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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Goldman Predicts Trump’s Tax Cuts Will Be Delayed Due to Obamacare and Republican Dysfunction

Goldman analyst, Alec Phillips, issued a note today suggesting the Trump proposed tax cuts will, inexorably, be delayed — because he’ll be too busy trying to unravel the wondrous nightmare weaved by Obama’s ACA.

“This process is likely to take longer than expected, which is likely to delay the upcoming debate over tax reform,” they said. “The difficulty the Republican majority is having addressing a key political priority suggests that lawmakers might ultimately need to scale back their ambitions in other areas as well, such as tax reform.”

Truth is, the issue here isn’t Trump or democrats, but the republicans, who seem to be unable or unwilling to work on any of Trump’s bold initiatives. Tax cuts seem like a simply enough thing to do, offset by a border tax. Obamacare is something that will take time to redo, but that’s their god damned job, isn’t it?

Any delay in Trump’s tax cuts, or walking back, will result in a stiff uppper lipped correction, both cold and foreboding. The best way to ‘get rid’ of Trump is to make sure he fails. By doing so, the country fails too, with all of its citizens. But I don’t think anyone on the right or left honestly believes our elected politicians wouldn’t do such a thing in order to secure power.

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Analysts Are Speculating that Berkshire Will Acquire an Airline Next

Warren Buffett recently bought stock in 4 airlines, an industry that he’s called a ‘graveyard’ for money: Delta Air Lines Inc., United Continental Holdings Inc., American Airlines Group Inc. and Southwest Airlines Co.

Now analysts, namely from Morgan Stanley and Cowen, believe he might acquire one whole — just like he did with Burlington Northern.

Reading the tea leaves, Berkshire bought stock in several railroads before buying out Burlington. Perhaps he’s doing the same here, thinks Morgan’s Rajeev Lalwani.

“We view a full-scale acquisition of an airline by Berkshire as a possibility and not worth dismissing, particularly if the stocks weaken,” Morgan Stanley analysts led by Rajeev Lalwani said in a note to clients Wednesday.

Charlie Munger, the spry 93 year old partner of Warren’s, likens the current day airline industry to the railroads — perhaps suggesting an openness to being committed long term.

“It was a terrible business for about 80 years,” Munger, 93, said at an event last week in Los Angeles. “But finally they got down to four big railroads and it was a better business. And something similar is happening in the airline business.”

Buffett seems to be sucking airline dick too.

“There’s a certain romance to it,” Buffett told Rose, likening the business to Hollywood. “There’s no question that it’s been a graveyard for a lot of money.” Buffett wasn’t asked on the show about whether he’d buy an airline outright, and didn’t return a message Wednesday left with an assistant seeking comment.

Here’s Morgan’s note.

“While we have no knowledge of any potential transactions, U.S. airlines have structurally changed for the better following consolidation that has resulted in more pricing power, supply discipline, and a focus on margins over market share,” Morgan Stanley’s Lalwani wrote. “An interest in industries with structural improvement and the gradually growing stakes are fairly consistent with Berkshire’s approach to acquiring Burlington Northern Santa Fe.”

Cowen thinks the industry might surprise in 2017 — with a leveraged buyout, naming Berkshire as a possible suitor.

“Every year there is a surprise in the industry,” Cowen’s Helane Becker said in a note this week. “This year, we believe a surprise may be that a major airline gets acquired, potentially by Berkshire, or goes private on its own. Airlines are labor intensive and capital intensive, so they don’t make the best LBO candidates, but stranger things have happened.”

According to Exodus, $DAL and $LUV have the best fundamentals.

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Mika From Morning Joe Believes It’s Her Job to ‘Control’ the Minds of People

This is making the rounds today and conservatards are chimping out over it. But why?

Unlike her big headed partner, ‘Joe’, who spends most of his day shilling and cucking, Mika tends to just say things — without a filter. Even though I disagree with all of the things she says, I can appreciate the candor. There’s nothing worse than being disingenuous. Mika will never be guilty of that.

During this morning’s propaganda airing, the Morning Joe panel were besides themselves over the specter of Trump controlling the narrative, dismissing the main stream media as untrustworthy, by talking directly to the people instead of through the traditional conduits.

Mika posited that he was trying to control the minds of people, which is unacceptable because she thinks it’s her job.

How adorable.

It’s important to not let things like this upset you. They’re like children in a sandbox, throwing a tantrum because a baby Trump just snatched their favorite bucket and shovel.

