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ABN Amro: Europe Mesmerized Over Trump Effect Ahead of French and Dutch Elections

Populism and nationalism continues to spread the globe, like a wildflower amidst a field of shit. Any of you lads familiar with Geert Wilders? He’s been under 24hr surveillance for the past 13 years — ever since Van Gogh was stabbed to death in the streets of Netherlands for having an anti-muslim opinion. Wilders, a party leader in Netherlands, was thought to be next on the list for his views — which are fuck the EU, cease all Islamic hordes into Netherlands, ban all mosques and the koran wherever he might rule.

The Centre for European research gives Mr. Wilders an 80% chance of winning the March 15th elections. It is, however, unlikely that he can form a coalition and become Prime Minister. No one really knows what will happen once he wins.

It is abundantly clear that there is something happening in the world now, an anti-globalist, anti-multiculturalism movement — which is as old as humanity itself. It is normal for French people to take pride in their culture, just like it’s normal for southerners in the United States to celebrate General Lee’s birthday over a large serving of buttery grits.

As investors, none of these changes have made a single difference in the trajectory of markets. For a brief while, both BREXIT and the Trump win jarred markets — but soon quickly reverted to its fake ways and jimmy-rigged its way back upwards.

But what will happen when Geert wins and his dynamism spreads into France — further convincing the French people to become great again and to reject German hegemony via the EU by voting Le Pen?

For now, ABN Amro thinks Europe is mesmerized by Trump — ignoring the perils of EU disintegration.

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  1. infinitezuul

    This can mean only one thing: Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton must be sent to Gitmo.

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  2. ironturd

    France lost 12,000 millionaires in 2016, 9,000 China, 8,000 in Brazil, with US, Canada Australia net gainers. France economically has issues way beyond immigration. Overall European nations will benefit with major changes to/defections from the EU. Growth has been grossly constrained without monetary levers to pull


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  3. anjingbauwau

    pg2 Trump is the start of the global regime change……( psst 4th turning ….)


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