18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,467 Blog Posts

Lots of Room to Ease

Well, I nailed the Chinese easing surprise. I knew it was coming, but was off by a week. My spies inside the communist government say there is more to come. At 6.31% interest rates, the Chinese are out of their fucking minds tight. If they want to negate the horseshit that is taking place in the west, they will need to cut rates to a much greater extent over the next 12 months.

Barring something horrendous out of Bernanke’s lips starting at 10 am, this market has momentum to the upside. With that momo comes responsibility. The bulls must make the bears sweat, hit them with clawhammers and cut off their dicks. I expect heavily shorted stocks to get going and anything related to China to sprint.

Names like MTW and TEX stand to benefit greatly from Chinese easing.

It’s been a really bad 9 weeks in the market. We seem to get hammered at least once per year thanks to the tenuous nature of the global economy. It’s the new normal. Nevertheless, we have a chance to run a little bit here. Let’s hope policy makers don’t drop the ball.

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It’s a Fucking Casino

This isn’t about earnings or valuation. It’s not about trend lines or volume. Believe it or not, this isn’t about debt or rich balance sheets.

The market is about two things:

Computer driven liquidity pools and government and central bank intervention.

There are outliers and you can make money in niche plays, if they are well thought out and vetted. But, in general, the market is a giant convoy being directed like marionettes by people trying to maintain status quo.

I am not interested in making a difference or outthinking the great thinkers. It is what it is and I will continue to adjust by building my own tools (algorithms) and trading ahead of the interventionists. It is a never-ending process and correlations keep changing. We are getting “first time evers” on a regular basis. Being nimble and objective (no YELP) is the best course of action. And it needs to be practiced, not just preached (talking to myself).

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Making a Call

I’ve been betwixt regarding buying or selling after today’s melt up. As you know, The PPT flagged overbought on TZA two days ago, for the first time in months. Since then, TZA has knifed lower by more than 10%. There are some things happening in PPT that I’d rather not talk about here, just know there is a hard decision to be made and I did it.

Due to the nature of this rally, with breadth upwards of 85%, I’ve elected to hold onto my positions. The last time we had breadth like this, literally, was 12/20/11. Despite the LTRO melt up of early 2012, we never breached 85%, at least inside of The PPT. As you also know, 12/20 marked the beginning of that cocaine gorilla run to the upside.

So, we have the specter of EXTREME easing by both the ECB and Fed, coupled with a market that has been pissed on for 9 consecutive weeks. By selling here, I pretty much guarantee mediocrity, something I loathe more than anything else.

If you know how to read above a 5th grade level, you know that I haven’t waivered at all on my holdings. I’ve traveled to the fucking pit of hell itself with YELP, TEX, MTW and others, while lamenting over losses in a very public manner. I have no issues sharing my setbacks with you because your opinions mean nothing. It’s like a mouse chirping away at a lion. The lion doesn’t even look at the little cheese eating mouse, because he’s too busy planning to eat elephants.

We are going the fuck higher.

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm_rtM2HgI4 603 503]

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500 Fucking Basis Points

As I write this shit, I am speeding in a car made from dynamite sticks, heading for the sun, +5%. Today’s lift puts me at +2.5% for the year, easy come, easy go.

How’d I do it?

All in, no cash, long heavy amounts of TEX, MTW, AG, MTW, TDC, CLF just to name a few. With the Nazzy up 2% for the day and most high beta stocks up 5%, I think it’s fair to say you can go fuck yourselves. All of you cocksuckers were warning of danger at the exact bottom. As a point in fact, just yesterday I had to talk three clients out of selling out their portfolios. These are men of industry, strong willed men, bending the knee to you fucking faggots in Europe.

Check this out: the market still wants higher. It is not only my destiny to enjoy outsized returns under extreme circumstances, but my right.

Fuck the world and you with it. “The Fly” is banking coin again, banging on his African jungle drums and stiff arming mustaches off of people’s faces.

In closing, as you sit there getting “zerohedged” under a barrage of flaming arrows, remember this day for as long as your pathetic organic state continues: “The Fly” wins all the time, especially when he appears to be losing with alacrity.


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Finally a Respite

For the faint of heart, this is where you take money off the table. The market is not running on cocaine yet, just an oversold bounce. There is optimism based around ideas, but nothing real–yet. As for me, I am holding until higher prices. I am positioned for Chinese easing and God damn it I will get it.

