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Wikileaks: Clinton’s Aid, Jake Sullivan, Used Personal Email to Discuss Regime Change in Libya

You god damned ingrates. Jake was merely trying to remove a horribly vicious dictator, in order create a power vacuum — paving the way for head cutting islamists to seize power of the country and conduct beachside beheadings for infidels who disobeyed the laws of sharia. Also, the weapons gleaned from Libya helped ISIS take over wide swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria — killing and maiming along the way — to their black heart’s delight.

Here’s Jake communicating on personal email about sensitive issues of the state.

These people are incompetent morons.

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  1. roundwego

    the bi polar inflation. The worst way. Hope everybody listened to what trump will do in 1st 100 days.


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  2. zeropointnow

    The dialogue is shifting along with the spotlight from Clinton criminal enterprise to employee incompetence regarding the already hashed out email scandal. Huma and Weiner are sacrificial lambs, and those emails will be cotton candy.


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  3. johnsmithkw

    America is the root of all terror. Since world war 2 america has overthrow more than sixty government.

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  4. johnsmithkw

    Tables and Lists of USA Actions Since 1945
    USA Backed Coups
    Military coups and changes of government, planned, organised or backed by the USA. The reasons given (Communism, terrorism, drugs, fundamentalism) are compared with the actual reasons (oil, minerals, political influence, business interests, military bases).
    USA Interventions
    Military or political interventions, invasions, bombings, military aid, sanctions, and terrorist activity by the USA against countries and popular movements. As with coups, the reasons given for the interventions are usually very different from the actual reasons. Many of these actions remain secret for many years.
    USA UN Vetos
    In the United Nations (UN), there are five countries that can veto a UN resolution. These five are the permanent members of the Security Council: USA, UK, France, Russia, and China. The USA has used its veto more times than all the other countries put together. This is a list of UN resolutions vetoed by the USA. The record of the USA voting patterns is generally under reported in the Western media.

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