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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Say Goodbye to Your Fucking Rally

We’re long in the tooth here. I like AXP, UYM and SWHC, but lower. Stocks can go much higher than where they are now: but before they do, we need to retrace a little.

It’s worth noting the carnage in commercial re names, specifically VNO, KIM, TCO, SPG and ACC. It appears investors are placing large bets against retail oriented REITS. I find little reason to bet against such wise men. Moreover, I find many reasons to fade the recent run up in REITS, via selling short “The Four Reverse Horsemen of Certain Death” (WRI, ACC, MAC and HME).

As for oil: I’m not feeling it right now, in either direction. Part of me wants to throw meatloaf at XOM. And another part just wants to eat pretzels, while ignoring everything about oil and oil related stocks. However, at the end of the day, oil shall and will trade lower.

Finally, the run up in C is just plain stupid. As a matter of fact, the run up in all of the banks is borderline ludicrous, absolutely gay. However, numerically, banks are cheap. So, should this rally continue, you FAZ holders may find yourself switching places with the FAS losers, if you know what I mean. Levered ETF’s are the work of the devil. Holding them for more than a week is dangerous. Fuck around with FAZ, next thing you know that fucker is hitting single digits and you are on the back end of a foreclosure proceeding.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from the banks.

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Party Like it’s 2001

I don’t care about stocks, at the present. Having a cash position of 100% is somewhat liberating. For all you know, I could be on the corner, playing an accordion, while drinking canteens filled with Italian red.

I see the market. It’s going up and down, back and forth. Fuck off stock exchange: “The Fly” is busy with more important shit.

I’ll give you little gremlins a hint: watch the dollar. For some odd reason, treasuries are being murdered, cite TBT, and dollars are going along for the ride. Traditionally, this (a weak dollar) is good news for stocks. However, being that the Chinese are worried about their investments, one might become afraid or frazzled of a run of sorts on the U.S. dollar.

But you fuckers don’t care, do you? Go ahead, keep buying AAPL and FAS.

If forced to buy stocks, I’d explore healthcare, specifically CI, UNH or HUM. I am not impressed with the rally in bank stocks. But, the resurgence in the insurance sector is worth watching. Instead of rolling the dice with AFL, MET or ALL, I like the etf KIE, which holds all of them.

In short, enjoy this little bull run, for it will not last too much longer. And, bask in the glory of iBankCoin, as we celebrate serving up over 10 million hits, in little more than 1 year.

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Fuck AIG

Seriously, dude, the fact that AIG is being permitted to “gift” $165 million in bonuses makes me want to take a pitchfork and throw it, mind you, through my local congressman, if you know what I mean.

On top of that, we find out tonight, via bullshit AIG disclosure, that American tax payers dished out $170 billion dollars, thus far, not to just bail out the fuckers at GS, but loads of foreign dickfaces, clamoring for U.S. dollars.

Societe Generale, Deutsche Bank, Barclays and scores of foreign banks are eating caviar on your buck. Oh, and Goldman Ball Sachs received more than all of them, close to $13 billion. Well done Secretary Paulson.

In other words, we bailed out AIG, to save the bond guys at Pimpco or whoever is long AIG paper, and GS. Without government funds, GS would be trading close to $00.00.

Fuckers. Fuck AIG, Fuck GS, and fuck taxes.

Fuck, fuck, fuck fuckitty, fuck.

NOTE: Cronkite has the breakdown of U.S. funds deposited into foreign purses.

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Have a Nice Fucking Life

I’ve got shit to do here. I told you fuckers last week that this week I’d be busy with a major career move. Lo and behold, what do you do? You fuckers are peppering me with emails and leaving dumbass comments on this insanely successful website.

For the week, I made a lot of money, just in time for some home renovations and “illegal Mexican” hiring. Life is good in THE HOUSE OF FLY. The wine is strong and my balls swing low.

All you lolly pop sucking assholes have serious “identity issues,” always surfing the web and talking shit to complete strangers. I, on the other hand, pay myself $100,000 per month, to blog on iBankCoin, because taking anyone else’s money is just plain stupid.

In closing, I wish some of you a good weekend. The rest of you can go fuck yourselves, with a baseball bat made from cacti.

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