thanks to its overabundance, means nothing to me.

ALJ is posting numbers today. I expect more of the same. These fuckers can’t look a gift horse in its ugly face. Don’t worry: they will seek religion and get it right eventually. The crack spreads are not only sustaining high levels, but widening. Let crude come down; gasoline will remain high. Trust in that.

For those of you interested in new, under the radar, ideas: go check out TNAV.

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Winning While Losing

As you know by now, earlier this morning “The Fly” was in flux, having a crisis of sorts, doubting his own logic pertaining to his grandiose investment decisions. Fast forward a few hours and his confidence is restored. Ten thousand apologies to any of you who were startled/worried about “The Fly’s” mental state, as he is back to urinating on homeless men and crafting new gravity hammers for the heads of his staff of amateur cold callers.

The WNR shall rise again.

On a separate note, silver is getting absolutely poleaxed here. Typically, I do not like to catch knives; but this shit is silly. It’s wax on/wax off in this motherfucker and people are being obliterated via high margin levels. Where silver stops bleeding is anyone’s guess. I took a shot, buying both AG and PSLV, just in case it bounces hard off these oversold levels. I realize Carlos Slim and anyone with a series 7 is short silver now. However, aside from the margin requirements at the CME, nothing has changed. The dollar will still go down and QE3 will happen.

Additionally, I added to my VCLK and ALJ positions because my cock, for lack of a better term, has been reattached.

A great man once said “The Fly wins all the time, even when he appears to have all but wiped himself off the globe.” Indeud.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=005GRsukWMc 616 500]

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Notes from WNR Call

It is ongoing.

They took 30+ mill in hedging losses and 45-55 mill in EBITDA losses due to an outage in February. They are now 20% hedged going forward, but will not add new hedges this quarter, as they believe spreads will remain wide.

Their goal is to hedge a max of 25% at historic cracks and pay down debt.

My take: WNR was being conservative in Q1, but will take on more risk in Q2. The potential for a blowout quarter in Q2, due to their refineries operating at full capacity, no signs of demand destruction and potential sale of their Yorktown refinery, coupled with historically high spreads, seems likely. Although this company has disappointed in Q1, their reasons are rational and the stock is extraordinarily oversold and undervalued at current levels.

I will be adding to this position.

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I added to my ALJ position.

UPDATE: I started a new position in PSLV.

UPDATE II: I started a new position, buying AG.

UPDATE III: I added to my VCLK position.

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