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Clinton Campaign Worked to Contrast Against ‘Angry White Guy’ at Trump Rallies with Racially Diverse USA Chants

I view stuff like this far less cynically, than say the fuckery of John Harwood.

It is the job of the low workers at the Clinton campaign to contrast against Trump’s, in an effort to strike a difference that could be viewed as positive by whichever group they’re targeting. The democrats are masters at divide and conquer, readily using the discussion of race to gin up racism. The fact that we talk about race so often is part of the problem for future generations. By making note of the differences in Timmy and Tom’s skin color, it only serves as a wedge that will foment and deteriorate whenever both become hateful men.

It’s the very nature of man to hate. Give them a tangible reason to do it, and you’ll be sorry that you did.

At any rate, here is an email by a catamite in the Clinton camp wanting to contrast against ‘angry white men’ by having diverse crowds chant ‘USA’ at her rallies. If anything, this just goes to show you how staged and maniacle they really are.


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  1. roundwego

    clinton’s = fake

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  2. boyaj

    Again, apathetic to this, but I find it ironic when someone says “un-American hate talk” in one breath and then without thought spouts off the phrase “angry white guy.”

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  3. zola

    This started in the Netherlands, believe it or not, and is now going viral:

    (wikipedia:) In 2016, LuckyTV lip-synched the second Clinton-Trump presidential debate to the song so that it looked like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were singing a duet.

    Original: http://www.luckytv.nl/time-of-my-life/

    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB2zoidUeLU

    also on F-ing book going viral via a repost:

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  4. lplongo

    I say this very thing all the time, we have a generation of young people that care very little about race and it only serves to cause problems if the “adults” constantly make it a talking point. Sure, there are areas that are exceptions but for the most part, one of the best things I can say about the Millennials and similar is that on the whole they don’t appear to really care about race, sexual orientation, etc. Very admirable.

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