18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,473 Blog Posts

The Good OId Days Will Not Be Celebrated

Some of you are quite perturbed that “The Fly” stopped using profanity. You found it to be eloquent, as you warmed your hands above flaming barrels of garbage. Out there, in the wild world of the interwebs, there are thousands of Fly counterfeits, men who’ve explored their darkest side and found nothing, so decided to copy the life force of another, superior, being.

There have been rumors that “The Fly” has taken to the interwebs again, authoring doubly anonymous blogs, under an alias of his current alias, in order to use the language of the profane. I am here to tell you, nothing could be further from the truth.

Le Fly is a distinguished gent, a man with many hats, resources and etiquette. The internet is nothing more than a sandbox for him, but it must reflect his person exactly else it isn’t genuine. If it isn’t genuine, then he is no better than your average finance blogger, devolving into the pits of vagrancy and dishevelment without art.

For as long as you live, you may never read of “The Fly” cursing again, at least here on iBC. You can access the archives for “the good old days” and in the future you will be permitted to talk about “the old Fly”–but right now there isn’t any time for that.

Make haste and get to the markets, for there is money to be made. Get your hands out from your vaginas and go get some.

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Fly Buy: $ELLI

I started a position in ELLI

Disclaimer: If you buy this stock because of this post, your favorite child will grow up to be a NY Mets fan. And, you may lose money.

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Don’t Worry, Help is On the Way

Good news everyone. It appears the Algerian hostage “situation” has been “resolved.” All of the terrorists (15) are dead– as well as the hostages (35). But at least the natural gas facility has been returned to its rightful owners and law, plus order, has been restored. Perhaps the gents over in Algeria took a page out of the Waco, Texas playbook in learning how to properly deal with a hostage “scenario.”

Futures are sharply higher this fine, glorious, morning. On the bones of hercules himself, we’re all going to make lots of money today. Most of us will wear bowed ties and take our families out for “steak dinners” this evening, in order to properly celebrate today’s market wins. A small minority of you will sit at home watching Youtube videos, swearing to the almighty himself that the entire town of Newtown is one giant fiction, created by Hollywood to strip Texans of their pistols.

Some of you are very ill, indeud.

The Japanese yen is on the decline again, further validating my robust opinions that the Samurai nation of Japan is the single best developed stock market in the world right now. HMC and SNE are my top picks, alongside Yahoo Japan and NMR.

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A Word or Two About Conspiracy Theories

If everything is a conspiracy, then nothing is. Do you understand what that means? If we are told everything is a lie, then by default, the lie is also a lie and cannot be trusted. The internet has become a breeding ground for wild eyed conspiracy theories, researched using non-scientific methods by people more interested in becoming the next Alex Jones, than enlightening people of the dangers ahead.

Case in point, this video.


Take 30 minutes and watch it. You will find some of the information to be credible, which should raise serious questions as to the actual events that took place on in Sandyhook on Dec. 14th. But the guy who made the video went bazerko, claiming the whole scene was one giant hollywood set, filled with actors and props.

Pardon me for being so brazenly forthright–because I really want to use some fouled language right now– but the creator of that video is a jackass.

See, the government is a lot of things, but competent is not one of them. I do believe they’re corrupt and commit many heinous acts of violence to stay in power, as every government has done since the beginning of time. But I find it very hard to believe that whole towns can be part of some scheme to strip Americans of their 2nd amendment rights.

There comes a point when the conspiracy theory itself starts to sound like a conspiracy to hide what really happened. This is one of those occasions.


Anderson Cooper addresses conspiracy theories.

[youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNhjq0xBmyw 603 500]

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Good Times Ahead

SWHC climbing to $9 today was good reason for me to punch holes through the sheet rock and throw dog urine on unsuspecting beggards.  But the sale was forced, mainly, and there was nothing more for me to do about it. Lamenting over the past doesn’t help one forge a brighter future.

For example: I didn’t know that SeekingAlpha was going to release a criminally intent faux press release today, causing VHC to knife lower. Perhaps some of you did and I wish you all the best. It’s natural to fear for one’s position when it is knifing lower. Let me make this perfectly clear to all of you reading this here memo.

If a person has a sizable position in a stock, based upon his/her percentage of liquid assets, HE SHOULD BE WORRIED  when his position is going lower. When the stock is riding high, HE SHOULD FEEL GOOD and seek to involuntarily punch strangers in the nose for living. That’s normal human behavior.

Now acting upon these emotions and merely displaying them are too separate things. My clients who forced me to sell SWHC near the lows acted upon their emotions and made a wrong decision. Am I going to rub it in their faces because they left six figures on the table?

Absolutely not.

They’ve earned the right to make mistakes because they’ve earned their investment capital. I may manage it for them–but the money is theirs.

Just yesterday, everyone piled into AAPL puts because the momentum looked dreadful. Yet today, it’s grandeur is almost too much to bear.

There will come a day when everything I am doing will make sense. Maybe I will make a killing in VHC, or perhaps I will sell it for a small gain. But there is a plan and I’m always looking for the next big play. I can’t control what SeekingAlpha, Herb Greenberg and others say about VHC; but I can control how I comport myself here, in these hallowed halls that you’ve grown to admire and respect. I do not trade in and out of VHC because it’s not that type of stock for me. Three days ago I was up 18% and it never occurred to me to sell even a single share.

The upside is too great to miss and I don’t want to pretend that it doesn’t matter.



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Statement from $VHC Regarding Patent News

I just spoke with Greg Wood from Virnetex and he said there weren’t any patents rejected, as stated in Seeking Alpha article. He said they are simply “reexaming” new patents with the ITC that are only 1 1/2 years old.


He said “this is standard procedure” and this news leak was nothing more than “scare tactics” by short sellers trying to profit. Also, he said, this in no way affects the current suit with AAPL and “everything is still on schedule.”



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Sipping From a Fountain of Sand

I am long overdue a major winner here. “The Fly” is built with the mortar of win. It’s been well documented of my December set-backs, which has caused a certain subset of the readership class to revolt with words of disdain.

Over the years, I’ve managed through these valleys and always come out on the other end victorious. I never came out “garden variety” okay, but million soldier march blowing trumpets, pillaging villages and killing the local cattle victorious. Salt your lands and leave you with seeds.

I regret selling PPC the most because it was a no brainer trade for Q1 2013. I won’t make that mistake again.

I bought into GS because I loved the numbers. I think the stock will hit $165 by May.

I need a big winner here, more than pedestrian 10% swings. I need another +80%er like my NAK trade. I’m just thinking out loud here, as I have nothing to hide, never have, never will–sans my identity.

Perhaps VHC will be that win or maybe SNE or HMC? More often than not, it’s the spontaneous trade that ends up being my biggest winners.

Until then, “The Fly” sits here, clad in a shemagh, laughing hysterically, sipping sand from a champagne flute.




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Fly Buy: $GS

I started a new position in GS.

Disclaimer: If you buy GS because of this post, your wife will divorce you and take half. And, you may lose money.

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