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A Tale of Two Civilizations

The west has moved so far radically to the left in recent decades, even the idea of gender is controversial. I’d like to exhibit two ads for this Xmas season of spend.

On one hand is this commercial whereby Grandpa practices putting on make up in order to introduce it to what he views as his gay grandson, more or less cajoling him into becoming trans. Head of marketing at Diageo Ursula Meija-Melgar praised the commercial, calling it “one of the most beautiful projects of my career.”

On the other is Santa Putin sneaking into an LGBTQ home on Xmas eve and turning kids straight, removing LGBTQ material and what looks like actual people too.

It’s obvious to anyone paying attention, there are two distinct lifestyle choices being made here by entire civilizations. Without delving too deep into the philosophical differences between east v west — it is a fact that trans people suffer from horrendous bouts of depression and have very high suicide rates. Some will argue this is because they are cast out, feeling different and because of that want to blow their brains out. I am sure there is a little something to that too and I emphasize with anyone who is feeeeeeeeling depressed and not enjoying life to his/her fullest. From purely an anecdotal view point, growing up in the 80s — people were happier. Mass shootings rarely occurred and social discord was significantly lower. This isn’t golden aged thinking either, but statistical facts.

I hold no sway over any of this and cannot offer an elixir to the pangs being inflicted on the west. I feel a deep sense of dread when having to think about raising a young child in this environment where up is down and down does’t exist anymore. But one thing seems clear: these grievances are presently being aired out on the battle field in Ukraine. I know many of my American friends do not believe America/NATO will enter the war. However, if Russia wins this war — it will be over for NATO and represent the biggest humiliation for America in her entire history. So much is at stake and god forbid we enter back into the dark ages when boys didn’t become transvestites at the behest of grandpa.

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  1. daybreakdan

    It is not necessary to cheer for the murder 1000s of innocent people and bombing a country (that is FAR MORE CONSERVATIVE THAN “THE WEST”) into the stone ages, to fight GLOBOHOMO movement. The globohomo countries will suffer immeasurably. They already are. Just look at what is happening in these countries. Mass hysteria, mass homelessness, mass shootings, mass mental illness, whole generation that is fucked in head while also depressed and anxious. This will bring about revolution or voting with feet. Cheer for this mr Fly.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      No country, upon marching home victorious, has ever cleaned out from its ranks fools, or wholeheartedly committed to changing the error of its ways, while hearing the cheering and seeing the banners wave in the parades.

      No, America will only be healed by the ointment of defeat and balm of humiliation.

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  2. jtizzle

    The “American x mas” ad isn’t even an American commercial or in English. Get it together.

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