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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Markets Soar as America Enlivens to a New War

If there’s one thing I’ve learned living in America it is the people are easily tricked, fooled even, into supporting just about any war the government suggests to them is a “good cause.”This of course isn’t unique to America and these games have been played on people since the beginning of time — by the ruling elite.

They’ll find a pretext or a compelling narrative, gin up some ethnic emotions — and BAM — next thing you know you’re attending your sons funeral, who is regarded as a “hero” for getting his head shot off in some place he’d never naturally travel to — all for the glory of the state.

The NASDAQ is +167 on 83% positive breadth. You simply cannot keep the sellers away. The more bombs that are dropped — the higher it goes.

It seems as events unfold in Israel, the Russians might’ve broken through an important line in Ukraine. Perhaps Russia can gin up some emotions at home too and convince some 18 years olds to fight for the glory of Russia, now that they’ve made a breakthrough.

If you’re paying attention, I’m completely blackpilled by it all and view the rally as folly. It’s true, we were extremely oversold and the market was long overdue to rally. But a sustainable rally would entail a catalyst — one that I cannot envision at this time.

HOWEVER, I will keep an open mind and hope to get back on track soon.

I’m +15bps, sold all of my longs in my trading account and hold a 15% position in $SQQQ.

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I felt it necessary to discuss some of the recent events transpiring in Israel — clarifying my thoughts into words on a subject matter that should not be up for debate. There are universal moral ethics shared by people in the west that may in fact not exist in the east. The targeting of women and children, also known as “soft targets”, are rarely if ever primary targets of western militaries — but more of a byproduct of protracted war. I’m sure you can dredge up examples contradicting my opinion — but on the whole — men in the west view it to be sacrilege and find it extremely hateful to conduct warfare in such a manner.

Whatever your feelings might be on Israel — no one deserves to be gunned down at a festival. From a military standpoint, this only served to embolden your enemy and reciprocate in kind. If you had men willing to spend their lives for the cause of Palestine, dare I suggest hitting “hard targets” and attempting to achieve tangible military goals, instead of a prison break straight out of 500BC whose sole aim was to rape, pillage, and burn unarmed innocents alive.

I’m hardly what one would consider a zionist and place the interests of my people in America first and foremost. I view the plight of the people’s in the Middle East as one of a chaotic morass of cowardice — lacking a sophistication that could ever lead to a military success. If serious about the Palestinians — where are the Egyptians or the Jordanians or even the boogeymen in Iran?

It’s true, the United States is a formidable power to go up against and everyone rather enjoys their palaces and way of life — and it’d be a shame if something happened to that. It seems, and this is from an outsiders point of view, the Arabs either lack the gumption to see it through or they just don’t care all that much about Palestine.

As for markets — I meandered and rested lazily in the tall grass — up just 12bps for the session — hedged and careful — trying to weigh my risks versus rewards methodically — waiting for an opportunity to present itself to me.

Some might argue today was such a day — with markets going from crimson red to homosexual green. I agree. But, I missed it because of my bias and hatred for the market, an insatiable desire to view to much lower to the downside. No worries — I managed to make a little money whilst waiting for the markets to burn. My sense is, the war in Israel will either escalate very quickly and all at once — or not at all — and things will then go back to the way they were — which of course was a formidable albatross around the necks of overeager bulls.

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Traders Salivate Over Blood Soaked Deals

Markets are now green, erasing an early 100 point plus deficit on the NASDAQ. We had what looked like a traditional risk off tape, with bonds soaring, gold and the dollar surging, and defense stocks acting defensively. Instead of the rout which was predicted by more emotional people on the internets, it would seem the stoics have taken over again — placing large bets on the market — sopping up the blood from the wars with their money.

I’ve been forced into tactically shifting against a strong bias of mine: which is to see markets collapse. Since that is not happening and I do possess a keen mind towards preservation of capital and success — I have a very long book now and possess gains of 25bps.

This will annoy a great many of you, mostly due to your own insecurities and lack of panache. Just know, and find solace in this — better men than you traverse markets and understand when to ebb and when to flow.

Into the final hours, I expect nothing less than abject hedonism — a true post modernist display of greed and depravity.

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The recent events out of Israel have caused quite a commotion on X — with people sniping at one another — one side calling for an end to Israeli occupation and the other calling for a complete “wiping out” of the terrorists who reside in Gaza and the West Bank. I am not properly educated on the history of this Biblical feud, so I’ll refrain from offering amateur “expert advice.”