Don’t worry Mika. After Trumo’s two terms, you can have your bucket and shovel back.

Wade through it.

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Stocks Ease Off Record Highs, Led Lower By Commodities

Stocks are down a little this morning, easing off the record levels. I wouldn’t get too frayed around the edges over it, even if your stupid stocks are selling off.

Most of my stocks are off by 1-3%, and I’m 160% lunatic long. There are a lot of narratives playing out now, with most of which coming from the political arena. No one has ever seen so much division, even amongst the republitards. This has been building for 8 years and the differences between people are only getting more extreme.

Over in France, Le Pen’s chief of staff and bodyguard was arrested for misappropriating funds. She’s calling it a politically motivated ‘dirty trick.’

What we want to focus on, with regards to markets, are FX crosses, stability in crude, and any progress, or lack thereof, in Trump’s proposed policies. We know the crazy Fed wants to hikes rates. If it weren’t for the specter of lower taxes and a gigantic infrastructure bill, markets would be selling off by the hundreds now. Bear that in mind.

Crude is off by 1.4% and the all important Dr. Copper -0.7%.

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EXPLAIN THIS: A Man Named ‘Trump’ Starred in 1958 Show Promising to Save Citizens by Building a Wall

I have a theory.

First, watch this spooky piece of teevee history, about a conman who promised to save a town from ruin, if only they’d build a wall. That man was named ‘Trump.’

Circa 1958

Not enough to rattle your cage?

Back in 1990, Heavy Metal comics published a story about Trump, who at the time was famous in NYC. In this story, named The Wall, he convinced the people to follow him to overthrow the rich establishment shills in charge of the city.

The result was Trump in charge and people writing ‘Dump Trump’ on the wall. Oh, by the way, part of his strategy to gain popular support was to hand out Trump hats. One of this key supporters was Mike Tyson, who, incidentally, was a vocal supporter of Trump this election.

Here is the 12 part series.

So are these incredible instances mere coincidence or are we living in a simulation and simply living out a script like in the HBO show Westworld?

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Tucker Carlson Takes on Typical Leftist Who Says Trump is ‘Worse Than Hitler’

Quick question for you retards out there: who’d you rather have with the nuclear football, a billionaire who loves women, hotels and golf or this bitch?

This is the first interview that I’ve seen where Tucker had to cut his guest off early. She was fucking deranged and prattled on about Trump being a fascist leader, ‘worse than Hitler’ and also a ‘war criminal’, which is interesting since he’s done nothing but continues to manage the Obama wars.

When the right wing good squads hit the streets, people like her shall be exchanged for rabbit skins with our trading partners in Siberia.


Ever notice how these women always look the same, shrill, dead eyes, without any warmth?

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CNBC Shitposts With “Just Buy Everything” Segment

Look at the hair on Tim Seymour, not a god damned gray one. Isn’t that amazing?

I remember when I had hair like that. I used to spend inordinate hours in the bathroom combing it just right, like a little bitch. I wasn’t truly redpilled until I lost it and finally realized hair is, in fact, for pussies.

CNBC’s Fast Money made a lot of waves with the title of this segment, “Just Buy Everything”. But it was complete shit.

complete shit

The only bullish one on there was the Italian Stallion, Guy Adami — the only real man on the show. Karen Finerman is tougher and manlier than “BK”, but she was deathly afraid of stocks. She probably hates this rally with all of her spite, as I’d bet dollars to donuts she voted for Hillary at least 3 times.

Brian Kelly, aka “BK”, had a fucking pork chop in his mouth during the segment, scared of his own shadow. Truly despicable. The alien looking fella, Tim Seymour, is usually a super bull; but today he was all hair, with lots of environmentally unfriendly 1980s era hair spray on it.

I felt like Guy wanted to stand up and club everyone to death on the panel for talking about ‘protective puts’ and useless RSI levels, while markets are roaring at record highs.

It would’ve made for excellent television.

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Viewing the Media’s Racism Through a Different Filter

Pandering to demographic shifts, the democratic party has made the white male persona non grata in America. In fact, through their media shills, they’ve made him, and all white people for that matter, the horrible target for overt and hateful racism. This brand of putrid behavior should never be acceptable by civilized people. It wasn’t right when white people were doing it to blacks in the past and it’s not right for white people to be doing it to white people now.

Oh shit, what the fuck is wrong with white people?

