18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Knowing When You’re Finished Comes with Seasoning

When I was a younger man I never thought I was finished or had topped, on a personal level. I arrogantly Eddie Barzoon’d my way about town, always onto the next thing in attempt to aggrandize myself with something or the other. In trading, I was in a constant state of war against real and imagined enemies — and I was always onto my next biggest win. This is why, as many of you know, I blew myself up to smithereens back in the early 2000s and I also had a much deadlier avocation that I had not discussed in such detail circa 2014.

These blowups didn’t make me a “bad trader” per se. I was still talented, but retarded. I wouldn’t know when to quit and I’d keep doubling down on the assertion that, for God’s sake, I could not be wrong. And if I had been wrong, there was always a way out and that way was, naturally, do double and triple down on the same mistakes.

Some of you morons are likely experiencing that right now.

As you grow older and “wiser” you receive “seasoning” and eventually you understand how the world works. For example, I haven’t traded all day until now, as I was busy liquidating last week’s debacles and then reallocating into this week’s picks. I scan the market and really find nothing that I like, so I sold short. I didn’t short to a large degree, just 10% against a 105% long book. But I know that whatever tape we’re in now isn’t the one I crushed last week. As a matter of fact, AI stocks have been obliterated today, confirming my uneasiness about them I experienced last week. Unfortch, that uneasiness didn’t result in me eschewing them, naturally.

There are a better than 50% chance I, personally, am done trading very well for a month or two — maybe longer. This is how it goes and it’s very mature of me to relay this to you, so you know.

What can turn me around?

One or two big gains will do. I will attempt to achieve this — but fully expect to fail.

Presently, I am -1.67% on the session.

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  1. barbee

    What can turn you around? How about a vacation?
    Nice change of scenery-maybe a European vacation. LOL
    (Don’t trade on vacay either-think of it as detox)
    Most of all have fun.

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  2. jtizzle

    Sending thoughts and prayers your way buddy!

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