What I will say to you now is to expect for natural laws to be demonstrated widely and aspersions cast without guard-rails — war on an industrial scale will continue and expand. The events in Ukraine coupled with the new conflagration in Israel and the insatiable demand for blood by people on the right and the left — all but cement future eventualities will entail escalation.

Your opinions no longer matter and the die has been cast. Western powers must mobilize and expand their industrial heft in order to supply both Ukraine and Israel. You might not like it — but both parties support this initiative and the people are, once again, in a post 9/11 fervor — clamoring for war and spoils, the natural order of things since man invented the spear.

As for markets — the reaction is rather inconsequential — with large gains in military defense contractors and oils — minor drawdowns in airlines, retail and healthcare.

I closed out my hedges and now am long — up 18bps — in possession of a 61% cash position — carefully allocating — mindful of the times I’m living in — cognizant that emotions are running hot. At the end of the day, I am a professional of the highest order and will maintain equanimity whilst the world churns and burns around me.

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Oil Spikes As War Breaks Out in Israel — A Look Back to the Yom Kippur War

Back in 1973 during the Yom Kippur war, which started just 1 day before this one, the price of oil quadrupled after Middle East state cut supplies and embargoed export. Tonight the price is +4% based off fears that Iran can be on the table for war — as the connections between the Hamas attack into Israel point to that direction.

It’s worth noting, $XOM traded up 1% in October of 1972, while stocks like $DIS and $F dropped more than 10%. The overall market was barely down when the war broke out — but it absolutely fucking plunged in the following month, with the $SPY dunking by more than 10%.

In November of 1973, shares of $DIS Mcplunged by 37%, $IBM -5.4%, $DD -14%, and $F -19%.

Given the already tenuous state of markets, I’m afraid this could be the catalyst to cause a fucking rout.

NASDAQ futures are -90, which is child’s play compared to what could be coming. I expect this war to be different from previous Israeli wars, such as 2006. You could expect to see it get ugly, as support for total war increases thanks to the malevolent nature of this conflict and seething hatred between Israel and the Palestinians. Will Hezbollah and Iran get involved — potentially drawing in US forces into the fray?

One thing is clear, the Ukrainian war is a catalyst for this action, since the US is bogged down supplying Ukraine with munitions. It would be incredibly difficult for the US to supply a protracted war against both Iran and Russia without first initiating war powers for production to mobilize military procurement 10-20x current levels. In no way is the west prepared for a long term conflict and I am not so sure Israel is ready for it either, even though I have no doubt their morale is very high and passions running extremely hot. If we learned anything from the Ukraine war — it is that modern warfare neutralizes many aspects of traditional post ww1 warfare, with drones and anti-tank / anti-aircraft missiles proving highly cost effective deterrents that bogs down elements of all armies on the field.

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The Circle Jerk

I entered the arena heavily long, thinking BEAR MEAT was on the menu. Joe Biden’s NFP numbers scared me off — made me cower in my book of longs and provoked me to quickly EVACUATE markets and hedge. The heart attack drop at the open coupled with the early morning recovery caused me to look introspect and ask myself: do you want to be associated with these people?”

The answer was and is inexorably no — so I began a campaign of selling short the single best sector in the market: the semiconductors. I swooned into them and methodically added more to it as the time passed. As markets gained a footing, I hedged against my burgeoning shorts with some longs, rentals if you will. I sold most of them for profit — and kept adding to the semiconductor short, which was bound to make me a great fortune.

By mid-afternoon, markets began to take on a pornographic undertone, as the hedonists jumped out of their outer garments and buy stocks and take advantage of all of the deals. Once again, I looked inward decided that I’d hold the line and begin a crusade against the semiconductor longs — perhaps dedicate my life to it and work tirelessly to disrupt their schemes. I had increased the size of my shorts to 15.5% of my overall portfolio — selling all of my longs — leaving me naked in front of a cast of perverts, degenerates, and mountebanks.

As the final hour came upon me, I had visions of the future — dark clouds and plumes of fire billowing atop the charred remains of the sinners. I bought an array of longs near 52 week highs and then bought a 15.5% sized position in $TZA in addition to my $SOXS making me King of the Bears.

Alas, this story didn’t end the way I wanted and my passions ran cold 2 mins to the bell, when I closed out my semiconductor shorts and plans to dedicate my life in a crusade against them — taking a $10,000 loss in the process. It all seemed very maudlin to me, as I reflected upon the scotch I was about to ingest.