Aside from The Fuckbook, everything is up. If you insist on buying into strength, look for names that are down more than 20% over the past three months with % of shares sold short over 20%. Buy on momentum and pray to the Gods for a squeeze.

My top picks on Chinese easing are TEX, MTW and CLF. Other names worth buying are TCK, FCX and FLS.

Contrary to what you probably expected from me today, on a +150 upswing, I am not boastful. I graciously accept today’s respite and tip my hat to my robot overlords for helping me remain solvent. Should we continue to spread our wings here, I will fire my rail guns at all of you fuckers who were calling for calamity.


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Europe is Filled with Babies

I am flabbergasted that the ECB chose to keep rates at 2%. Are they out of their fucking minds? Those European cocksuckers have just sucked the life out of the market, crushing futures from +14 to +5. They are really mentally disturbed people. Don’t laugh! It’s fucking bizarre and completely delusional for the ECB to do nothing.


Yes, I am looking for policy makers to boost stocks. In the event said policy makers fail to act, we’re going to 8,000 on the Dow, rather immediately.

Any questions?

The fucking Europeans in charge of the ECB are not men, but small babies with the brains of dogs.

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What Part of #POMO Don’t You Understand?

After all we’ve been through since 2008, all of the ups, downs and in betweens, one thing has been perfectly consistent: Ben Bernanke doesn’t give a shit about your opinion. Partly it’s because he belongs to a secret organization who profits from wars, depressions and booms. But the mainspring of Bernanke’s Bearded Clam existence is to continuously and absolutely decapitate all raids on US asset classes.

He’s not interested in lower stock prices. When they go lower, his fucking clam face snaps the dicks off bears though mind boggling quantitative easing. Some of you just don’t get it, do you? The fucking gold market is telling you it’s coming, yet you err on the side of zero precedence.

Pray tell me, when was the last time stocks went down a lot, the economy slowed, and Ben didn’t start his dastardly POMO machine?

If you choose to believe QE3 will do nothing and stocks will trade lower regardless, I have no qualms with you. HOWEVER, if you continue to leave inane messages of such poor decorum and mien, I will have but no choice but to dispatch you to less accommodative quarters. Look, “The Fly” is all about free speech; but some speech is more free than others. You cannot come into this House of Perspicacity and expect to purport lies and half truths without being checked harshly at the door. I will also defend those who are honest and with top hat. There is a dress code at iBankCoin: all we observe it else feel the end of my lash.

Having said all of that, the Federal Reserve is top hat central. Rest assured, QE3 is coming, soon and forever.



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Critiques of GRPN will say “it’s a stupid company, bloated, and it’s going to zero.”

Pardon me, Sir, would you rather pay full price? Isn’t GRPN in the sweet spot of the new American economy, where vagrants clip digital coupons to save money? The pessimism in the social media space is un-fucking-believable. Before you chime in, understand that the stock price action has nothing to do with the underlying businesses. Last I checked, YELP, GRPN, P, Z, TRIP, ZNGA, JIVE, LNKD, ANGI and AWAY all beat expectations. Now the market decided, in its infinite wisdom, that all publicly traded companies related to the internet MUST go bankrupt. Fine. After all, the dot com bubble happened; therefore, it must happen again.

Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound? So let me get this straight: these companies thrived for years in the private markets; but since going public, the stories have materially changed and they are ALL going to zero. On top of that, Facebook is the new Myspace, even though Myspace at its peak was 1/100th as big as FB, if that.

Fuck you people. Fuck you hard and with sand.

I don’t like you and I will never like you. I might be taking daggers in the face long YELP; but at least I went down in something I adamantly believed in. If I blamed the horrendously criminal Facecrook offering for sapping the life out of the social media space, you might say “they were going down anyway.”

Fuck you in the wind, snow and with rocks.

My cost on YELP is around $22. If I make up some of my losses, now down 2.5% year to date, I will add to YELP down at these levels. It can go to $12, maybe even $9. Or, it can bottom here and go straight to $22. Investing is not only a mystery, but an enigma. The poetry of prices swashbuckles between bull and bear, washing fucktards away to oblivion. It happens all the time. I made a great error by letting a big gain turn into a break even. I made an even greater mistake by letting break even transform into a small loss.

Lastly, I made a mountainous error by letting a small loss become my albatross.

Despite all that, whether you like it or not, these fucking companies, ON THE HAIR OF HERCULES, as hated as they are right now, are in the process of bottoming. They will be here longer than you and will make people rich one day; you’re just too glib and permanently stupid to know it.

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