18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,476 Blog Posts

Markets Take Flight to Quality

We have a runaway NASDAQ, presently +180, yet all of the minions at Robinhood are having their dicks cut off for them. The reason for this is simple: men of stature and standing have allocated for the first of the month, in preparation of Xmas and have eschewed the vagrancy of penny stocks and other bubble names — particularly in the SPAC sector. The subsequent result is death for small fries and big dicked wins for those saddled with teracaps.

Tera cap breadth is 90%, up 1.5% for the session.

Penny stock breadth is 40%, down 0.25% for the session.

Bubble stocks are off by 2.5%, where FAANGT names are +2.9%.

You get the picture you fucking faggots?

I reallocated my quant today, added $10k to my long term portfolio, and also all but cleared out of my trading account — now 95% cash. I had sold FEAC, NBAC, HYRE, and BTBT this morning for gains of 10%, ranging to a loss of 13%. For the session, my trading is up 0.2%. Now that I’ve cleared my head and got the quant business out of the way, I will begin to fish again.

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Closed Out November In Extreme Style and Decadence

While some pretend to be any good at trading stocks, I actually do it in front of a captive audience. I closed out the month, draped in fire, recording my best returns since Spring — when I was barreling through the early COVID plays with +300% overnight gainers.

My trading account made a miraculous turn around the past week and change, from breakeven to +15.2% for November. My quantitive system returned a record high, using a new method, of +26.7%, and my new long term portfolio returned a genteel +13.2%.

I closed out the session 75% cash. Tomorrow I will re-shuffle the quant and add another $10 into the long term account, a monthly sojourn which will last for the next 36mos.


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Markets Pull In On This Last Day of Tremendously Big Dicked November; Bitcoin Hits New Record Highs

I bought 4 stocks, reducing my cash to 80%. Markets are nearly down 400, yet the Nasdaq is only down 33 — really nothing. Breadth is more or less poor — everything else is stable. Cryptos are surging again and I know it irritates “TRUE BITCOINFAGS” to see someone like me, a person who has always shit on the “TRUE MEANING” of Bitcoin for what I believe to be nothing more or less than an illicit trade vessel, make so much fucking money on this movement — you’re fucking eyes will bleed if you saw it.

Nevertheless, I remain a most humble blog-servant — providing the people of all colors entertainment whilst they produce gargantuan capital losses inside of their 4 fig Robinhood accounts.

Bitcoin at a new record high only solidifies the idea that this son of a bitch is fixing to go parabolic to the upside. I suppose once the Biden administration SEIZES POWER (!) and cuts the dick off the stock market — the true test for the crypto currency will be upon us. Until then, we have another month and change of pure revelry.

Might I add, we are now barreling towards a pandemic styled Xmas holiday season, whereby people will celebrate the holidays in style on ventilators. While some of you do not wear masks because out of fear Bill Gates will convert you into a transgender robot, I pleasantly ask you to shut the fuck up about it. Asians have been wearing masks since the 1500s and they’ve done just fine.

This whole COVID business truly sucks and you’re trying to figure out the “TRUE MEANING” of it all. But maybe, just maybe, it’s just what it is — a very bad strain of something like the flu that afflicts the weakest amongst us severely and when you couple that with our corporate styled healthcare system designed for maximum profit; well then, you have a situation that can quickly get out of hand and people cannot be treated for lack of space, so wear your fucking muzzle you disgusting reprobates.

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All Out, 100% Cash in Trading

It was touch and go with my trading a fortnight ago, but I closed out the month with dignity and honor. I just closed out all of my trading positions, after getting an enormous morning bump of +290bps, thanks to gains in GIK, SRAC, HCAC, TDAC amongst others.

Month to date, I am now up 14.2% in trading and nearly +30% in my quant.

More later.

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When in Doubt, Look for Guidance in the Money Launderers

Sotheby’s owns an art index, which compiles repeat sales data for over 60,000 works of art, which is used to track the overall performance of the art world. While most normal people cannot fathom the idea of buying some paint on canvas for $200m, it’s important to know there are troglodytes out there who need stores of value and vessels to launder their hard earned stolen cash.

Sotheby’s Mei Moses Index, fuckery largess

This brings me to my next suggestion. Keep buying BTC and ETH, do so every month, until BTC is $100,000 and ETH is $2,500. The world hasn’t ever had an illicit money laundering vessel like cryptos, ever. Forget about art and wine and real estate. Why, you can digitally move $100m today via a series of crypto currencies, move it across national borders, all undetected by god fearing authorities, who are busy perusing Twitter for people to track and target.

If you’re wondering why I am bullish on ETH, this is the main driver for me — illicit movement of value.

I hope you’re enjoying your weekend.

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Tremendous gains, the biggest. On Wednesday I stepped in and bought APXT and NNDM, all of us in Exodus did, because Ragin Cajun said so. He’s been straight fire, so I entrusted him with a portion of my net worth.

