18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,475 Blog Posts



What else is there to say? Since launching Stocklabs I have made my trading completely open and tracked via portfolios and have shone returns of 218% in 2021 and 62% in 2022. My 2020 was even better — but since I only traded inside SL for +53% of it, I won’t boast about it here in this blog.

Why do I tell you this? Am I perhaps offering to show you the secrets via a very affordable COCKLABS membership? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

See pal, fish can’t fly and birds, for the most part, cannot swim. Track stars are born — not made. You want to have nice returns like Le Fly? The answer is simple: fish less, eat more fish. Just follow my trades and live happily ever after. I am doing the hard work for you — possessing the innate skills that are necessary to achieve supremacy.

In the past there have been folks, like JMORON and GOLDENJOE, who came to Stocklabs for a few months — blew themselves to fucking smithereens due to misalignment and “discretionary” sojourns, and then had to quit the service due to lack of funds. I will tell you and show you how I do it. If you attempt to do it yourselves, odds are you’ll end up like JMORON outside with a tinned cup and homeless dogs looking for scraps of sandwiches to warm up his body for the winter cold.

I don’t have a wine cellar or $8,000 worth of cigars, 100,000 rounds of 50 cal ammunition: but I have talent and over time, especially if I am able to stop Mrs. Fly from spending all of my money, I too might scrounge up enough coin to buy 100,000 rounds of ammunition to prepare myself for home intruders.

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One comment

  1. macpatton

    so that would give you two and half hours of continuous fire on a M240 – I think I would prefer to be somewhere else

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