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KILL BILL: Wounded Ackman Viewed as Vulnerable Following $VRX Capitulation

Bill ‘Baby Buffett’ Ackman’s losses for this $VRX stubbornness cost his fund anywhere between $3-4b. That’s a staggering loss, especially when considering his assets under management are reportedly less than $10b (piker).

But if you thought the quest to ‘Kill Bill’ was over, just because he realized his losses on Valeant, you’d be wrong. Everyone knows that his capitulation could result in big redemptions. Ergo, his other holdings are now vulnerable — starting with another one his stubborn picks: short $HLF.

This stock has been squeezing higher for the past two days, ahead of Ackman’s VRX disclosure. The walls have ears.

Another one of Bill’s genius picks is $CMG. He got in after the brand had been destroyed — following a spate of food poison incidences. Like $JCP, I suppose Bill fashions himself to be an expert in reastaurants now.

Another giant position of Bill’s sim $QSR — because feeding America really bad food is big business.

It’s unfortunate to see Ackman struggling like so, especially after he purchased that large building in NYC. But the stock Gods will not have it any other way.

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  1. traderconfessions

    Joisey getting ass-kicked by snow? Weather gods spared the Hamptons from snow but wind is insane. Now if only the stock gods would spare SLCA.

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  2. john_galt

    Payback for being an asshole on a bicycle

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  3. masteroneass

    Guy is a total Dbag tool. He’s not a Baby Buffet. He invests in crap beat down stocks hoping they will make a recovery when we all know they won’t. Because he is a big head activist contrarian fool. Bought a Ponzi Scheme called Valeant thinking with his big head he could “fix” it but it was just a pile of rubbish Ponzi scheme yet Herbalife is OK to short because it is a Ponzi Scheme. JCP is toast nobody buys from JCP. Chipotle is a diarhea factory offering free burritos – with probably another illness factory on the way. He makes absolutely zero sense. Yet he somehow accumulated 1.5 billion dollars, I assume mostly from ripping off customers and shorting MBIA when it became completely obvious there was a meltdown, exacerbating the crisis. Does Warren Buffet short stocks just because he sees a monetary opportunity? No. Warren Buffett at least buys quality stocks with quality management most of the time Bill Ackman thinks he is the management and an expert in every Industry there is but the fact remains he doesn’t know anything about business other than how to dump money in one. Cutting Costs is fine, but sometimes Cutting costs leads to bad results. Completely undiversified. And as mentioned his biggest holding is Burger King. Yes the fast food company nobody goes to. 50 percent of his holdings are in two stocks with the possibility of a food sickness outbreak. He’s about one minimum wage fool away from getting completely cremated due to a massive food outbreak. Rule Number One Fast Food is a real bad investment unless it is McDonalds or Dominoes. And Mondelez? AKA Nabisco (has their stock price listed on their home page cute) – There is a reason why Altria dumped it. It is a loser. And he is invested in of all things a mall realty company taking the name of Howard Hughes. How stupid can one get? He actually had a decent stock in Zoetis but they probably told him to fuck off so he dumped the entire thing LOL. Taking huge gambles with his clients money. Going all the way to Zero. Total Genius.

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