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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Looking for a Reason to Short

Does it matter that I’m up 71bps? You must be bored of me always treating the blog like a trading diary. Well that’s just too fucking bad because that’s exactly what this is, isn’t it?

I was up twice this amount earlier but market forces removed it from me. A younger me would flail and complain about it and hold on until I got it back. But now I realize that’s stupid and it’s best to take the 71bps than risk the whole thing and get bogged down in actual losses.

I’m at 90% cash now, long just NEGG and OXY — perhaps pausing here before I decide what to do next. You know I want to sell it short. But the day is young and the market is resilient.

I’ll look for reasons to short, just like I did yesterday and I was unsuccessful in finding even a single reason. The best reason I have now is seasonality. Markets don’t do well in September. But I’ll need something a bit more tangible than that, like break neck energy prices in Europe, to really get stubborn about being a bear.

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I am 101% long, without hedges. On occasion I will apply risk to my portfolio in order to increase my alpha. It so happens that I am long CRM now into their miss and presiding over a lower share price in the after-hours. God willing, and I hope he is reading this blog, my other stocks can offset this minor tragedy taking place now.

I own an array, a pastiche even, of dog shit stocks accompanied by good stocks like CRM, which is KNIFING LOWER (by the way) in the AHs. I have been using my new option tools to identify plays and closed +36bps for the session.

It was a slow day and I had no positions up until 1pm, so the money I made was made in the late afternoon.

Here is the cope.

“WE” want markets to capsize and sink lower. But it’s not exactly happening at the present, so we beat on — backs against the current — fighting our inner desires and adjusting to the currents.

I’m a pirate now.

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I really wanted the market to COLLAPSE amidst black smoke and busting shards of metal — but I am pragmatic — a liberal man able to switch his disposition at a drop of a hat. For those of you confused, or befuddled even, whilst reading the literature printed on this blog — just know that I grew up in the sewers of Brooklyn and my defense mechanism to survive is to be malleable. One second I am a bull and the very next a bear. The point here is to always drift with the winds.

Some traders are visionaries and others trade the trends. I am both.

Ergo, and this goes without saying, I am now positioned long — but with 30% cash.

My longs include tech, biotech, oil, banks — the whole kit and caboodle. I am a NATO man, rooting for globalism to reassert itself amidst a slave class of underlings who manufacture things for us with the express goal of genocidal miscegenation in order to divide and conquer and control the plebeian class whom depend on us for their food, money, and pleasure.

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Japan is Going Nuclear Again

Several years ago one of Japan’s nuclear plants nearly destroyed their entire country. The disaster at Fukushima was a spectacle to watch — as authorities attempted to avert a full meltdown only to basically give up and try to contain it. The result was massive radiation spillage into the Pacific Ocean — no big deal.

Today, due to the situation in Ukraine, Japan has decided that instead of buying natural gas from Russia and adopting a neutrality stance — they’d rather risk melting down their country again with nuclear power. Ergo, Uranium is +10% and uranium stocks are through the roof.

This might become something you see repeated around the world, as nations decide to boil water over daring to disobey Washington and buy evil Russian gas.

I missed most of the morning trade and the whole melt up. I am basically flat for the session and will begin my trading day now.

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You thought you had a bounce but you really didn’t. What you had was, a market buoyed by commodity prices with heavy put buying in just about all areas of growth and banks. Yields are heading back up and PERMANENT BULLS are about to get RUGGED.

I closed up 1% with 30% weighted SHORT in inverse ETFs. I also have a short bond position at 5% and the rest are long commodities, mostly.

The fact that we didn’t bounce following a horrific decline means we will resume tanking lower — first thing tomorrow morning.

There is nothing more to say.

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It appeared markets were going to rally this morning but that turned out to be nothing more than a ruse. There isn’t a lot of decisive action, other than some bidding up in the energy and general commodity space. You get the sense that, in spite of the downside reversal in natural gas, that the commodity trade is back in play. The kicker is, of course, the ongoing crisis of energy in the EU. It is such that — a polish fertilizer producer is shutting down operations due to high natural gas prices.

We also heard word that a German aluminum company will HALVE output due to high natty.

This all bodes well, I think, for American fertilizer and aluminum companies — like MOS, NTR and AA.

Natty reversed lower today after Freeport LNG announced they’d resume production in November. That news item is a non-event, but markets will market.

I like higher bond rates here, so I am short bonds via TMV. I like oil, natty, fertilizers and maybe SOFI (don’t ask why). I am also heavily hedged via FAZ and SARK and have a general good sense of this tape and feeeeeeeeel like I am on control.

My cash is at 30%, which will be allocated by the end of day.

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Damn It, Bulls Strike Back

Full discourse: I almost always sell all of my positions before 9:40 each morning. Today that entailed saving myself from yet another BOOOOOOLISH lift, as the NASDAQ forklifts higher by 100. The gains are most abundant in commodities, as natural gas cascades towards $10 and oil runs higher without pause.

I’m up a little more than 1.2% today and I’ve been trading a lot more, since I’m convinced the happenings are about to occur.

Sadly, the market doesn’t look like it’ll collapse today. However, the day is young and anything can happen.

For now, I’m 16% weighted SARK because fuck Cathy. She’s a retarded trader. I’m also long TELL for natty alpha and GERN for various reasons. Weightings are always, or start off as, 5%.

More later.

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I attempted a foray on the long side before 3pm and it cost me 20bps. Towards the end of the session, I truly bear’d the fuck up without cause or concern for my safety or the comfort of others near me. The time for pussy footing around the market is over for me. I am now fully engaged and here to help destroy western finance as we know it.

My end game: capitalize on the complete destruction of CALPERS and work towards building an Orbital Space Cannon (OSC) for offensive purposes only.

I have a fuck load of shorts, also some commodity longs and an irrationally large bet on BOIL. My goal with BOIL is simple: profit off the agony of Europe, whilst at the same time planning a trip there in order to revel in my successes over them.

I do not wish any people to lose large sums of money — only the bulls and they aren’t people.

For the session, I extended my cock by 225bps to +50% for 2022 and I am speeding up now 102% invested, dipping ever s slightly into my margin account.

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I had been short all day and I just closed those shorts and moved to 90% cash, locking in +228bps for the session. I did this, not because I was scared or because I was bullish, but because I could.

I fully intend to crash the close and gun for even more, hopefully at a higher price point.

The problem with shorting into NASDAQ -320 is shorting into NASDAQ -320.

The overarching trend in recent months has been SHARPLY HIGHER stock prices upon any and all dips.

What has changed?

The Ukrainians suffered their worse killed in action count to day yesterday, following the murder of Darya Dugin. I believe this provocation cements the fact that Europe is going to be forced to endure energy shortages this winter and the United States will be forced to deplete its weapons stores and Russia will be forced to conduct a brutal war and expense and potentially face an even greater conflict with all of Europe.

The fact that bond yields are once again rising lends credence to the idea that the recent reflation in asset prices worked counter to the Fed’s preferences and the only way to truly defeat inflation, dare I suggest, will be to completely destroy the stock market and western finance as we know it.

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