18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,443 Blog Posts

Merry Christmas to the Small People

The Tiny Tim’s of America will be hobbling around this Xmas, without turkeys on their tables–because congress isn’t interested in doing their jobs. For some reason, both parties feel it is beneath them to negotiate, likely the result of mass doses of psychotropics and narcotics. Starting immediately in 2013, EVERYONE in this great fat nation will get to “enjoy” a tax hike, even the most destitute. I told you this would happen. I am telling you now, we are months away from concluding this crisis.

Whether or not the government purposely thrusts this country into crisis is immaterial at the moment. Just know, as sure as you are sitting there in that bullshit chair, crisis is coming. It’s as if our elected officials were working for a foreign entity, whose purpose is to bankrupt and weaken America in order to set it up for a hostile takeover. If that’s the case, “The Fly” tips his hat to congress for a job well done.

Ignore the people, for they know nothing. Keep doing whatever it is you believe to be righteous, even if that means driving the car made from dynamite sticks into the sun. We’re all passengers in this car, driven by the President and his sidekicks of spastic morons.

Over the past 3 weeks, I’ve been cursed with one disaster after the next. I consider 2012 to be one of my worst years ever, even though my gains say otherwise. There have been too many blow-ups and too much volatility associated with my holdings, as is the case with VHC today. For as much as I like VHC, the stock trades stupidly and requires the patience of a Saint to hold it for longer than a week.

St. Fly signing off.

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Fly Buy: $VHC

I added to my VHC position.

Disclaimer: If you buy VHC because of this post, on the way home tonight, you will be car-jacked. And, you may lose money.

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Let me fill you in on what is really happening.

The fucktarded republicans don’t like the dicktarded democrats. They hate Obama-phones and welfare cheese. They want the government to stop spending money on ‘stuff’ and are willing to literally blow up the economy to accomplish their goals, like terrorists–ironically.

These idiots on the right signed some sort of document named after this retard, Grover-Norquist, which says (and I am paraphrasing here) “no real american will ever raise taxes, else your dicks will get cut off.”

So the Tea Party plan is to go over the cliff, kick Boehner down a flight of stairs, and eat lots of ham and shoot gatling guns in their backyards for Xmas.

Ah, but it gets better.

These same jackasses will come back to work, after the new year, and vote for “tax cuts”, in order to undo some of the fiscal cliff shit. In other words, this is purely cosmetic. During the next election the GOP will be able to say to their gun toting constituents “see those communists made us go over the cliff, but we cut your taxes in 2013.”

The end result is Christmas has been stolen.

As a nation, we’re throwing ourselves into lit fireplaces, wrapped in baize–all thanks and praise to our elected millionaires in congress who partake in high stakes parlour games at the expense of 300 million plebs.

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The Mayans predicted the end of civilization thousands of years ago. As luck would have it, tomorrow is the very last day left on the calendar, leading many to believe that civilization as we know it is about to end.

I warned you that our politicians were fucking assholes. Tomorrow we will all reap the rewards of a corrupt, rudderless, government fixed on fucking its people.

But this is good news. Obama doesn’t get to raise taxes and make Obama phones at the same time. Be grateful to the republicans for cock-blockng him in this regard, even though you will want to punch every single member of the GOP in the face tomorrow. I am reserved and at peace with my position that entails losing largess sums of money. It’s a sacrifice of sorts. I’m gonna martyr myself and watch the country burn from the inside.

I’d like to offer a special raised up middle finger to every single elected official in America and world-wide.

The Mayan calendar never predicted the end of time. Instead it alluded to the United Steaks breaking down, fiscally, sending it over the cliff and into a dark crevasse. It’s a ‘Black Swan’ event and I will enjoy it more than anything delicacy that could be placed in front of me. “The Fly” will eat it and laugh, then eat it some more.

After you lose 10% of your money tomorrow, a giant fucking astroid is going to hit your grandmother’s house, creating a giant mushroom cloud over the earth, eliminating the disgusting and stupid human race.

Good night.


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Why I’m Super Bullish on $VHC

If Apple was going to appeal, they’d tell the good judge and VHC to fuck themselves and permit the judge to pass judgement. The whole holiday sales request is a bunch of horseshit. Why would the judge need updated sales figures from the largest company in the world, scheduled to report over $54 billion in sales THIS QUARTER?

He doesn’t.

This is simply a way to give Apple more time to agree to a settlement.

The judge would not have done this if he felt the Apple attorneys were insincere. He can only be doing this, granting them a stay of execution, because the good folks over at Apple have convinced him that they are serious about reaching a settlement agreement.

Mark my words, this is a watershed moment for VHC. After Apple settles, all other ducks will fall in line. From CSCO to Samsung, settlements and licensing deals will be snatched, like a gold chain in Harlem.

