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Cruz Comfortably Ahead of Trump with 75% of Iowa Votes In

Ted Cruz, the Goldman Sachs candidate, is well ahead of Trump, at 31,000 votes to Trump’s 27,000– with 75% of the votes in. Rubio is right behind Trump with 22% of the vote. Anyway you slice it, the invisibility of Trump has been dispatched tonight, despite the fact that Iowa is an utterly useless state.

Nevertheless, The Donald is going to need to start spending more money on his campaign. Thus far, he’s used his star-power as an excuse to run it like an popsicle stand–running a misery campaign with a skeleton crew. If Trump doesn’t win in New Hampshire, he will need to really start using his net worth to crush all of his enemies.

On the dem side, Clinton holds a razor thin lead over Sander, 50-49%, with 77% in.

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One comment

  1. Po Pimp

    The next time I give a shit about who people in Iowa vote for will be the first.

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