The results?

Nothing less than staggering.

UP 36% in APXT
UP 18% in NNDM

And here are some other side dishes.

NOVA +6.5%
FUBO +4.4%
AMWL +4.4%
ASAN +4.5%

See pal, that’s who I am and you’re nothing. Good father? Fuck you go home and play with your kids.

I stand before you a victorious man again, up nearly 500bps for the session, straight up bowling on you ass-clowns.

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. Get back to work now.

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Happy Thanksgiving — CHEERS

Good afternoon plebs.

The turkey is browning in the oven. My MASTER GRAVY is on the stove, powered by a turkey neck. The stuffing was completed last night and I will place the finishing touches on it today. Cooking is an avocation for me. I’ve dedicated countless hours learning how to cook properly and I can honestly say I am immensely thankful to the FUCKED FACES at YouTube for providing a venue for me to learn about the wonderful art of culinary mastery.

If there’s one thing that you should put into perspective, on this very unique 2020 COVID edition pandemic style Thanksgiving, is nuance. Sure, the faggots at Twitter are absolutely terrible people — but they’re also wonderful. Look at the platform they’ve maintained and cultivated, offering people a venue to discuss topics and to connect. There is nothing like it. Same goes for all of the tech tyrants — great and horrible — just like everyone else. The only difference between them and the average Joe showing his ass-crack to his neighbors is power. They have it and you don’t. Nevertheless, I am bullish that normalcy will eventually prevail. Most of the arguments people have these days is about politics. If you just removed that subject from your dialogue — well then — you might be arguing about who’s better — Mets or Yanks again.

Same goes for finance. Sure, we HATE the Fed and their malevolent ways — always printing money and doing stuff to make those damned stocks go up. But then we look at our monthly statements and then we buy ourselves NEW STUFF — because we love to consuuuuume. It delays the melancholy and we buy into the notion that that new iphone or that new jacket is going to make us feeeeeeel better and improve our lives.

Today is a not a day to celebrate the extinction of the natives on American soil, but to be thankful for what you have: health, wealth, and love. Two out of three will suffice. If you don’t have any of them yet, work towards them and stop being such a pussy.

As caretaker of this site for more than 13 years, I want to tell you all reading that I am grateful for the time you spend on my inane missives, putting up with my temper tantrums and hubris. Doing the site and trading with all of you has been an immense gift for me.

Cheers and don’t forget to consuuuume.

Special discount (20%) on all iBC Merch thru Monday: coupon code BLACKEST FRIDAY

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Gobble gobble

Gob gobble gobble gobble gobble. Gob, gobble, gobble gobble gobble; gobble gob gobble gobble.




Gob gobble gobble gobble gobble. Gob, gobble, gobble gobble gobble; gobble gob gobble gobble. Gob gobble gobble gobble gobble. Gob, gobble, gobble gobble gobble; gobble gob gobble gobbleGob gobble gobble gobble gobble. Gob, gobble, gobble gobble gobble; gobble gob gobble gobble. Gob gobble gobble gobble gobble. Gob, gobble, gobble gobble gobble; gobble gob gobble gobble. Gob gobble gobble gobble gobble. Gob, gobble, gobble gobble gobble; gobble gob gobble gobble. Gob gobble gobble gobble gobble. Gob, gobble, gobble gobble gobble; gobble gob gobble gobble.


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Markets Ease into National Festival — MOAR Gains Ahead

Do not misconstrue this morning’s parlay as weakness. The market is doing what it always does after a hearty meal: digest. The underpinnings of a hair on fire rally are still present, so don’t go anywhere.

I have deployed some extra cash into the market place, once again barreling towards growth — eschewing the value proposition that I was so keen about last week like it was some sort of crumb at the edge of a table.

It looks like Chinese Burritos, SPACs, and stay at home plays are lighting up the momo screens today, in addition to ancillary crypto stocks.

Thinking ahead to the all important Black Friday, yours truly offers you a NEW MUG — apply special coupon code RIGGED for a most generous discount.

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I closed the session +336bps and I cannot take credit for it. The market is on auto-pilot to outperspace now, where the painting is surreal and the scenery all fake. As we cascade and fall towards it — I imagine a blackhole will appear at some point, a gravity crushing void, and annihilate us for good. I’ve always taken a fatalistic view on things, perhaps as a defense mechanism from being melancholy.

Some people walk the black dog and wallow somberly with it. I tend to take a more violent approach and view everything in decay and it saves me from the doldrums. I can never truly be happy — because there’s too much to do and too many things needing repair.

These are the best of times and I feel like I’ve written that before. We are in a continuous melt-up and it’s eternal, something to behold and savor because when this deck of cards collapses…you’re all gonna be in the streets swimming in your own feces.

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