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General McMaster Ties Himself into a Pretzel Trying to Explain Syrian Strategy

The one thing the good General was clear on, however, was the fact that Russia needed to figure out what they’re doing in the middle east. Clearly, the United States knows exactly what to do, which entails wars that never end costing trillions of dollars — leading to the deaths of millions.

“What we’re saying is, other countries have to ask themselves some hard questions,” McMaster said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” “Russia should ask themselves, ‘What are we doing here?’ Why are we supporting this murderous regime that is committing mass murder of its own population and using the most heinous weapons available?’”

“I think, as you saw with the strike, that there has to be a degree of simultaneous activity as well as sequencing of the defeat of ISIS first,” McMaster said. “What you have in Syria is a very destructive cycle of violence, perpetuated by ISIS, obviously, but also by this regime and their Iranian and Russian sponsors.”

U.S. goals in the region, McMaster said, are “the defeat of ISIS” and “a significant change in the nature of the Assad regime and its behavior in particular.”


Watch the entire interview here. It’s amazing to see the General try to twist his way out of illogical narratives into clear, concise, policy decisions. He was resolute on his options for N. Korea, towards the end of the interview, which, basically, entailed risking nuclear war in order to ‘de-nuclearize’ the N. Korea regime. I am sure the good folks living in Seoul and Tokyo are thrilled with U.S. meddling into Asian affairs.

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  1. anjingbauwau

    Not sure if it has ben mentioned before but… Russia has had a long hisory of being influential in the Syrian political landscape. They were supporters of the Baathist coup in 1963 and have been there ever since


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    • sarcrilege

      So? What is the significance of your comment? I am retarded thus I dont get it. The fucking Zionists created the little shitty shit-disturbing terrorist state Israel by stealing land and murdering Palestinians. Why is it such a big deal for Russians to get involved? Russians got involved AFTER the tribe in the City of London Inc. got the stupid goy annex lands that were not theirs to begin with. And please, don’ t start with the bullshit of “promised land” in the Old Testament/Talmud/Torah/ etc.

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  2. anjingbauwau


    The 1963 Syrian coup d’état, referred to by the Syrian government as the 8 March Revolution, was the successful seizure of power in Syria by the military committee of the Syrian Regional Branch of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party. The traditional elite in Syria come to power during the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon. The structure of this society had a very unequal distribution of wealth between the landowners and the landless peasants:

    “An estimated three thousand families owned half of the land in Syria. The majority of small to medium properties were owned by the middle class. Some two-thirds of peasants were landless. Agricultural revenues were highly skewed – the top two percent of the population received 50 percent of the income, while the middle class (merchants or middle landowning groups), which was 18 percent of the population, earned 25 percent of agricultural revenues. The bottom 80 percent received the remainder.”


    Syrian history needs to be viewed from a longer term perspective to realize where it is today.

    George Santayana-“Those who are unaware of history are destined to repeat it.”

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    • sarcrilege

      Hey Dude, are you serious here? The fucking hofjuden conjure fake money ex nihilo and you, the goy, actually are expected to repay something that has no value with interest. Do you realize the irony of your comment? Fuck Syria. Try to think about who owns YOU! Your are nothing but chattel to debt that was created out of thin air by hofjuden. Forget about Syria. Focus on your family and community! Let ME sort out their problems. You got no stake in ME. Your family and community is your sanity.

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  3. anjingbauwau

    some interesting history presented here…. this is the type of thing I am talking about. Use the article to find specific factual events then dig around in other material to find the opposing views and see what makes sense. I do not support/deny the view point of the writer. He has his own worldview. I am just looking for information.



    Lets see if this seems reasonable… lets make the Secretary of State an Oil man. Rex
    Lets get some GS Alumni to run the financial side of things
    Lets bring in a bunch of Generals to shape foreign policy
    Lets bring in a pro Oil guy to repeal the EPA

    Big money has been brought in to run the show for a populist president? My worry is that change required in the republic can not be brought about by political means……

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    • sarcrilege

      I am not trying to be a fucking asshole here. USA has no business in ME. It’s the traitorous zionists that are getting everybody involved in ME for the sake of that little shitty terrorist state Israel. There’s double-shitizens traitors in the US congress for whom Israel comes first and Americans last. Wise up! Dont pay any attention to what’s going on ME. Focus on your family and community. The beauty of freedom are free markets. Focus on your family and community. Let’s be free by cooperating and trading in free markets, not the zionist HFT rigged fucked up and FED rigged market.

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      • frog

        I don’t know where you get this idea that neocon warmongers are all Jewish. The 2 Bushes and Cheney are not Jewish. And without them we would not have gone into Iraq twice. And there are tons of other people who are in or involved with the MIC who are not Jewish. Most of them are not.

        Open up your eyes and see beyond your racism for a change.

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        • ferd

          There are certain interests that you have to promote if you want to be a successful politician in the United States. Support for an expansionist Israel is obviously such an interest. Don’t dismiss everything that Sac says just because he is as repugnantly racist as the racists who call the shots in our politics and media.

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          • sarcrilege

            @ferd, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but, while you intent to comment in leveled manner, your ignorance (imo) shines through. I dont mind being called names if they fit; even if it is being called “repugnantly racist as the racists..”,

            It appears to me that you have no idea what racism means. And that is unfortunate. For you and many ignorants on this site commenting in the same manner.

            A racist is somebody who holds the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. Furthermore, a member belonging to a particular race is an individual related to a group of persons related by common descent or heredity. A certain race is partially isolated reproductively from other populations, whose members share a greater degree of physical and genetic similarity with one another than with other humans.

            Jewism is not a race by definition. It is a religion/believe. Judaism is not a race. For example, Ivanka Trump married a Jew, ( a dirty zionist at that) Kushner, and converted to Judaism. She is now a JEW. By heritage, Ivanka is a catholic Czech (mother’s side) and largely Lutheren German (father’s side); thus, both parents are christian.

            Unless a Jew can trace his/her heritage to Cain, the murderous bad seed, they are not semites. A semite is a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.

            So, by definition, you or any other ignorant calling me an anti-semite is an imbecile.

            Do you get it now? Or is this too complex for you?
            have a good day.

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        • sarcrilege

          @frog: I like reading your comments. They are hilarious, in their own inept and “devil’s advocate’ way. Nevertheless, I noticed that reading comprehension is not your strongest suit. I re-read my comment and NOWHERE did the word “jew” appeared. The problem here in particular and with the commenters on here in general is that they are clueless as to what zionism means.
          While zionism is a jewish thing, not all zionists are jews. The distinction is crucial to your comprehension of my comments.


          Did you catch the diff?
          you’re welcome

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    • frog

      Big money has been brought in to run the show for a guy who got elected by pretending to be populist.

      Change required in the republic can be brought about by political means. But the people have to search for and elect to office some honest competent public servants for both Congress and the presidency– not just obediently vote for some con artist that Fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, Drudge etc. tell them to vote for.

      Whoever heard of a populist who gives all his staff positions to the .01% and caters to the MIC. Some populist.

      You people are going to rue the day you failed to vote for Hillary because you believed all the stupid lies told about her by Fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, Drudge and other fake news.

      We had a chance to have a highly qualified sane president, and our nation blew it big time.

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  4. joshua

    Give them an inch, and they take the blog…. errr yard.

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