18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Lazy Summer Trading

It’s pretty god damned hot out there — must be all of that global warming caused by hairspray which is preventing me from not being a little bit cooler. The market might appear to be boring, somewhat listless, but this is the process of consolidation that precedes another big move.

We must assume, as much as it pains our hearts, that markets will BUST LOOSE to the upside again. Do not get mad at me, for I am just a messenger.

I’m back to a most austere form of living — sustaining on about 1200 cals per day NO FUCKING BOOZE EVER and some form of working out every single day. I will do this as a penance for becoming so rotund. If just tuning in, I recently found out I had gained 10 pounds without knowing, most likely caused by leading a hedonistic lifestyle of being a foodie and generally stuffing my face with treats. Well, those fucking days are over and I will soon resemble a skeleton with people fearing for my well being.

I’m +12bps today, with zero trading other than a few random things. Markets are in full TRICKERY mode and I ought to be careful with it, lest I too might fall into a drum of gasoline and rolled into an oven.

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  1. 2 wheels


    Still own this T shirt bought from IBC merch store

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