18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Imagine heading into August with your pompous charts in tow, fully long stocks like $SE, $RBLX, $SQ, $NIO, $RIVN and $PLTR. You were feeling great and also laughed at how stupid Biden was because of in spite of all of that — markets just kept going up. Your glib and smirky demeanor caused you to tweet stupid shit and make ridiculous predictions based on your present experiences. Like most low IQ individuals, forecasting out into the future is a foreign concept. Those people want their $NKE kicks now and that’s all there is to it.

You should know all of the aforementioned stocks in the opening sentences of the previous paragraph are down more than 30% for the month — mere flesh wounds in a never ending and unceasing march higher. Nike is also on a RECOURD losing streak — down 8 consecutive days. The NASDAQ is down just 5.3% for the month, so you’re not scared.

But remember last year when the NASDAQ dropped 5% in August and then another 10% in September, which promptly placed the fear of the almighty into you.

I have no disillusions here. I am down 10% for August and have traded poorly. Like you, I bought into the idea that stocks would keep marching higher and it was funny to see it go up no matter the news, in spite of the abhorrent lack of leadership. But those chickens have come home to roost and JOE FUCKING BIDEN is delirious off dementia meds and Trump is fast approaching a prison cell and Russia is threatening to pierce a stake through the heart of NATO — with China in their corner as a willing and active participant.

Feel free to oppose my thinking and convince me that I’m wrong. I am willing to listen.

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