As for the trading in the stock: atrocious. I don’t like whining about manipulation because it makes you look crazy. But this stock is being walked down on 100 share orders all day long. There isn’t any real volume, all phantom.

I’ll be buying more tomorrow and on any dips. However, I’m fairly confident that after people get a chance to digest what just happened and what the implications might mean for VHC, this stock is heading back up again, right through its all-time highs.

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The Darkest of Clouds Condense Overhead

I don’t want to make this about me–because we’re all intertwined. But I have a certain ‘galactic presence’ here on the planet earth. For many years the sun shined on my face, as I typed fast–consuming unhealthy amounts of rib eyed steaks and monster energy soda. I could throw all of my money into the sea, then recover it all in an afternoon fishing expedition.

I do remember the pangs of misery, seeing my short positions get obliterated in late 2007, only to be vindicated and baptized in the blood of my enemies in January of 2008. But all of that is gone now. Although I am up for 2012, in the range of 16%, the fun has been sucked out (no blowjob) of the game, leaving me to edify myself with the memories of yesterday, trying to convince myself that they will come back.

I’ve been inured to dealing with halfway retarded CEO’s and coxcombical hedge fund managers intent on manipulating share prices for the purposes of self-aggrandizement.

The industry of stocks and bonds is as stupid as ever. Bear witness to analyst coverage sashaying (extra homo) in and out between the absurd intertwix with felonious profligacy.

I only remain in the markets to see it through, escutcheoned by owlish wisdom, accumulated by participating in 20+ years of stock market sweepstakes.

The luxuriant life of Le Fly can only be sustained, mind you, by the trail of tears provided by his enemies.

No more shall be said.

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Attention VHC Shareholders: Tomorrow is the BIG Day

Since last week, the company has been in mediation with the thieves over at AAPL. Tomorrow it all ends and the good judge will rule. The likely scenario is NO settlement, the judge slaps an injunction on AAPL; in turn, AAPL will file for an appeal. The news of an appeal may accompany a clever update from a Herb on the street, which might juxtapose with the reality on the ground, which is winship, and hit the stock with a bit of fright.

Rest assured, Herb is only interested in parlour tricks when it comes to VHC.

The only chance in red hell for Apple is a reversal of opinion at the patent office, which would temporarily toss VHC shareholders into the proverbial ‘fag box.’

But that’s not likely to happen.

If the stock gets hit on news of an AAPL appeal, simply buy the dips. The company is scheduled to throw CSCO into a lit fireplace in March, which should result in a $500 mill+ judgement. After that, expect VHC to sue others, merrily collecting damages along the way.

But the way this story gets past the courtroom is settlements + licensing agreements. The more they win, the more likely they will accomplish this stated goal, rewarding its shareholders with magnanimous returns.

If you are scared, a little yellow in the belly like Chuckard Bennett, go ahead and hedge your position with puts or sell some. I am prepared to endure some downside, as long as the core story remains the same.

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Twisting in Knots

The insidious CHUCK BENNETT sold some VHC today because he’s afraid. Afraid of what the judge might say. Afraid of what Apple might say. Truth be told, VHC is a man’s stock, one that embodies cigar smoke and single malt liquor. It’s not for the faint of heart and those who have weak hands and knees.

It’s for closers, only.

Stocks dove today, but had little effect on my stocks. I’ve concluded it to be in my best interest to avoid US stocks, unless they’re from the coal industry. “The Fly” has decided to become the Emperor of Japan, fanatical bull on any and all exporters.

Nevertheless, we’ve come to the end of the road here, as the time in 2012 is almost up. The direction of the market will ebb and flow with the caprices of speculators. Just yesterday, The PPT flagged an OB signal–but it shouldn’t be feared to any large degree. I don’t believe we’re going much lower, at least not yet. We will trade the range and then jump off a cliff in 2013.

Sounds exciting.

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The Return of the Samurai

If we go up in 2013, Japanese equities are my favored picks, thanks in part to the newly elected government’s plan to stimulate by 10-15 trillion yen. Aside from manipulating the yen lower, the LDP isn’t fucking around with China and intends to bulk up on defense spending, as well as domestic infrastructure spending. They’ve ordered the Bank of Japan to ‘bend the knee’, laying the ground work for a renaissance in Japanese equities.

Exporters should do best, as the rise of foreign currencies boosts earnings. You can short the yen via YCS.

My top pick is HMC, followed by TM. Those are the lay ups.

Some others stocks on my radar include KUB, NMR, MTU, CAJ and SNE. Truth be told, there aren’t any expensive Japanese stocks that are traded in the US. All of them trade under 2x sales.

If individual equities isn’t your thing, consider ETFs NKY, JOF or EWJ.

I’ll be advantageously bulking up on HMC until it is my largest position.

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