Maybe it’s just that the democrat party, the party of slavery and Jim Crow, can’t function efficiently without invoking racism into their agenda. I am dead fucking serious about this. It’s classic divide and conquer stratagem. A cursory google search will prove my point, showing the democratic parties racist past and how old habits, apparently, die hard.

Now that minority voters tend to vote overwhelmingly in favor of democratic party candidates, they’ve stolen the race movement from minorities and have been using propaganda against white people — which is ironic since the democratic party is led by white people. It’s a diabolical plan that is bound to blow up in their faces — just like slavery.

Some guy created a Chrome extension to change the word ‘white’ to ‘black’, which works magnificently when perusing the racist columns of the leftist media.

Behold the results.

I bet all of those writers thought they were clever when they published those shrill articles. Not too clever now, eh?

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The Trump Rally: Welcome to the Most Hated and Beautiful Stock Market Melt Up the World Has Ever Known

For the better part of the past 8 years, markets spiraled upwards under the command of the Federal Reserve, in spite of President Obama’s anti-capitalistic policies. This, my leftarded friends in the swamp, isn’t up for debate. With the highest tax rates amongst developed nations in the world, coupled with a crippling welfare state and socialized healthcare plan, on top of onerous rules and regulations, doing business in America wasn’t easy under Obama. These policies, betwixt with an overall somber mood by a downtrodden and defeated rust belt due to anti-American trade deals, has led us to decades low productivity and the first ever sub 3% GDP showing of any administration in the history of America.

This melancholy produced a true desire for change, which was the primary driver behind the electoral win for the anti-establishment, anti-mulit-lateral trader, anti-EU, anti-status quo candidate, Donald J. Trump.

It was widely believed, since Hillary Clinton was Wall Street’s favorite, being the recipient of all of Wall Street’s money, markets would plunge after a Trump win. On the eve of his victory, markets did plunge, as much as 1,000 points in the futures markets — but ended up rallying fiercely off the lows and they haven’t looked back since.

Stuck with the reality of Trump, business leaders soon recognized that his plans, although orated in an unorthodox way, could be hugely beneficial to growth expectations. The anti-regulatory, anti-high tax rate, pro-infrastructure vision of Trump has led markets higher by 10% since election night — adding more than $2 trillion in market capitalization in a little more than 3 months.

Establishment shills hate it, as they view each Dow gain as a testament to Trump’s successful policies.

So what is the difference between the Obama rally and Trump’s?

Simple. Obama was literally never interested in pro-growth strategies. He was focused on environmental issues, saving the planet from evil coal miners, and creating a moat around big business, via regulations and high tax rates, that insulated them from competition. Trump’s playbook is the exact opposite, as he’s busy cutting regulations, taxes and telling big business to fuck off — fixated to negate all multi-lateral trade deals for the bi-lateral sort.

If the GOP gets off their asses and supports these pro-growth strategies, markets will a true rally with energetic zeal — helping GDP growth to explode to the upside. The BIG “if”, of course, is whether or not Paul Ryan and that turkey necked leader in the Senate, can quit shilling for establishment whores long enough to give these policies a chance at freeing the animal spirits pent up in America.

What do you think?

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Trump’s New Immigration Order Calls For Mass Deportations into Mexico

The details are sketchy, but the new Trump order will call for plans to deport up to 11 million illegal immigrants, even those who aren’t Mexican, but transported into the United States via Mexico.

To do this, the United States would need to inform the Mexican government of our plans, which have been met with fierce resistance in the Mexican senate.

One Senator, Zoe Robledo, ironically, said Mexico shouldn’t accept because the influx of migrants into Mexico would put a lot of pressure on the Mexican population. Is he serious?

“This is an enormous mistake that Mexico shouldn’t accept,” Senator Zoe Robledo said by telephone. “If we suddenly have massive deportations into Mexico, we’d have a lot of pressure not only from our own population, but would be in charge of deporting others as well.”

To accomplish this task, Trump will order the DHS to hire another 15,000, including 5,000 border agents.

No more catch and release.

The memos said the DHS “no longer will exempt classes or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement” — calling President Obama’s approach of prioritization a “failure.”

“Department personnel may initiate enforcement actions against removable aliens encountered during the performance of their duties,” the memos stated.

After the wall is built, using Mexican tax payers pesos, the task of border control will be appreciably easier.

It appears Trump has pivoted from blocking people from entering the US to deporting them, something the courts will have an exceedingly hard time thwarting.

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