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Report: Hillary Clinton Planted Child Actress at Rally to Ask Question, Depicting Trump as ‘Damaging’ Towards Young Women

The ever popular H.R. Clinton campaign, who seemingly are unable to attract small crowds to her highly sought after speeches, have been caught bussing in attendees and now have been caught — red handed — planting a child actress with democratic ties to ask her a question about the many and great evils of Donald Trump.

Here is what she asked Hillary

“Hi Madam Secretary. I’m Brennan and I’m 15 years old. At my school, body image is a really big issue for girls my age. I see with my own eyes the damage Donald Trump does when he talks about women and how they look. As the first female president how would you undo some of that damage and help girls understand that they’re so much more than just what they look like?”

Hillary’s response.

“I’m so proud of you for asking that question. You are right — my opponent has just taken this concern to a new level of difficulty and meanness. And, it’s shocking when women are called names and judged solely on the basis of physical attributes.

“My opponent insulted Miss Universe. I mean, how do you get more acclaimed than that? But, it wasn’t good enough. So we can’t take any of this seriously any more. We need to laugh at it. We need to refute it. We need to ignore it. And we need to stand up to it.”

h/t: Zerohedge

Youtube Spanglevision has the analysis.

And the fuckery continues, but not unabated.

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  1. ironbird

    That foolish 19th Amendment. We have arrived.

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  2. roundwego

    Killary, tyrone is coming for ya.


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  3. roundwego

    in the 80’s when i was in college, i fucking hated regan and thought him to be dinosaur with hate in his blood and i thought donahue should run for president. but after obama i have become full blown conservative and view liberals as dream chasers with blinders on. I know I put on blinders so I can indulge in dreams. but now dreams are boring and reality keeps pulling up surprises. the more you repress the greater the repercussions. japan and germans repress but when they blow, fucking watch out, they get medevil.

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  4. skulduggery

    This was obviously a set up live commercial for the fraud, Broom-Hilda. It should be illegal.

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