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Morgan Stanley: China’s Chances of Growing at 6%, “Essentially, Zero”

Judging by the pinless hand grenade action in all china related commodities, dry bulk shipping rates, U.S. industrials who do business in China, for all intents and purposes, China is a major drag on worldwide swag.

In a word, we are swagless because China is filled with dickless, communist, liars.

Morgan Stanley tends to agree.

No economy over the past half century has expanded at 6 percent or more as its labor force shrank, according to Ruchir Sharma, the head of emerging markets for Morgan Stanley Investment Management. China, which must grow at least 6.5 percent a year to meet its goal of doubling 2010 gross domestic product by 2020, is more likely to expand between 4 percent and 5 percent as the country’s working-age population contracts, he said.

“Based on historical evidence, the probability that China can grow at 6 percent or more is essentially zero,” Sharma a long-time bear on Chinese stocks who made the Bloomberg Markets 50 Most Influential list this year, said in a phone interview from New York on Wednesday. He cited his own study of the growth path of 200 countries over the last 50 years and said it’s one reason he’s pessimistic on Chinese equities.

The Chinese need to get the dicks out of their ears, Jack Ma out of their wallets, and put some boots on the ground in Syria, start a war or “conflagration” somewhere like the US of A.

I am fairly certain China circles down the toilet bowl for good in 2016.

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One comment

  1. blahblahblah

    they could say the same about the MS stock performance.

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