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HITHERTO: Here Are the Best Performing Stocks For the Month of June

Catamites everywhere agree, June is the time to get back into stocks with full force and gusto. Along those lines of thinking, I’ve tapped into the cellars of Exodus to provide the world with the very best performing stocks for the month of June.

Here are stocks that fall within the guidelines of 75% win-rate, accompanied by their historical percentage gains, for June of course.

SAM +4.4%
INFY +4.99%
ILMN +5.1%
SKF +5.5% (indeud)
ULTA +4.6%
ZAGG +15%
DMRC +13%
ANAC +12%
LOCK +12%
YELP +12%
AMBA +12.6%

There are more. If I was running money now, I’d be in treasuries, cash and a basket of these fuckhead stocks–maybe YELP, ANAC and a commodity related stock of my choosing. The life of the market is born in commodities. Plain and simple, if you’re bullish on stocks, you’re an idiot for not having some sort of exposure. Additionally, healthcare and tech are the other pillars. Pick a solid stock, preferably away from the small cap arena and behave like a gentleman, or at least pretend that you’re one.

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  1. rangersfan

    Check out $data trending

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