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Reed Hastings Tries to Explain Ungrandfathering Induced Subscription Disappointment in Bruce Lee Styled, Wonky, Earnings Interview

This is some real retrograde shit. On top of throwing a bag of steaming shit at investors, the rocket scientists at NFLX can’t even get the tech right to stream a fucking conference ‘interview’. I don’t know about you, but I am perfectly fine with the old fashioned conference calls. Remember back in the days you had to actually pick up a phone to hear a call?

Well, thanks to modern efficiencies, we can now enjoy an earnings interview with the same fidelity of the 1972 Sunday afternoon kung-fu movie.

Truly embarrassing. Oh, his excuses were bad too; but I was mostly too distracted by the Bruce Lee styled lip synching to heed any attention.

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One comment

  1. javiergoldstein

    Wedbush Capital price target increased from $45 to $50 this morning…hilarious.

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