I did keep the $TZA, and some longs, 46% cash to play with on Monday. For the week, I made +0.17% — much better than the overall market — but not on par with the excellence in trading that I’ve been accustomed to ever since I decided to take up the avocation when I was just 10 years old.

Into next week and beyond, I look forward to increasing my courage and the overall conviction of my bias — which is, at the moment, grotesquely indecisive.

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Psychotic Tape: Moved to Cash

I gave it the olde college try, went fully long stocks and was in the rainbow themed parade with the rest of the transgendered bulls — but was disgusted by what I saw and left immediately.

I had only one small hedge, which was SHORT TREASURIES, because Pax Americana is over. Much to my chagrin, at the open of trade my PNL plunged to the tune of 0.75%, so I quickly bought a 20% weighted $SQQQ position and then shot all but one of my longs.

I’m now happy to report my losses are just 19bps for the session, which is a statement itself disgusting. It’s like saying “I only got mugged 3 times living in the big city and my wife and I really love all of the diverse and ethnic foods, really delicious — and oh my favorite food is Jamaican.”


I’m not happy at all with being down 19bps and will seek vengeance in short order.

But for now, I’m 95% cash.

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Smartly Positioned for Glory

Listen to me —

I’m a truth teller and have never taken anti-psychotics like the great many of the unwashed financial gurus you stumble upon on X. I have a patrician background in the art of money management — have done so professionally and possess a digital track record of success dating back to 2006. I want nothing from you, other than your attention.

To be clear, I am PERMANENTLY BEARISH on the market strategically but here and now I am tactically bullish. One might ask — how can you be both at once — here and there — to and fro?

Understand something, I am a multi-tasker, a man of many hats — a true talent in many things.

For example, as a boy I could throw 90mph fastballs, trade stocks, talk to girls, get straight A’s in school, and make lots of friends — because winners attract the adoration of the masses. In many regards, this is why you’re reading now — wanting, needing even, a glimpse at greatness.

I am positioned HEAVILY LONG into tomorrow — positioned alongside the transgendered bulls because we are at an important level in the market that has, in the past, produced grandiose returns to the upside.

From the bottom of my blackened heart, and I really mean this — I’d like nothing more than to see the stock market descend into chaos — trading all the way to zero if necessary. I’d even volunteer 5 years off my life to see it done. But I do not possess the power to, at least not yet, manifest things of this magnitude.

Because of this, and seeing the writing on the wall, I do believe the bears have once again squandered a chance to apply the figure 4 leg lock on the bulls and have instead offered them an opportunity to sashay gaudily in one of their rainbow themed parades — obnoxious and arrogantly buying stocks without regard for the feelings of us bears.

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Bulls Need a Miracle

I’ve traversed the landscape and all I see it chaos and ruin. Stocks are inexorably in a bear market and we’re gonna need a miracle to escape from a prolonged and retracted drawdown.

Just in the last the months — shares of our elite defense contractor Raytheon are down 30%. How are we supposed to finance global wars with the share price of our primary missile manufacturing struggling like this?

Here are some other ribald losses for you to think about whilst you smoke your estate pipes.

$NEE -34%
$AMX -22%
$EL -28%
$TGT -21%
$F -22%
$FTNT -24%
$EW -23%

For the love of God — shares of $CHWY have collapsed to the tune of -53% in the last 3 month, threatening to deprive your beagles and hounds of the bones they so preciously adore.

I know your sentiment — “we are oversold, ergo, and this goes without saying — nothing drops like a fucking anchor to the bottom of the sea.” The thing is — we might not have a ship left to drop anchor in. We might need to escape in life rafts soon and leave the spoils for the endless hordes of migrants to punch, knife, and claw about in a meandering hellscape crafted by the demonic entities you so lovingly voted into office.

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Caustic Chop

I bailed on my bullish ideas after 10 mins out there seeing stocks wanting to crater again. My patience for these sort of things grows weary over time and I tend to prefer the comforts of cash when indecision is abounds.

I have just $FNGU and $TZA now, a dastard combination if I’ve ever seen one. I should probably go to 100% cash, but then I’d feeeeeel as if I were missing out on something.

I just sold $FNGU, so now I’ll only be missing out if the markets crashes through the fucking floorboards. But even still, I’m 90% cash, so it’s not much of a position at all.

In hindsight, I should’ve placed myself in 70% cash, the rest $SQQQ, $TZA. But we cannot go back and there aren’t any do overs.

I just added some $SQQQ. The more I look at the tape, the more I hate it.

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