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Merkel to Erdogan: Everything Else is Cool, But You Can’t Have the Death Penalty if You Want to Join Our Club

Now that Great Britain is leaving the EU, Merkel and the Bundesbank need someone else to fill the void. Why not the Turks? They’re domiciled at the gateway of the middle east. They enjoy a prosperous living and have access to plenty of good, strong, slaves for German factories. Merkel called Erdogan today, likely to congratulate him for his great coup production, and to inform him that if he reinstated the infamous Turkish death houses, it would be entirely unacceptable.

“The chancellor also urged the president to abide by the principles of proportionality and rule of law in the Turkish state’s response (to the coup attempt),” she added. “The recent wave of arrests and dismissals in Turkey are a matter for grave concern.”

“Reintroduction of the death penalty would prevent successful negotiations to join the EU,” Steinmeier said.

Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert told a news conference earlier on Monday that Germany and the EU categorically reject the death penalty.

“A country that has the death penalty can’t be a member of the European Union and the introduction of the death penalty in Turkey would therefore mean the end of accession negotiations,” Seibert said.

I am certain Erdogan and Merkel can come to terms, permitting the Turks access to the ECB fund and QE bond buying program. Do any of you understand how much ISIS oil the Turks could buy if they were able to enjoy EU styled interest rates? Pfff. Wow.

The Turkish 10yr is yielding 9.5%. Compare that to the Italian 1.25% and you can see why Erdogan might want to just kill these ‘coup leaders’ in secret.

This is a recent photo of the Turk coup soldiers under arrest, placed without clothes in a horse stable.


Since the coup failure, Erdogan has arrested 3,000 judges, 8,000 police, 3,500 soliders and over 100 generals and admirals.

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  1. juice

    Meanwhile, how many nukes are we storing in Turkey?

    as the famous saying goes — “what could go wrong!?”

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    • juice

      not to mention that Erdogan/Turkey holds 3 million Syrian refugees that he could unleash on Europe if they get outta line or he could shut down the US base at Incirlik which is key to US plans for domination in the mid-east.

      Such webs we weave .. blow-back time

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    • t.c.

      Great article. People always forget the Nazi Muslim love affair. Same Spirit behind both.

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